Categories > Original > Drama > The Best Kept Secret & The Worst Told Lies

The Fear In Her Eyes

by MidnightxWarning 0 reviews

Karen has a secret, a secret no one can know.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 584 words

Karen ran. She ran as fast as she could, she could hear her footsteps pounding against the road, the heels of her tennis shoes were so worn she could feel the road underneath them, causing her feet to bleed, but she had to get away, she had to escape this aching and abuse. How far could she get? she thought, before she was caught. Before she was dragged back to all she was scared of. She searched for anybody, anybody at all, but there was no one, she was alone. As she rounded the corner she saw a pair of car headlights speeding towards her, her heart pounded, her ears throbbed, her feet and legs tired, blood was dripping from the wounds on her arms and back, bruises aching, but she continued to run. The car began to get closer and closer, there was just no escape, this was the end. Screeching brakes, a car door violently opening, loud footsteps, and hands around her, this is what happened next, this is what she felt and heard. She cried out, no one could hear her, trapped within the grips of his hands. She was being brought back to the pain she wanted no more of. Karen was pulled and thrown into the car, back into the hands of her father.. She had already suffered 15 years of it, how much more could she take?

The car ride home was of course unbearable. It took all she had to stop herself from jumping out of the speeding car, anything would be better than this. She was so lucky her father paid mind to the road, keeping his hands on the wheel, instead of on her. But his voice, driving couldn't stop that. The yelling, it hurt. She could hear his screams echoing in her ears. "You're worthless! You don't deserve anything! How could you be so stupid as to leave, you can't escape me, Karen. Your mother didn't and neither will you. You know, you're just like her, and one day you'll suffer what she went through, she finally got what she deserved, in the grave is where she is meant to be, and her footsteps will soon be followed by you. But I'm not through with you, oh no, far from done.." And then that evil laughter. She had to hold back the tears, if she let them fall, oh boy.. She would really get it then, even more than she would get when she got home. At least she had school tomorrow, an escape from the pain, the suffering. But she also had to deal with hiding the scars, hiding the bruises, the cuts, the pain. Nobody knew what she dealt with each day, no one knew the real reason why her mother died, everyone thought she simply jumped out the window herself, ending her life herself. But Karen knew better than that, she had witnessed what really happened. Her father had another one of his fits and it just went too far.. And the next thing she knew she was watching her father push her mother, the one who cared for her more than anyone, out of the window. And at that time, everything changed, it just went farther and farther downhill, if she spoke of what happened to anyone, her death would be sooner than presumed. She didn't understand why this all happened to her, why her father was like this, all she knew was she had to leave, had to get free.
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