Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Divide and Conquer

One Again And Divided

by story_master 2 reviews

Ice is back with a vengeance and an evil plan that is sure to take down Delilah and Julius. She wants revenge for all the times that those two have taken her down, and this time she knows exactly h...

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 1480 words

Tory:Hey! OKay once again UBER sorry for not updating sooner. I had to focus on school for a while and things have been pretty stressful and busy at home. But I'm back and sadly to bring a close to this story. There's only a few more to go after this. But it's been a fun ride! Anyways, here's the next one. ENJOY!

Disclaimer:I don't own the show, just my stories and any OC I happen to make up.:D


One Again And Divided

"You thought you'd be sneaky did you? You thought that you help Delilah out?" Ice asked in a sickly sweet voice that sounded venomous.

"She's my sister." Danny muttered pathetically, his eyes cast to the floor.

He had been caught by some of Ice's dogs. He hadn't even made it twenty yards from the building before they dragged him back. And by then Ice had found Ursula and Emmet.

"Oh she's your sister? You thought you'd save her and make up for abandoning her in the past? Well now I'm just going to have to get rid of both of you..." she paused for a moment before a sinister smirk came across her face, ".. on second thought. I'll have you get rid of Delilah for me."

Danny's eyes went wide with shock and fear before anger reigned. "Never. I'd never hurt Delilah."

"Never? You've already hurt her. And now your going to kill her for me. In case you've forgotten, we made a deal. You don't do what I want and I won't tell you where your parents are." Ice knew just where to kick a person when they were down to make sure they didn't get up.

"Fine." he choked out after a minute or two.

A pleased grin crossed Ice's face before she ordered him to be put away for the time being. She couldn't very well have him getting away, now could she?


"Julius..." Delilah started as they got ready to head out.

"Yeah De?"

"How'd you find me?" it had been bothering her a lot.

"Where ever you go, I'll always find you. Because we're- were partners." his smile faded at the end.

"Juls... I'm sorry about that. I was- I wasn't thinking when I said all that. It's just..." she trailed off trying to gether the scattered mess known as her mind.

"Just what De?" he asked.

"I had been searching for my parents through some old files and found some leads. They were all in Florida. I kept them in a scrapebook- that's what I was hiding from you that night. It's been so long since I've seen them and I was so obsessed with finding them that I guess I just starting seeing them everywhere..." she trailed off again still trying to collect all her thoughts.

"Why didn't you tell me that? I would've undestood that. I thought we never had any secrets De." Julius almost whispered at the end.

"We didn't Juls. But I found out that they were wanted by some criminals they put away. And anyone that they knew became a target too. I- I didn't want you to get caught up in any of it. That's why I said I didn't want to be parnters."

"Delilah... I couldn't sleep at night if I knew that you were out there somewhere in trouble without me. I'll always have your back. No matter what."

"I know Julius. But... I didn't want to put you in harm's way. I couldn't stand to lose another person I loved." she said it without even realizing her slip.

"De..." he was at a loss for words. Julius, the guy who always knew the right thing to say was at a loss for words.

"We- we should get goi-" she stopped short, eyes widening.




"We need to go back for him." she could've slapped herself for forgetting about him.

"But, he's working for Ice."

"No, he's not. He freed me when I was in there. We need to save him."

"Delilah he tried to hand you over to Ice more than once. How can you still trust him?"

"He's my brother Julius. I have to trust him."

"Okay. Let's go." Julius knew that Delilah would argue with him till the end of time. And he also knew that she'd been hoping to find her real family for years. How could he just tell her they were going to leave him behind? He couldn't.


"How do you know Delilah's going to come back for him?" Ursula asked.

"He's her brother. She's not going to leave her long lost family alone." Ice replied still grinning.

"What about Julius? You said before that he'd come too."

"Look I would love to stand here and answer your questions all day, but I'm trying to plot my revenge. So go do something usefull before I decide to get rid of you." Ice snapped. She never was one for patience.

"Whatever." the blonde muttered bitterly before walking away. She was beginning to forget why she had even agreed to free Ice.

Looking over the security screens, Ice giggled like a little kid on Christmas. They were coming.


"So what's the plan once we get inside?" Julius asked as they hid the snowmobile.

"Well chances are that Ice figured out Danny let me go by now. She's probably holding him in one of the cells. Our best bet is to sneak in through the air ducts and find him."

"Okay, I see a vent about ten feet up." Julius said as he surveyed the building.

The two climbed in and went into full spy mode. They didn't have any gadgets on them so they had to be extra careful. This was going to be one tricky rescue mission.


They had been going around in the air ducts for a little over an hour when she saw him.

"Danny." she whispered loudly enough for him to hear.

"Delilah?" he looked up. 'Oh crap.'

The two spies dropped into the room silently and Delilah untied her brother.

"Come on. We're getting you out of here." she said.

"No. You have to leave right now." He couldn't go, he knew that for a fact.

"Danny, I'm not leaving you behind."

"Delilah you don't understand. Ice is going to kill you if she finds out you're here. Go."

"Correction. You're going to kill her Danny. Or did that slip your mind?"

"Ice." Julius spat like it was poison.

"Hello there cutie. Glad to see you could make it to Delilah's goodbye party."

"Your not going to win Ice. We're sending you back to prison, where you belong." Delilah stated.

"That's so cute. You think you still have a chance. But I bet you weren't expecting this." Ice laughed as she slam the door shut behind her and looked through the window. A greyish smoke began to fill the room. Sleeping gas.

The worlds of the three spies began to fade as the effects of the gas set in. Everything turned from fuzzy to black.


Delilah woke with a pounding headache. 'Julius? Danny?' Her vision became clear and she really wished it hadn't. She was outside in the snow again. How she hated the cold.

Standing on shaky legs she looked aorund and took in her surroundings. It seemed to be... inside. It had to be, because the last time Delilah checked the sky didn't have giant light hanging from it.

"Delilah! So good to see you're awake. You'd better hurry though. Your dear Julius is in quite a lot of trouble." Ice's voice came from what seemed like everywhere. Delilah guess it was a loudspeaker or something.

Delilah looked around and tried to decide which way to go. If Julius was in trouble she needed to find him and fast. Picking a direction Delilah made to run, but she stopped short as a figure emerged from the snow.

"Sorry Delilah. But I can't make things easy on you, now can I? Have fun." Ice laughter floated around Delilah and annoyed her to no end.

"I'm sorry Delilah."



Tory: Once again so sorry for not updating in a loooong time and incredibly sorry for the short chapter. I promise the next one will be longer and definitely posted sooner. So the plot thickens and things take a new twist. I just don't give them any breaks do I? Nope. I can't help it- I need a story to have twists and turns or sadly enough I get bored and walk away from it. What's going to happen to Delilah? Will Danny really kill her? And what about poor Julius? Ha! The chain of cliffies continues! lmao. sorry I had to say it. Anyways, please review and I'll try to have the next one up soon. Until then, cheers!;D
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