Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is the Best Day Ever

Demolition Lovers

by Sosickprincess 1 review

Bria & Gerard, possible odd-couple, make plans.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-05 - 459 words

Chapter I.

It was 5:27 PM when Mrs. Kendall interrupted, the library was closing. Gerard and Bria quickly
gathered their things. Two hours had already managed to slip past. The school halls were vacant
and silent seeing how classes had long been dismissed. Both prized the time alone, though
neither would admit so.

"Plans this weekend?" Bria asked.
"Uh, not really... You?"

While some looked to make good on major party plans, Bria was headed to Vermont. It was her
aunt's 40th birthday. Gerard listened diligently as she spoke. He kept his eyes forward and dared
to look only when she asked him question. It was stupid, but conversations with her were just
easier this way. He couldn't stand her curious stares. Every time their eyes locked, it seemed as if
she was picking apart his thoughts. Nothing was private. Bria coaxed every secret out.

February 22nd was when Bria and Gerard first met. Mr. Perez volunteered Gerard to be her
chemistry tutor. Usually he would have refused, but the extra-credit Perez offered was too good
to pass up. Now their sessions were over and his opinion of her had definitely changed. On first
impression, she came off as any other cookie-cutter blonde, attractive, popular, and charming.
Guys flocked simply because they couldn't have her. What made Bria different was her level
head. She had her mind set on what she wanted. Getting out of Jersey. Another plus was her
closet comic book addiction, which drew Gerard in like a moth to the flame.

Their wandering led them to the front school yard. Bria took a seat on a bench and Gerard
followed without any formal invitation.

"So... graduation, huh?"
Gerard nodded, "Yeah. Two weeks."
"You excited? You have to be excited. I mean this is it
for you."
"Yeah. Guess it is."

Once he had that diploma he could do whatever he wanted. College. Travel. Tell all his jackass
teachers where to shove it, as Bria so eloquently put it. No looking back, but before he made any
vows there were some things he required his attention.

"Um, Bria."
"Yeah, Gerard"
"I-I told my mom I'd be home for dinner so..."
"Oh, yeah. Sure."

He picked up his binder and sketch book as he stood. This was ridiculous. If he couldn't muster
any courage now, nothing would ever change.

"Bria, would you like to --- I understand if you don't, but
would you wanna hangout sometime this weekend?"
"Well, I've got Vermont and the birthday party ---"
"Yeah, I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry, I'll just see you
She jumped from her seat, "Wait! I get back Sunday
afternoon so we can do something then."
"Really? Alright. Um, movies sound okay?"
"Yeah, great."
"Okay. So, Sunday then."
Bria nodded, "Sunday."
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