Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Pregnancy for Dummies

Numero Uno

by swimfan625 6 reviews

Prequel to Fatherhood for Dummies

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 615 words

"Excuse me?" A more than slightly shocked Pete Wentz asked, stepping into his silent apartment.

"I'm pregnant Petey," his girlfriend giggled excitedly over the phone, "Aren't you happy?"

"O...of course I'm happy," he smiled, "just a little shocked. When did you find out?"

"About a week ago, I wanted to tell you after I got home from Hawaii. Are you sure you're happy?"

"Positive, why wouldn't I be? I love you Samantha."

"I love you too Babe. Oh, I've got to go," she said as he heard a doorbell ring in the background, "My sister just pulled up I promised her I'd help pick out wedding dresses, I'll talk to you soon Petey."

"Sure thing, bye Sam." Pete closed his cell phone, setting it on the counter as he dropped his bag to the floor, "Oh my God..."

"Hey Peter Panda," his best friend Natalie smiled, stepping out of her bedroom in one of his extra hoodies and pajama bottoms, "What's up?"

"I'm a God...damned...idiot," he mumbled, smacking his forehead against the counter between every word.

"What's wrong?"

"Sam's pregnant."

"What?!" Nat yelled, choking on her water, "Are you kidding me?"

"Thanks Nat, way to make me feel better."

"Sorry, what I mean is, I'm happy for you."

"I'm not ready for this, I'm twenty-three for fucksakes and didn't move out of my parent's house until four months ago!"

"Pete, you'll be fine! You love her don't you?"

"Of course I love her, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, I'm just asking," Natalie said, rolling her eyes, "I know you know how to change a diaper, and it won't be the first time you've held a baby so I don't know why the hell you're freaking out."

"Natalie, I can't bring another human being into this world. I can barely take care of myself, do you know how many times I would've left this house without pants if you hadn't stopped me?"

"Well then I guess this is a good wake up call for you then."

"What do you mean?"

"Peter, I love you and I'll always be here to support you, but you need to grow up at some point. And maybe these next nine months can help you do that," she said, "now I'm going to go back into my room to finish my date with Edward, call me if you freak."

"I love how you're leaving me for Edward Scissorhands," Pete groaned.

"What am I supposed to do? You're not like my girl friends who I can just hand a pint of ice cream, a box of tissues, and a shoulder to. You've never been faced with something you can't overcome Petey, you just need to realize that this is one of those moments where you need to put things in another perspective. Until then you're on your own because I can't help you."

"I know."

"Good, now cheer up, it's a Friday night and there's no reason as to why you should be sitting here wallowing in self-pity when you have three idiots you can be having fun with," she smiled.

"I thought I was supposed to grow up," Pete chuckled, giving her a funny look.

"You are supposed to grow up, I never said completely though, I just meant in that sense. You can still have fun, it just has to be a little more...censored."

"Uh-huh, that's not fun."

"You could always let me dress you up and do your makeup," Natalie smirked, pinching his cheek.

"That's fun for you, not me."

"But it's still fun, Wentz."

"Whatever, just go back to your date," he smiled, gently pushing her out of the room as she saluted.
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