Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > & Then You Threw Me Up Against The Wall; Who Said That It's Better To Have Loved & Lost; I Wish That I Had Never Loved At All.

So Long, So Long

by little_miss_screamo 2 reviews

I arise today through the strength of the heaven: Light of the sun, Radiance of the moon, Splendor of fire, Speed of lightning, Swiftness of wind, Depth of sea, Stability of earth, Firmness of rock.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-07-01 - 709 words

"Come on, it's not like were going to win anyway" I whined to Kiara. "Fine, ugh, whatever" she said as she put my name on the entry form. "Wait, I thought you were signing up too" I said tugging on her shirt. "I don't have long to live, you know that, I think I want to spend it here with Kyle" she said coughing. She was right. She had an estimated 3 months to live. She would die before school started up in fall. The leukimia was spreading. And fast. "Oh, well, then I don't want to enter, I want to stay here with you" I said tossign the paper in the trash bin. "No, we've spend our whole lives together" she said making a grab for the paper. I blocked her way, "I refuse to enter under these circumstances." "Fine let's just watch Donnie Darko and forget about it" she said getting up from my desk and lying down on my bed. I was sort of sad that I wasn't entering this once and a lifetime chance to go on tour with My Chemical Romance, but I let it slip away as the movie started. Kiara had been my best friend since Kindergarden. She was diagnosed with leukimia 2 years ago. None of you know how it feels to watch your friend slowly die before your eyes. It killed me to know in a couple months she would be dead. We tried not to talk about it but lately it had been a more pressing issue between us. We knew it was going to happen but for now we would just keep praying it wont. I fell asleep near the end of the movie. I woke to find Kiara still asleep. It was about 11:00 in the morning. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed. I remembered Kiara had to be at the hospital in 15 minutes for Chemo. "Kiara, get up you going to be late for Chemo!" I said shaking her shoulder. She rolled off her stomach so she was looking at me. "Personally I don't really care if I'm late for Chemo." I dressed quickly in sweat pants. Kiara left her pajama's on. I grabbed my car keys and we were off for a day of chemicals.
We got to Kiara's house pretty late. She was still asleep from the drugs, so I carried her inside. She was way light because of the cancer. Her parents were asleep. They didn't even care if Kiara lived or died. Which is why I took most of the care for her. I layed her down in her bed and covered her with her sheets. I left quietly and went home to sleep myself.
Skip a couple days and I'm at the mall with Kiara and Kyle. "Let's go to Abercrombie!" I shouted. "Ohmegosh, I can't believe you just said that!" said Kyle with his British accent. I looked at him, "Dude totally joking" I said with a laugh. "Oh" he said blushing bright red. We all loved Kyle. Especially Kiara since she had been dating him since 9th grade. I only liked him as a friend. "So, uh, what should we do?" I asked sighing. Summer is so boring. I saw a girl walk by with an American Eagle bag. I scoffed. I myself was proudly classified "emo" by everyone cept my friends. I mean ya I had thick-rimmed glasses and I wore tight jeans and I liked to read and didn't talk much but that gave them no right to call me "emo". The girl heard me scoff and stopped to glare at me. I jumped off the bench we were sitting on and bared my fangs at her. Ya, I had fangs. No, I'm not a vampire. I got my dentist to shave my K-9's down. I know, I rawk. That was enough to make her scream. "OMG, A VAMPIRE!!" she screamed as she ran into Abercrombie. Me and my friends started to laugh loudly and got a couple stares from the people over in the pet shop so we stopped. "Hey guys, im tired, im going to go home, Kyle, can you take Kiara home?" I asked him. "Mmhmm" he mumbled. I went through Macy's to my car and went home.
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