Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cry All You Want

Romance in Starbucks

by 713CemeteryDrive 5 reviews

Starbucks is really the place for twoo people to find romance. Despite their ridifferences.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-07-13 - Updated: 2007-07-14 - 905 words

Chapter 1

"No, it's mo-cha" I struggled to make the Spanish boy and Starbucks understand my order. He smiled at me blindly.
"Uh...never mind just Double lattes." The Boy smiled again and went to the back to make my coffee. The costumers behind me were getting impatient. I faced forward and closed my eyes. I knew what was waiting for me when I got home, I didn't care if some people got annoyed if I tried to stall. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and I glanced around. A man about my age, early 20s with a concerned look in his eyes stared back at me.
"Are you ok" He asked hand still on my shoulder.
I nodded as if I was totally fine but my heart was touched by his kindness. I turned around my, heart pounded.
"My names Gerard" He said without looking at me
"Taylor" I returned, embarrassed by my boy name.
"Interesting name" I could feel him smiling to himself. Not mockingly. The boy returned with the Order. I turned and faced Gerard. He grinned down on me.
"My numbers 245-3553" I could see him tapping his finger nervously. I peered up at him.
"I have a boyfriend" I brushed a lock a black hair from my face. His smile wavered slightly but did not fade.
"So?" he reached out for some kind of response. Smooth. I thought.
He handed me a slip of paper, which I imagined he scribbled down when my back was turned. I took it gratefully.
"Well I'll give you a call" I patted him on the shoulder and left smiling.

"IT'S FUCKING COLD TAY!!" Adam slapped me across the face twice and knocked me to the floor. He kicked me a couple of times while my head was buried in my hands. I crawled to the bathroom slowly. Retreating and looking back to see if he was following me. Once at the bathroom I closed the door and locked it. I stared and my bruised face in the mirror and burst into tears. Suddenly I heard a knock again. Adam forced open the door and grabbed me by the hair.
"Someone just called baby.... A boy."
"Uh who was it?" I already knew the answer.
He pulled me up to his height. He was so tall my feet grazed the floor. Blood trickled down my neck. I refused to cry.
"Gerard" His voice was dripping with anger.
He slapped me again
"Cheating on me are you?" He dragged me upstairs and into our bedroom. I felt like my head was about rip off the way he was dragging my by the hair.
He threw me onto the bed and pulled of my Shirt and pants.
"I'll give you a nice punishment" He licked my neck and I almost gagged.
He pulled of my underwear and his own. He lay on me kissing and caressing my neck with his mouth. I knew if I struggled he would hurt me more. I lay quietly while his thighs pushed open my legs. I closed my eyes as tears ran down my face like rivers. He grunted and screamed like some sort of animal. Every time he saw the pain and terror in my eyes. He pushed harder. And my Tears turned into sobs. He laughed and slapped my butt. It was degrading and I felt so used and disgusting. He finished what seemed like years later and rolled off me. Bringing it out of my thigh painfully and I could feel myself being bruised. He gasped and stared at me.
"Romantic right?" He turned on the fireplace in our spacious room.
I sighed and pulled on my undies underneath the covers. I dared to look over and he was sleeping. Really romantic. I turned off the fireplace. And crept downstairs. I stared at the phone. I picked it up and called the number. It rang twice.
"Hello" The cheerful sound of his voice reassured me.
"Hey, Its Taylor...from the bar" He laughed.
"I remember who you are" I smiled and hope that Adam wouldn't come down the staircase. He got angry every time I laughed. Even at the TV.
He hated to see me show any kind of emotion except fear or sadness.
We talked for it seemed like hours.
"So you do want to go out for a movie or sometimes. As friends." I could almost hear his mouth curling up into a hopeful smile.
"Sure How about that new Knocked up movie?"
He laughed cheerfully.
"Sure I was going to see that anyway," I said hopefully thinking he would believe the lie.
As I said. No comedies.
I could hear steps coming down the stairs. Quickly I said goodbye and hung up.
Adam came in and demanded a sandwich. I was in a good mood and made it without even arguing to make him or call sandy. The maid. Who he was probably sleeping with.
She seemed like the type to sleep with the guy she was working for. I hated it because she always ignored the fact that I'm the Su chef in the most popular Restaurant In New jersey. She ignored the fact I was the one who paid her Checks and Owned the house she lived in. So disillusioned my Adam who walked around like he owned the place.

This is my first story so it would help if you review
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