Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Excape

chap 6

by chaneitachi 0 reviews

awww..come on...i already gave one. Look at the other ones.

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Cloud Strife, Sephiroth - Published: 2007-07-24 - Updated: 2007-07-25 - 214 words

Chap 6
"Okay Cloud. This time don't touch anything." Sephiroth told Cloud after quickly running through the room Cloud and he had entered where there were many things unknown ((No, you just don't know what to put.)) and Cloud had thought the black cat lying innocently ((yea right)) on the table was cute. He couldn't help but pet it. The cat, apparently an experiment, jumped up and shot lasers from its orange eyes. Then it fell dead over.
"Yes, sir." Cloud agreed as they snuck quietly through the doors of another experimenting lab. Sephiroth stopped once out of the room. Cloud realized what he was staring at. There was a sign saying 'exit' on it. They ran. And out side it rained. Cloud looked up and laughed. Spreading his arms out.
"We are free."

((Ewwwww.... Sappy, Chane. You're a sad Goth.))
Shut up would you; I found the q-tips by the way
(( spelled q-tip without spell check-owwwwwww))
Told ya
Na, you're just stupid.
((Attack other voices.))
Knock it off.
((This last chap was a total cliff hanger. You complain about cliffhangers but here-))
Butts are for sitting on not talking about.
(( Just shut up would-oowwww. Fuck off! Quit poking me with those damn thing-Oww))
No cussing unless I'm the one, damn it!
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