Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frank Iero: Muggle On a Mission


by my_famous_last_words 3 reviews

I hate summaries!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-25 - Updated: 2007-08-25 - 862 words

Frank announced Irene would be touring with them and Gerard was hiding his excitement. Irene got to know them and they all liked her. No one had a bad thing to say about her. One day Frank and Irene were in Frank’s bunk with curtains closed around them.
“So I think I should start breaking the news” said Frank
“No! I’m just starting to really like Gerard” she said
“I’m sure Gerard will understand and accept you”
“Oh yeah like my dad accepted my mom?” she said bitterly
“My dad left when I was 11 because he found about my mom’s side of the family.”
“But Gerard’s not like that! He’ll understand”
“Come on I’m sure he will” Frank said squeezing her hand, “If he doesn’t then I’ll take care of him” Irene hugged him and nodded,
“Yeah, besides my job is to tell people that we do exist not to find love” she said,
“Okay let’s go” Frank said getting out of the bunk; he’d been waiting to do this for years.
“Frank we have to be subtle or-“
“I WAS RIGHT YOU WERE WRONG WIZARDING WORLD EXISTS! IRENE’S A WITCH!” Frank yelled the bus started laughing.
“-or they’ll laugh at us” she said quietly.
“Sorry Irene” Frank said
“No worries” she said, pulling out her wand. Ray laughed harder.
“She’s even got a ‘wand’” he said, Irene sighed and waved her wand and Ray’s fro was gone. “HOLY SHIT MY FRO!” Ray screamed, Irene waved her wand and the fro was back.
“Y-you really are a witch?” Gerard said more shocked than scared.
“Yes” she said
“So what? Did you have me under some kind of spell or what?”
“Excuse me?” she said
“Was I attracted to you because of some freaky potion?”
“Gerard, she didn’t want to tell you because-“
“No Frank, I knew this would happen. Muggles aren’t ready to believe yet” she apparated
“DAMN IT GERARD!” Frank shouted. Gerard looked startled.
“You made her go away! You better hope she doesn’t get Harry Potter on your ass”
“Are you kidding me Frank?” Gerard asked with a slight laugh
“DUDE! You just seen her make Ray’s fro disappear and you still don’t believe me!?”
“Harry Potter isn’t real!” Gerard snapped.
“HE IS REAL! I MET HIM!” Frank screamed

Irene was in the bathroom crying when a co-worker found her.
“Irene, Harry would like a word” she said, Irene nodded and walked to where Harry’s office was.
“Yes” she asked, Harry looked at her.
“What went wrong?” he asked quietly
“Nothing” Irene replied
“Then why are you back here?” he asked
“I made a mistake”
“A mistake? I doubt it, maybe something someone said”
“If you know then why ask?” Irene asked
“Irene just because one person insults you doesn’t mean you have to stop! Keep going and be strong” Harry said. Irene nodded. She looked at the pictures of those who had fallen in the fight to stop evil from taking over the world. Now she had to unite the two worlds.
“I’ll be going now” she said, Harry smiled and nodded, Irene apparated.

Frank was angrily lying in his bunk when he felt the bed sink he turned and saw Irene.
“IRENE!!” Frank said happily
“Hey Frankie” Irene said
“I thought you left forever”
“Nah I had to play a few tricks on Gerard before I’d be gone forever”
“Can I help?” Frank asked
“Of course” Mikey passed Frank’s bunk and heard whispering; probably just Frank and Gerard he thought until he heard the other voice was a girls.
“Irene!?” Mikey said
“Hi Mikey” Irene said.
“So this whole witch thing is for real” she nodded.
“We’re playing tricks on Gerard” said Frank,
“Can I help?” Mikey asked, they nodded. Irene pulled out her wand and smirked.
“Accio Cigarettes” she said, Gerard’s pack of cigarettes came flying to them. Frank hid them in his pocket. No sooner had they done this then Gerard was yelling for them.
“Who the fuck stole my cigarettes!?” He said
“No one” said Frank, he and Mikey were hiding Irene from view.
“They were on the table! I just put them there!” he said
“Well maybe you should apologize” Irene said
“Irene? Where the fuck are you?”
“Damn Gerard those cigarettes took your intelligence” Mikey said, as a black panther jumped from the bunk and growled at Gerard,
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” he screamed, the panther transformed into Irene.
“Hi” Irene said, Mikey and Frank started laughing.
“It’s not funny!” Gerard said
“So Irene you’re an animagus?” Frank asked
“Why a panther?” Mikey asked
“I don’t know, I really wanted to be a wolf but then I didn’t want to be claimed as a werewolf” she said
“Oh” he said, Irene looked at Gerard and smirked, Frank knew Gerard was in for hell now.
A/N: Reviwes are getting better
I'd still love a lot more though :/
But seriously one comment per chapter and I'll continue posting on ficwad.
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