Categories > Original > Romance > James' Gift

"I'm Gay"

by GerardWay69 0 reviews

A little story I made up maybe 6 years ago, loosely based off of NSYNC, James-Lance, Randy-Justin, Chris-Chris, Josh-JC, Joey-Joey. James is gay, and his friend falls in love with him, what happens...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-06-26 - Updated: 2007-06-26 - 612 words

Randy walked down the staircase to the hallway and into the living room. James, his best friend, was sitting in there, sleeping. Randy smiled softly; James looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Randy plopped onto the couch, which made James jump awake. "Hey sleepy!" Randy yelled. James groaned softly, "My head hurts so badly."
"What did you do to it?" asked Randy.
"Dunno. It just hurts." James held his head, walked to the bathroom, and took some Advil. He then walked into his room, and lay down to rest. Randy turned on the TV, and soon fell asleep. Chris, a friend of James' snuck in and tip-toed up to him, and screamed in his ear, "Wake up!"
Randy jerked awake, and hit Chris, "What the hell was that for?!"
"You looked so peaceful. I just had to wake you up!" Randy scoffed softly, and Chris had on his goofy smile. James poked his head into the room, "Hey Chris!"
"Hey James!" James had always acted a little feminine, but his friends never seemed to care, or notice. His eyebrows were always perfect, and sometimes it looked like he wore make up. He was soft spoken, and very shy, he had striking green eyes, and brown with blonde streaks hair, he was about 5' 4" and was not too thin, but not too fat.

One evening, James was sitting at a park near by his house, reading a book. Some guys saw him there, "Hey you little fag! What are you reading? A fucking romance novel?"
"No." answered James.
"Right. You know guys; I think we should beat this little fag up!" They all jumped on James, and started beating him up. "Stop!" James started to panic.
"He said 'stop', should we?"
Randy looked over at where James was, when he did, he saw three men beating him up. He ran over to help him.
"Hey look! It's his bitch!"
"James is NOT gay!" Randy yelled.
"Right...and I'm the fucking president of America."
Randy grabbed the person who said that, and started punching him. James tried to fight back, but he wasn't strong enough. Chris realized what was happening to his friends, and ran over to help. He grabbed a guy, and beat him to a bloody mess, "GET OUT OF HERE!" Chris yelled, and all three men ran off.

James had a broken nose, and a split lip. Randy carefully began to wipe off the blood, as James quivered in pain, " didn't have to do that."
"Yes, I did, that's what friends are for."
James sighed softly, "Sometimes I wish I wasn't like this."
"Like what, James?"
"Didn't you know I was gay?" he queried.
"No, I never knew." As Randy wiped some blood off of James' lip, a single tear fell from his eye. They all helped James to a hospital, and as they were waiting, Randy was helping James with his nose. A nurse walked up to them, "What happened to you?" she asked James.
"Um, we were playing baseball, and I got hit by a fly ball."
She took the gauze off his nose, "Well, first let's stop the bleeding, so lie down." An aide walked up to him, "Sir, how do you pronounce your last name?"
"Ka-naa-ka. Kanaca."
"Oh, thank you Mr. Kanaca."
"No problem, but please, call me James."
"And your middle name is Lance?"
The nurse walked back in, "Okay, let me see it again?" she removed the gauze, and then reset the bones, putting on a protective sheath. "I'm going to prescribe you some pain killers, and if the bleeding starts up again, use these pads, okay?" James nodded his head carefully.
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