Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Opposite Sex

Part 4: The Show Must Go On

by HeartBreakTape 0 reviews

Their heart beats were ringing in their ears. Tiffany grabbed the mike, but forgot how to speak. She didn't know what to say, but before anyone noticed her hesitation, Dani did it for her.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 850 words

After a month of practicing, they had made lots of progress. They weren't great, but they were okay and that was as good as they were going to get.

"Okay you guys, the show is tomorrow, so we'll need to get you guys ready and what not. Be at the airport by six tomorrow morning."

"Okay seriously, we will never be able to pull this off." Shannnon complained.

"You guys, sound fine."

"You're only saying that because you can't cancel or go on looking like us. We suck and we know it."

"No you don't, just relax and stay focused." They knew Patrick wasn't going to back down, so they gave up.

"I hope we don't mess it up." Courtney said as they got out of the cab as they entered the airport.

"Don't worry; they wouldn't let us get up there if we were really that bad." Shannon reassured her, "We'll do fine as long as we focus."

"Singing a different tune now aren't we?! Yesterday you wanted to give it all up."

"I was just stressed out about it."

"Shannon's right' we all need to forget our fears and focus." Dani agreed. Tiffany leaned on Dani as they reached the guys in line and took a deep breath. She had the most pressure on her, being the lead singer. She just hoped she wouldn't screw it up.

"You'll do fine Tiffany. I think out of all of us, you made the most improvement. You sound great and you know all the lyrics. Don't worry so much."

"Thanks Shannon...." The flight attendant took their tickets.

"Tiffy, I know you'll do great." Pete kissed her cheek. It was a little weird because he looked like Dani, but it was the thought that counted.

"I hope you're right." They bored the plane and waited for it to take off. They were jittery, but the guys kept reassuring them that they'd do fine.

It was weird being looked at hungrily by all the weirdo fan girls that walk by and asked for an autograph and pictures. But the guys felt even more uncomfortable when the same girls gave them dirty looks. They tried to ignore most of them and just get to the arena.

"Okay you guys, the show starts in an hour." Patrick announced through the door of their dressing room while the four of them sat inside watching the clock. Shannon could have sworn it stopped a few times.

"Ugh...I just want to get up there and get it over with already." She threatened under her breath. Finally, Patrick came in and dragged them out.

"You're on next. Are you guys ready?" The nodded as the previous band said their final words to the audience. Tiffany looked mega worried. "Just relax; you're going to do fine." He hugged her.

"Thanks Trick, I hope you're right."

"He is. You guys made a lot of progress and I know you can pull this off." Andy and Pete agreed as they motioned for them to get on stage.

"Here we go." Courtney said under her breath.

Their heart beats were ringing in their ears. Tiffany grabbed the mike, but forgot how to speak. She didn't know what to say, but before anyone noticed her hesitation, Dani did it for her.

"Hey everybody, we're Fall Out Boy..." She was amazed to here her voice ring through the arena. "...and we're going to start out with a personal favorite..." Immediately they began playing Dance Dance. Tiffany had gathered up all the confidence she had and belted it. She was surprised that they were actually pulling it off. The millions of thoughts and worries that had been racing through their heads were gone. Every once and awhile, they thought they'd missed a beat, but you couldn't hear it at all. When the song ended the crowd cheered; they hadn't noticed any change. They continued on to the next song with a huge boost of confidence. And again they pulled it off.

When they got of the stage, Shannon let out a loud sigh. "I guess we really didn't do that bad." She was exhausted along with everyone else.

"You guys were great." Joe congratulated them, hiding a bit of a smile.

"Thanks, but I never want to do that again." Courtney sat down and closed her eyes. Tiffany joined her.

"Well, good thing it was only one show, huh? But I'm sure you could pull off another one." Pete told them. Shannon had a feeling something was going on, but couldn't quiet figure it out.

"Oh yes, because we are so wonderful at being you." rolled her eyes. "I swear I missed so many notes, it was horrible. I'm surprised it wasn't in the least bit noticeable."

"Yeah, we didn't hear any mistakes either."

When they finally left the arena, fans lined the fence that separated them. They screamed and cheered for them. They waved, but kept walking. Then they reached the limo and headed back to their hotel room where they ordered in pizza and watched late night pay per view movies.
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