Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wipe That Smile Off You're Face

my night at the HCT

by fob4ever 3 reviews

amazing is an understatement

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 249 words

everyone said i wouldnt win. i was starting to believe them. but at the last minute, i found out that i had won Pete Wentz's signature bass. It was at the end of Paul Wall's set. We missed TAI. It sucked, but meeting fob was so much better. i barely missed it. its amazing that i even won. i got into the meet and greet with my friend and i got to take a picture with them and Petes bass (you know, the one he plays with every night). it was an increadible night, to say the least. I wore my Scarface shirt and Joe said it was cool C: patrick said dcongradulations to me. I could barely look him in the eyes. i thoguht i'd say something stupid. But i told Pete that i was gonna run away with his guitar. I was holding it after the picture, and i asked him if he wanted it back. he said no, you hold onto it. so i smiled and said "ok, so i'm just gonna go take it for a walk and if it never comes back, you know what happened." so that was just meeting them. i got to talk to TAI and met alot of cool people. William said i shouldnt watch Scarface cause i'm too young. pshh. anyway, this was the best night of my life.

p.s. if anyones an ock, let me know! it'll be cool to know if any boardies are on here.
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