Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Curse


by MyChemPrincess77 2 reviews

hmm sorry this is kind of short...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-02 - 474 words

Breakfast was worse than last night. I guess my parents were still mad about the whole Aston Kutcher thing. But it was still really awkward, because I think Mikey heard me talking to myself last night.
Ok maybe I talk to myself... But it was only last night. He probably thinks this family is a freak show. Fuck, I kind of do, too. Who wouldn't? That book is a joke. Its all a firkin joke.

I suddenly grabbed my head in pain. Every time I thought about that damn book it gave me a headache.
"Gerard, are you okay?" my dad asked. I shook my head no.
Of course I am not okay. Yesterday I just found out I am a "Relation to the Way Curse."
"Are you ok Gerard?" my dad asked me with a concerned look on his face.
"I just have a headache," I told him.
"You are getting those a lot. Should we call the doctor?" my mom inquired.
"Maybe you are getting lyme disease," Mikey suggested with a smug look on his face. I rolled my eyes at him.
"What? A sign of that is getting headaches a lot!" he defended when my mom shot him a look.
"Enough with the suggesting diseases ok?" she asked, sounding clearly pissed. I smirked a little. The thought of him telling my parents about his problems came up. It seemed like he gained a new one every day. But so was I.
I have so solve this. That book is my only answer to everything. But reading that book could change my life forever. Maybe I can just ask dad if he knows. Maybe he-
"Gerard? The bus is here," Mikey informed me. I nodded and stood up, pretending to be ready to face another day in hell.


About halfway on the bus ride the thought of my detention slip came up.
Shit! I didn't get that damn thing signed...
I looked down the bus isle at Gerard, who was sitting next to that girl Tracey. I quietly laughed at my brother, who had an I am as bored as hell look on his face. Tracey was talking away, not even noticing that he wasn't paying attention. Now would be a good time to ask him if he could pick me up after detention.
I looked at the distance between my seat and his. There were a lot of people sitting on this over-filled bus, all hanging around in the isle and talking. I kind of didn't want to bother them. Maybe I will wait until the bus reaches the school... Then I will ask him.

hey guys i am sorry you had to wait FOREVER to get this cheap little filler. i wont be able to update on the 3rd or 4th.. sorry..
im gonna go play the Wii now.
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