Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > You Are Everything You Ought To Be

Chapter 2

by luckysgc921 5 reviews

more in the lives of Ryan and Beth.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 1454 words

Beth stared at the red digital numbers on the clock trying to figure out what had woken her when she heard a crash coming from the kitchen. Quickly sitting up in bed she quietly opened the nightstand drawer and glanced inside to see the small handgun her police officer brother had insisted she get a permit for and learn to use when she moved out to Vegas. Relaxing very slightly she pulled on her bathrobe and slipped the gun into its pocket. Quietly she crept across the room and opened her bedroom door to the sounds of more things being dropped and rifled through. On her way down the hallway she grabbed the cordless phone from its stand and very slowly stuck her head around the corner into the living room. The sight that greeted her caused fury to run through her veins.
Ryan Ross was standing in the middle of her living room trying to clean up a broken tumbler and a bottle of scotch. The very same Ryan Ross she hadn't heard from in over a month. He looked up in surpise and waved sheepishly at the blonde woman.
"Hey Beth."
"Hey Beth? Do you realize I could have shot you?"
"With what?" He asked sluring his words slightly.
"With what? The gun you know I have. I don't exactly live in the best neighborhood Ry. Would you stop trying to clean that up before you hurt yourself."
"I'm sorry I dropped it."
"Yea, I'm sure you're very sorry. Go sit on the couch. I'll be right back." Beth pointed at the old but comfortable couch that was behind the younger boy and then she head back to her bedroom. Standing in the middle of her room Beth ran a hand over her face and through her hair. Groaning to herself she put the gun back, after double checking the safety, and grabbed her glasses from the nightstand. Putting them on she glanced in the mirror and made a face.
"Yuck. No wonder I haven't heard from him in a month. When did you get old?"
"You're not old." Ryan's voice echoed from the doorway causing Beth to jump and turn around.
"Don't do that! You'll give me gray hair before my time."
"I've seen you dye it babe. It's already getting there."
"Don't be an asshole. What are you doing here? Drunk no less."
"I got dropped off."
"I would hope so. How's your girlfriend?"
"Don't play dumb Ryan, I do try and keep up on what's going on in the lives of those I fuck. Let me get changed and I'll drive you home."
"I want to stay here," Ryan said smoothly and slipped his arms around her waist kissing her neck softly.
"No. You can sleep on the couch if you are going to whine. I'll get you a blanket." With those words Beth pushed Ryan away from her and grabbed an extra blanket from the end of her bed and handed it to him. Ryan just stared at her in shock for a second before rolling his eyes and going back into the living room. Once he was gone Beth sat down hard on the end of her bed and shook her head.
"He's a kid Beth. Get it out of your head now." She whispered to herself.

The next morning Beth woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Stumbling barely awake down the hallway she walked into the kitchen and gaped at the sight of a shirtless Ryan cooking eggs in her kitchen.
"Umm...morning?" She asked more then stated.
"Good morning gorgeous. Coffee?"
"Sure....what are you doing?"
"Making breakfast."
"You look like you could stand to eat most of it. Doesn't that bad of yours make enough money to buy food?"
"I'm not that bad."
"Ryan you look like the poster child for Anorexia in Men"
"I really do eat though Beth. You know that. Freaking metabolism."
"I wish I had that problem." Beth muttered as she sipped her coffee from the table.
"You look amazing. Stop harping on whatever you're harping on."
"You're girlfriend looks better."
"My girlfriend is a bitch." Beth choked on her coffee at his blunt statement.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"Then why is she your girlfriend?"
"Ohhhhhh...and it all makes sense now."
"What does?"
"Why you dropped off the face of the earth for the past month. Hey, how did you get in here anyway? I didn't give you a key."
"I had one made when I used your car the day mine was getting inspected."
" did?"
"Yea. I didn't think you'd give me a key if I asked, I wasn't waiting for you to offer, and I wanted one."
"What a charmer you are."
"I try." He smiled cheekily as he sat breakfast down in front of them and joined her at the table. Beth rolled her eyes and grabbed food.
"So...tell me about this bitch?" Beth prompted a few minutes later.
"Well, like I said, its all about image. I can't stand her, she gets her face everywhere. The situation works out well for all involved."
"Except me."
"Wha? How does it not work out well for you. We can still see each other."
"Not so long as you have a girlfriend. I am not one of those girls Ryan."
"But, I don't have a girlfriend."
"You're fans say otherwise."
"My fans are 15 and think they're going to marry me."
"Ryan, I refuse to have that type of stigma attached to my name. I like you, you know that, but it wouldn't have worked out between us anyway. Give me a call when you're single if you're bored and want to have some fun. Lose my number, and key until then." Beth stood up and headed back into her bedroom to sulk.

A week later Beth was wandering around the grocery store picking up a few things she needed when she heard a squeal. Poking her head around the corner she giggled to herself at the sight of Ryan surrounded by four girls who looked all of fourteen. He was smiling and signing things and taking pictures but she could tell he was completely uncomfortable. After a few more minutes she took pity on the kid.
"Babe? Did you get what you need? We're going to be late." She asked loudly enough to get their attention. Acting like she had just come around the corner she put on a surprised face and then smiled. "Ohh! Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt."
"Oh! There you are!" Ryan said looking at her like she had just saved him from sharks. "Guys, I'm really sorry but we have to get going, we're going to be late to a bar-be-que." The girls "ooo'd" and "awe'd" and let Ryan and Beth move down the isle. "Thank you so much." Ryan hissed at her as he slipped an arm around her waist.
"You can thank me by coming to dinner with me."
"Huh? I thought you didn't want to be seen with me while I have a girlfriend?"
"My parents are in town." Ryan stopped dead at her statement.
"Yes Parents. And they want to meet the "man in my life" or something."
" don't have one."
"They might think differently."
"BETH!" he half shouted on the checkout line.
"I'm sorry, I mentioned I was sort of seeing someone and my mother sort of ran with it."
"When did you mention this?"
"When we were sort of seeing each other a few months ago."
"You hate me don't you?"
"Actually, quite the opposite. I like you very much."
"Then why parents? I hate parents. I've never been the good "introduce to parents" type boy."
"Really? That surprises me a lot actually."
"Yea well...I tend to open my mouth and insert my foot more often then not around parents."
"Oh goodie. So this will at least be entertaining."
"No. Beth."
"Please Ryan?" Beth pouted at the younger by and looked at him adoringly.
"Don't make that face. I'm not letting your parents think we're involved."
"Please Ryan. Pleasseeeeeee."
"We can have sex." Beth leaned over and whispered the last comment into his ear.
"What time and where?"
"That's what I thought you'd say." Beth smiled as she handed the cashier her credit card with one hand and squeezed Ryan's hand with the other.

A/N: to be honest I have no idea where I'm going with this. I'm just kind of writing it when I have a few free minutes. Oh and there is a new banner for the story in my profile--the guitar just wasn't cutting it.
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