Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Did you get what you Deserved


by WillBertluverX 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-07-12 - Updated: 2007-07-12 - 342 words

"VIVIANA! My god, Gerard what did you do to her?"

" I didn't do anything!" he pleaded

" Go get a cup of water!"

"VIVI! Its me Carmen, please wake up!"
Opening my eyes it felt like I spelt for hours.

"Um...Carmen you can really stop the yelling now."

She looked at me astonished. "Viviana Rose, I thought I lost you."

I giggled propping myself up against the bed. "Carmen it wasn't that bad, I hit my head pretty hard but I'm ok."

"Good, but what made you pass out in the first place?"

I sat for awhile, thinking back

Then I remembered. " CARMEN! This is partially your fault!"

"Huh? Did you hit your head that hard?"

" No, actually I didn't..." I lowered my voice looking around for Gerard.

" didn't tell me about him."

She looked around the room...trying to ignore the subject.

"Carmen you can't ignore me, I'm sitting right next to you stupid!"

"I am not stupid, just ignoring you."

I sighed. " Well...stop it. Why didn't you tell me..." he stopped me. He stood at the door just staring over at me.

" Uh..." Carmen turned around.

"Oh! No need for the water, as you can see the lovely princess is awake now." I gave her a fake smile.

"Well, Vivi you okay?"

" Just fine, even though I fell over and hit me head. ON a hard wood floor!" he looked at me scared.

"Gerard, wait in the living room. I have to straighten out Miss. Bitch!" he walked out laughing loudly. I hated him already.

" Vivi the only reason I didn't want to tell you is because you wouldn't have came"

" I would have..."

She looked at me knowingly. " Oh please! You practically despise him, and his band."

" So what. They just drive me crazy with the whole FAME thing."

" Viviana are you jealous?"

"NO! I just don't want him thinking he is better than me, juts because I come from an orphanage."

" I heard what you were saying about me." he rushed into the room.

I froze.

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