Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is the Best Day Ever

[Untitled Track]

by Sosickprincess 1 review

Bria searches out Mikey after Gerard's MIA. Results not so great.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-05 - 863 words

Chapter III

The school bell chimed dismissing lunch. Mikey got up from the table, gathering his books and tray. He
caught wind of a pop quiz in English, which he was not prepared for. Maybe this was a good time to get
violently ill. As he tossed out his trash he saw her, she certainly saw him. Mikey glared at her and turned to
leave. The nerve of that chick, he thought. Since Monday, everywhere he went, there's Bria. Algebra,
there's Bria. Lunch, there's Bria. At his locker, there's Bria. If she was stalking him, she was doing a horrible
job. And it was getting old, quick. Rather than head to class, he opted for another route. It would get him
out of the pop quiz and throw Bria off his trail.

"Ms. Woods. Can I have a bathroom pass?" Bria asked.

She walked down the hall and to the nearest exit, far from any bathroom. This is so stupid, she mumbled. If
she got caught out here during class, it would be detention without a doubt. Still for some unfound reason
Bria continued to roam campus with no exact destination in mind. If Ms. Woods even noticed by now she
had been gone for ten minutes, she'd be totaled. But looking at the chances and the fact that Ms. Wood
was knocking on deaths door, she as little more time to spare.

Bria was passing the outdoor courtyard ready to head back, when she spotted him. She walked over to the
fence then hesitated. Whatever she planned to say last night had slipped from her memory. Heading back
to class was looking better and better, but Bria wouldn't back down now. Speaking to him wasn't a big deal
anyways. He wasn't the one she had issues with, even though they have traded plenty of cold stares.

Mikey was sitting on a lunch table his headphones at full volume. He'd finally scored some new tunes.
When Bria entered the courtyard, Mikey stared at her, but quickly looked away. What is she doing out here,
he wondered. There was hardly ever a soul out here. The looming, shadowy trees were a turn-off. But there
she was taking a seat on top of the table across from him. They both waited for the other to speak first. It
was a silent competition, with two worthy competitors.

"What are you staring at?" Mikey asked, throwing in the towel.
"What happened to your face?"
"Funny you should ask."

Bria waited for an explanation of Mikey's fading black eye. He only shrugged and looked away.

She cleared her throat. "Listen, I was -- can you ditch the
headphones please?"
"The headphones. It's rude."

Mikey laughed then removed his headphones like she asked. He couldn't believe she was talking to
him about rude. Apparently, Bria needed a reality check.

"Thank you. Now, I only came out here because, well, you're Gerard's
brother, right?"
"Right. Well, I haven't seen him since -- we just haven't talked and he
hasn't been in school all week and I was wondering if he was okay?"
"You mean did he survive you dumping him? Hate to disappoint you
princess, but yes he did."
"I didn't dump him. We weren't even dating really. I just ---"
"Look, do you have a problem with me or something?"

Mikey laughed again, she was denser then he thought. Bria spent all her time concerned with hair, nails,
shopping, and her own social life she didn't stop to think that maybe she'd be hurting someone else. She
wasn't the only person alive and other people did matter, even if she chose to ignore them.

"I'm just not accustomed to the company of royalty. Here I'll make you
more comfortable."

He grabbed his things and hopped off the table. It was moments like these she usually let a guy walk away.

"Hey, hold on a second!" She yelled.
Mikey turned. "What did I forget to bow?"
"You don't even know me. You see me and you think all I care
about is make-up and getting on prom committee."
"Am I wrong?"
"No. I like make-up and I'd love to get on prom committee,
but there's more to me than that. And you thinking that I'm stuck up
doesn't make you any better."
"You're right. The fact that I have a heart makes me a better
` person, princess."
Bria nodded. "You think you're better than me? You know, I - just
because I'm not ---"
"Are gonna cry?" He asked appalled.
"Just tell Gerard I hope he feels better and I-I'm sorry he has such
a dick for a brother."

Bria shoved past him and headed back to class. Mikey waited until she had disappeared inside the building
before turning around. Lying on the gravel pathway was a disregarded sheet of paper. Obviously curious,
he went to pick it up. He opened the white cardstock and read the bright, violet script.

"The meeting of two personalities
is like the contact of two chemical substances:
if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
You've done more for me than I could have
ever asked for.

Thank You & Promise To Prove Me Right
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