Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > & Then You Threw Me Up Against The Wall; Who Said That It's Better To Have Loved & Lost; I Wish That I Had Never Loved At All.

Screenwriting An Apology

by little_miss_screamo 3 reviews

Jade leaves with My Chemical Romance leaving Kiara behind.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-05 - Updated: 2007-07-06 - 793 words

I lived with my mom. She was never home. Always out looking for ways to shoot up. I walked inside and headed to my room. I plugged in my headphones into my amp; I didn't need the neighbors complaining about the noise. I started to jam to to every song I knew. Any band that I liked that is. I guess I didn't hear my mom come into my room because the next thing I knew someone was tapping my shoulder. I was so surprised, I dropped my guitar. I turned around to see her standing surprised at the loud noise my guitar made. She was wasted you could tell. "Honey, someone is here for you," she slurred. "Okay mom" I said picking up my guitar slowly. There was nothing broken so I set it down on my bed and walked downstairs. I turned the corner and saw five men staring at something on the wall. "Goddammit I knew she would do it anyway," I said surprising them. "Wow, didn't hear you coming," said Mikey. "Ya, im a ninja like that" I said laughing. "Hey, you have fangs! Are you going to suck my blood?!" yelled Frank excitedly jumping up and down. "Haha, no," I said smiling at him. "Aw" he said disappointed. "Sorry." I said simply. I sort of hated it when people did that. They always thought you were going to like bite them since you had fangs. I didn't let it bother me.

"I'm Jade" I said pathetically holding my hand out. "I'm Gerard," he said pointing to himself, "And this is Frank, Bob, Ray, and Mikey" he said pointing to each one. "Nice to finally meet you" I said shaking each one's hand. "You're a pretty vampire," Frank said sittiling up to my side shyly. Did he just call me pretty? I, Jade Lauh [pronounced lay] Pretty? I think not. "So what was that really big bang upstairs?" Ray asked trying to keep awkward silence at bay. "I dropped Pandora" I said simply. "You dropped who?" asked Frank laughing. "Pandora, my guitar" I said raising an eyebrow. He laughs a lot. Sorta like a little kid or something. "Weeeeelllll...why don't we go outside and uh, talk, wait do you need to pack?" asked Gerard stopping himself from going outside. "Acually, ya, I do" I said heading back upstairs to my room. The guys followed me silently. I grabbed a duffel bag from my closet and shoved practically my whole dresser in there. I mean this tour was going to go for who knows how long, so I don't know how much clothes I needed. I heard my phone go off in my pocket. I picked it up "How could you?" I said to Kiara on the other line. "Oh you won?" she said excitedly. Yes, I won" I said sighing. "Well, have fun then, from now on Kyle will take me to chemo" she said happily. "You really want me to do this?" I asked surprised. "Yes, I entered you didn't I?" she said laughing on the other end. "Well will you come say goodbye at least?" I asked. "Ya, I'll be there in 10 mins, bye" she said and the line went dead. I started to pack away Pandora in her case and put all the stuff she needed in the case too. "Here let me help you with that" said Gerard coming forward and grabbing Pandora before I dropped her again. "Thank you" I said heading to my mom's room to say bye. Her room was a mess. I stood in the doorway, "Bye, Mom, I'm going to be gone for awhile, don't OD while I'm gone" I said before heading down the stairs and out my front door. "That was sorta harsh for your mom, don't yout think?" asked Gerard setting my guitar case on the grass. "You come home everyday to your mom shooting up and you tell me you last words" I said lying down on the grass.

Kiara came 5 minutes later panting. "I came as fast as I could" she said catching her breath. "I see that" I said laughing. The rest of the band went to the rental car while I stayed behind to say goodbye. I hugged Kiara and started to cry. I slipped something into her hand while we were hugging. She unfolded it and looked at it. "Okay" she responded. The paper had said, "I'll come back for you". I hugged her one more time then went to the car. We peeled away from the curb and left Kiara standing on the sidewalk sadly. I slowly watched my one and only friend disappear into the distance of my rearview mirror. I put my head against the window and cried.
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