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Chapter Two- I Almost Got Drunk At School At Fourteen.

by Silvana 3 reviews

In Which She First Sees Gerard Way.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-06 - Updated: 2007-07-06 - 310 words - Complete

Chapter Two-I Almost Got Drunk At School At Fourteen.

"You've been sober for about a year now. Is it something you have to combat everyday?"
"If I didn't deal with it everyday I'd leave myself open to relapse. I worked with a therapist and she said I could go to AA. Even without being famous I'm the sort of guy who stands out in a crowd, so I was nervous about going. But I was made to feel really welcome."

Flash Back- 11th January 1991

"Who's that?" the girl asked, pointing to a boy tripping down the cold steps, his raven hair obscuring his vision. Her companion snorted contemptuously. "Gerard Way." She didn't so much say his name as spit it. "Stay away from him."
The first girl didn't reply; having learnt earlier that questioning her new 'friend' led to pain.
"He's a freak Lee," The companion continued as the boy disappeared into the huge body of students pouring out of the school gates. "So just stay away."
Lee nodded; taking another swig of the vodka that was in a coke bottle, feeling the slight burn in her throat as she drank. "Sure. I'll see you here tomorrow."
"Make sure you do!" the girl called after her as Lee walked away from her first day at her new school.
This was her second new school that year. She was used to it though. Her parents moved regularly, meaning that the longest she'd been in a school was two years. Her parents were always looking for a better place to live so it was ironic really that they'd ended up in Newark, near Belleville. For once they actually owned the house having inherited it. Normally they rented. She grinned to herself. So the 'hardest girl in school' had taken a shine to her. She laughed out loud. They hadn't seen anything yet.
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