Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Almost

Chapter Three- I Almost Dropped Out To Move To L.A

by Silvana 2 reviews

In Which She Leaves.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-07 - Updated: 2007-07-07 - 602 words - Complete

Chapter Three- I Almost Dropped Out To Move To L.A

"What was high school like for you?"
"Lonely. I was the weird kid with the long hair and band T-shirts."

Flashback- 20th July 1992

"She's leaving. Have you heard? She's leaving." The whispers had run round the school all day like a raging river and now that the school day was over all of the pupils had gathered in the front yard; just waiting.
She'd terrorized the school during the year and a bit that she'd been there. She looked for chinks in peoples' armour then slowly but surely pushed the dagger in. This was how she manipulated and terrified people throughout the school, not just those younger than her. The only people she stayed away from were the outcasts. Those that the rest of the school shunned. It was only then that you were safe from Leah Watkins' wrath.
She was smart. Very smart. She was never caught; never proved that it was her and she was near the top of her class in all subjects, apart from Art. In Art she was top.
However, being the most feared girl in school came at a price. She had no friends. No-one sat by her at lunch, and no-one ever talked to her in lessons. When it came to group work she was always the last person to have a group, or a pair.
She walked out of the door, her chocolate coloured hair swinging around her shoulders; her hands shoved in her indigo jeans pockets. She was wearing a Misfits top, the iconic skull grinning at those who stared at her. She sauntered down the steps, taking in the stares of the watching people. Her dark blue eyes were sparkling with laughter, but no sound was heard.
As she reached the bottom of the stairs you could have heard a pin drop. An entire school making way for one girl. It was historic. As she strolled towards the gate she began to speak.
"It's true," she told them, the noise carrying to the back of the crowd. "I am leaving. I am never going to return. Anyone with friends or relatives in L.A might want to warn them what's coming." She'd reached the two brick columns that marked the entrance of the school by now. She casually leaned against one of them, looking at those who surrounded her. There was a clearing of about a metre all around her. That was how much they hated her. No one could stand to be near her.
"So, Bellville High, this is my formal good bye to you. Farewell." She inspected her nails before looking up once more. "And this is my informal goodbye." She walked away from pillar and stood in the middle of the exit. "Well motherfuckers, catch me if you can." And with one last reckless grin, she turned and ambled out of the school. There was silence for a couple of seconds before some of the older boys; those who worked out and had the muscles to prove it, let out a war cry. "Get her!"
Most of the school poured out of the small entrance in pursuit of the skinny fifteen year old who was now pounding down through the streets. However, it was the misfits that she'd ignored who stayed behind. She ran fast enough to avoid capture; slow enough to remain in sight. She looked over her shoulder and laughed. A heartless yet sparkling laugh, that stopped the pursuing school in its tracks; wondering if the rumours were true and she was really a fallen angel.
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