Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I Want You To Want Me


by falloutpanicgirl 0 reviews

Ugh Keltie Brendon could never stand her. He just wants Ryan to himself co written with Olivia =]

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2007-08-14 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 249 words

POV Third


Brendon watched as Ryan and his girlfriend made kissy faces and said sweet nothings in eachothers ears. He wanted to throw up.

I want to kick her thought Brendon hard. In the face.

For some reason, Brendon had issues with Ryan's girlfriends. He could never pick a wholesome girl who had never been labeled as a whore.

Brendon would express his concern with his other friends.

Spencer had been no help:
"You're just being paranoid Bren, let him be happy."

Jon didn't help either:
"I know you're jealous Brendon, you want a girlfriend too, one day you will get one." Which led Brendon to not talking to Jon for three days.

He had strange feeling about Keltie. Every Friday night, she would go out would "go out" with her "girlfriends".She wouldn't talk to Ryan the next day, hell, they wouldn't see her the next day. Which was saying something considering the time Ryan and Keltie spent together. Every. Waking. Moment. With eachother. Brendon found it all too suspicious.

The warning bell rang through the lunch room and Brendon picked up his bowl of un-eaten wilting salad and threw it away. He scrunched his nose when Ryan gave Keltie a small kiss on the lips and she pranced off to her class.

Ew. At least they didn't start making out. That thing might suck his soul one day. Brendon smiled to himself as he walked to class with the image of Keltie being a soul-sucking she-witch.
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