Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is the Best Day Ever

Famous Last Words

by Sosickprincess 0 reviews

Gerard clues Mikey in on Bria, but has questions about her himself. Also, the big day comes quicker than anticipated.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-07 - Updated: 2007-07-08 - 1467 words

Authors Message: Hey. Thanxx to everyone who's gotten to this point.

Keep On Rockin'.SoSickPrincess

Chapter VI.

"Mikey. Dinner." Gerard yelled upstairs.

Tonight Mom and Pop Way were out to dinner with friends. That left the Way cub's to hunt down prey from
themselves, translation two large pizzas. Gerard went into the kitchen and grabbed some cokes for him and
Mikey. He wasn't sure if Mikey was coming down, seeing as he spent all afternoon locked up in his
bedroom. It was Thursday, four days after their fight, and neither had made a move to apologize. Despite
their mother's efforts, it didn't seem there'd be an end to the deadlock.

When Gerard returned to the den, Mikey was already digging into the pineapple, mushroom pizza. He
placed the cokes on the table and started the movie.

"Didn't get extra cheese." Mikey pointed out.
"It's a rip off. If they put extra cheese the crust wouldn't rise."
"But I always get extra cheese."

Gerard left the room and return with some grated parmesan cheese.

"Happy?" Gerard asked, handing it off.

Mikey put the cheese aside and focused on watching the movie. They sat at opposite ends of the couch
through most of The Shining as if they were strangers. Only a few slices were disturbed in the boxes, but
they managed to work through seven cans of diet coke. Mikey felt his eyelids getting heavy. He glanced at
his watch, 12:04 PM and then looked over at Gerard. His eyes were glazed over, hypnotized. Mikey took off
his jacket and tossed it across the armrest. Something triggered him to remember the day's earlier events.
He reached in to his pocket and felt the note safely tucked away.

"Hey. You're going to school tomorrow, right?"
Gerard shrugged. "Didn't plan on it. Why should I?"
"Don't you have final exams and stuff."
"Next week. Then week after that, graduation."
Mikey nodded. "You know, funny thing happen today. I ran into
that girl."
"Girl?" He quickly sat up. "You mean Bria. What'd she say? What'd
you say?"

Mikey shrugged, seeing as there wasn't much news to deliver. She was only curious as to why Gerard had
been out of school all week. But before his hopes were shot down completely, Mikey pulled out Bria's note.
It didn't make a lick of sense to him, but maybe Gerard knew something he didn't. While Gerard read,
Mikey sat waiting. A small smirk came across his lips before quickly disappearing. It was the first time he
cracked a smile nearly all week. Gerard folded the note then shoved it into his pocket.

"Well?" Mikey pressed.
"Well, what? It's none of your business"
"Look, I read it already. I just don't know what it means."
"It's an inside thing. Don't worry about what it means."
"Fine. Hope you prove her wrong."

Gerard smiled then looked over at his brother. The black eye was fading really well. He asked how it felt
since it had already faded considerably.

"Doesn't hurt that much any more. Dad said it should be gone by next
"What about your glasses?"
"Have to wear my old ones for a while."
Gerard nodded. "Well, don't hate me for it. I didn't mean ---"
"Yeah, I know. Had it coming eventually. So, you calling her or what?"
"Who? Bria? Probably not. When she give it to you?"
"She didn't, I found it after -- I saw her drop it. She probably didn't even
Notice it was gone. Not until later atleast."

Informing Gerard on the little spat between him and Bria wasn't exactly pressing information.

Gerard nodded again. "You know, she's not a total bitch. I mean, it can
come off like that, but she's pretty cool. There's this one time ---"
"Hey. I'm sure she is, but... you shouldn't have let her bail on you like
that. Makes people like her think it's okay."
"People like her? Look, I shouldn't even have to tell you this, but the only
Reason she canceled is because ---"
"Her ex just happened to call."
"His mom came out of remission, Mikey. They're still friends and Bria thought
it'd be best if she was with him. For support. I agreed. Work on your
eavesdropping skills what don't ya'."

Gerard picked up the pizza boxes and left Mikey to sit in his own silence. It wasn't her fault, Gerard thought,
what else was she to do. Tom, Bria's ex and now no longer ex boyfriend, was a wreck. But this wouldn't
ruin /everything/. Gerard and her would be friends. But for how long, he thought. They'd probably
never see each other after he graduated. Maybe a few days into summer, but people lose touch. Mikey had
followed his brother into the kitchen.

"Hey, G. Way. Listen I ---"
"Yeah. I know, you're sorry. Listen, finish cleaning up will ya'." He said in
"Wait, where are you going?"
"I gotta get to work on something. Thanks, Mikey."
"Hey. I only wanted the pizza's back." Mikey shouted as his brother headed

Two weeks later. Belleville High School...

The intercom beeped. "All graduating seniors report to final practices
for ceremony tomorrow

Gerard picked up his book bag and blended with the horde classmates leaving their senior breakfast. He
had skipped out twenty minutes earlier, waiting until they made the announcement to head to the school
auditorium. As he walked around the campus for a final time, he looked back on the past four years.
Unfortunately, they were everything he anticipated. But this year wasn't over yet and he wanted it with a
bang. He sat down on the staircase leading up the auditorium waiting for his fellow classmates to get their
acts together. Maybe getting out of here was for the best.

"Gerard! Hey, Gerard!"

He looked up and saw Bria sprinting towards him. Her shoulder length, blonde hair was pulled back with a
bright blue ponytail holder. She was wearing her Belleville volleyball shorts and a three-quarter sleeve
baseball shirt, most likely with Tom's jersey number on the back. Gerard stood to greet Bria when she
threw her arms around him in a tight embrace.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Thought I was gonna miss
you." She exclaimed.
"Oh, I ---"
She loosened their hug. "You haven't been avoiding me, have you?"

Not since last week, he thought. They weren't together, but they were friends. It was an unspoken
compromise that would have to do for now.

"So, uh, what's going on?" Gerard asked.
"Nothing. Tomorrow's the big day, huh? You psyched?"
"Yeah... totally even."
Bria laughed. "Ugh, you are so lucky, Gerard. Moving on, bigger better
"Yeah. I hope so atleast."
"Hey, come on." She hit his arm playfully. "I told you to prove me right,
didn't I. You're gonna be a great artist. You already are."
"Thanks." He replied in a low tone.

Despite the awkward moment, neither made an excuse to leave. They took a seat where Gerard had been
sitting before and people watched. Bria rested on her knees, facing Gerard. She was studying at him again
with that famous curious stare.

Bria smiled. "You're blushing."
"You stared at me first."

But Bria didn't look away. His eyes were gorgeous and deceptive. Gerard Way is hiding a secret, she
thought. It travels beyond the surface or point many understand. He saw the world through a seriously
warped vision that reveled things that others would never imagined. She realized there was no end to his
capabilities, absolutely no end. Bria wanted to experience it, even just a taste.

"Gerard. How come you never tried to kiss me?"
"I -- wait, what?"
She sat up, "Kiss me."

Gerard glanced around. No one was paying them any real attention. He met her crystal blue eyes. Bria
smirked, waiting for him to do something, anything. Gerard sighed heavenly and moved closer. He then
brought a hand to her face, her heart jumped. Bria closed her eyes as he leaned in. His lips missed their
target and pressed against her rosy pink cheek. Bria's smile grew. When she opened her eyes again, he
was now waiting for her.

"Took you long enough."
Gerard smirked, "Yeah."

The principal bellowed for everyone to get inside the auditorium of risk walking tomorrow. It was an empty
threat, but not worth testing. Gerard offered Bria a hand up as the both stood. She wished him luck, unsure
what else to say. This was it. Before he left, he reached into his book bag, pulled out a solid black
sketchbook, and handed it to Bria.

"What's this?" She asked.
"Something to hold on to. Don't -- don't open it until later, okay?"
"Okay, but what is it?"
"Just something to keep." He turned to leave. "And hey, thanks again."
"For what?"
Gerard shrugged, "Whatever."

Stay tuned dolls&dudes.
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