Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frank Iero: Muggle On a Mission


by my_famous_last_words 3 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [!!!] [?] - Published: 2007-08-23 - Updated: 2007-08-23 - 573 words

The whole band was sleeping except Frank; he should have let Irene talk. He didn’t know if it was because he was thinking of her but Irene appeared at his bedside.
“What the—“ she waved her wand and muttered ‘silencio’
“You need to come with me immediately” she said, she grabbed him and turned on the spot and Frank closed his eyes. It was not an enjoyable experience. He started gasping for breath and opened his eyes. He was in an office. He looked and saw the man who he had known had to be real: Harry Potter.
“Hello, Frank Iero I presume?” Harry said shaking his hand. Frank nodded, “Frank the wizarding world is conducting an experiment in hopes it will connect wizarding world and non-magical world.”
“How can I help?” Frank asked
“I was wondering since you actually believed in magic I thought you could help spread the word. Not immediately just hang around with Irene and she’ll do a little magic openly at a time.”
“Ummm so I’d be in charge of Irene” he gave her a sideways glance, Frank knew they were related, they had the same eyes.
“Yes” Harry replied
“Sweet, she can ride on the tour bus”
“Frank, we would like if you didn’t use Irene for your personal benefit” Harry said
“I won’t I promise”
“Oh if he does I’m gone” Irene said
“Okay, well let’s get started as soon as possible. Thanks for doing this” Harry said
“No problem” Frank replied. They apparated outside the tour bus which was parked.
“We apparated outside just in case your band mates are awake” she said as though she read Frank’s mind. Then it occurred to him that she probably had. She ducked behind the bus and the bus door opened and Gerard came out fully dressed and saw Frank standing in his pajamas outside.
“Umm?” he said
“I um needed some air” Frank said, Gerard lit a cigarette.
“Aha, Frank who was that girl from last night?”
“Irene? Oh she’s just a friend”
“Oh so nothing ever happened between you two?”
“No why?” Frank asked suspiciously
“No reason”
“Yeah right, Gerard if you like her I’ll just ask her” as soon as he said that Frank’s pajama bottoms pulled down. Gerard laughed and Frank quickly pulled them up and ran back to where Irene was
“What was that for?”
“Trying to tell your friend you’d hook us up” she said apparating,
“Talking to who?” Gerard asked
“Umm someone” Frank said
“Hi Frank” he and Gerard both turned and saw Irene walking towards them,
“Hi Irene you just randomly pop up don’t you” Frank said through gritted teeth
“Part of my charm, Hi, um Gerard right” Gerard nodded, that guy sure was lucky he had sunglasses on because if he wasn’t Irene would see him eye-raping her.
“So uh Irene when do you want to-“ Gerard looked at Frank as he said this.
“Um slowly…..very slowly” she replied,
“What are you talking about?” Gerard asked
“Nothing” Irene said, “Just some silly stuff” she walked up to him and stuck up a conversation easily. Frank wondered if Gerard was actually listening to what she was saying cuz he was just nodding.

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