Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walk Amongst the Stars Because You Shine Like One

Chapter 9-17 days ago I fell in love, with you 17 days later I fell out-July 12

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

Ryan finds someone else.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-09-01 - Updated: 2007-09-21 - 692 words - Complete


Rebekka was acting strangely. She was always staring off into space. Ok, so she does that often but when she stares into space now she stares into space towwards Ryan. Ok, yes, I'm sort of cheating on him by wishing I could be with Pete and almost being with Pete but not completely, but still, I got kind of protective of my boyfriend that I loved but not in the way he loved me.

Do you follow me?*

Ok, well, les see, there was one time where we went out to dinner. Ryan and I, Panic!, Pete and Rebekka, and Fall Out Boy. Ryan had to go to the bathroom so, naturally, he got up and went to the men's room. Rebekka's eyes followd his ass all the way. She even sighed. Pete's arm was around her shoulders and his leps were on her hir but she watched my boyfriend's ass and she sighed happily as her eyes watched my boyfriend's ass as her boyfriend had his arm around her acting all boyfriendly even though he's cheated on her with me.

Am I the only one who thinks this is totally wrong? Yes? Damn.

The other thing that is completely heartbreaking is that when Ryan catches her he smiles and wiggles his fingers at her, completely smitten with her. Pete doesn't see it at all because he's trying too hard to 'accidentally' catch my eye.

The only good thing that comes of this is that Pete no longer avoids me and doesn't seem t be angry at me anymore. Just unbelievably smitten.

I guess I shouldn't be so high-strung. I mean I am the one who is cheating on every singleman I'm with unless it's Pete.

It was the night after the diner incident that I decided to break it off. I counted how many days we'be been together. Just because I wanted to see how long this one lasted. Seventeen. Seventeen fucking days. I think I spent more time with Brendan. Twenty-two days. Not bad.

We were at my house in the backyard just sitting and staring at the sky as the sun went down and the moon came up.

"Ryan?" I whispered.

"Yeah, Dra?" He replied.

"Be completely honest with me, alright?"


"Do you like Rebekka?"

He paused. "No. Of cours not."

"You're a lier. I know it.

He laughed "I don't do it often. Was it that obvious?"

I chuckled with him, "Yeah it was."

His laughs slowly died down into nothing and he sighed. "Well, what are we going to do?"

"You're going to break up with me and be happy with Rebekka." I said.
He snorted jokingly at me "Why do I have to do all the work?"

I lounged in the patio chair with my arms behind my head. "Because, my dear Ryan, love is pain."

He laughed at me.

"Isn't it beauty is pain?" he asked.

I shrugged "That too." Then I waved my hand. "Go. I release you."

He laughed once more andplaced a kiss on my forehead. Then he gathered his things and left my backyard.

It was then that I thought about what would happen after Ryan got Rebekka.

Would Pete and I end p together? Would he find another girl to hide behind to replace Rebekka? Would I be shoved aside? Would Rebekka reject Ryan? Would Ryan hate me? Would Pete hate me?

It was around 2 in the morning I slunk back into the house and passed out on the couch and didn't wake up until 5 the next afternoon.


*= Hell, I didn't even follow it. If you can you're amazing...

Yup, it's Trougmania's birthday. He's 23 and I'm so happy! I know I don't know him but he's like one of my favorite fall out boys. Besides Pete, and Patrick. Sorry Andy but I could see you as being some creepy child molester. But I know someone that would gladly have you molest her!....I'm sorry...I love you Andy.

So wish Trougmania a good birthday and hope that he gets a lot of weed.
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