Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What I seem


by sum1skid 2 reviews

leave me alone, i dont like anyone

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-09-01 - Updated: 2007-09-02 - 1114 words

That night i barely slept at all, which in turns means Gerard and Frank barely slept, though they did get more then me since they took turns. I kept having these nightmares of what my mother used to do to me. That means that i was one cranky Mikey the next day. Ray and Bob had come over to congratulate us and take us out to lunch.
"Hey Bob, hey Ray." I heard Frank open the door and greet them.i was unhappy about them being there because i didn't want anyone to come over. I didn't even want Frank or Gerard to be there. I was on the couch watching some cartoon that i usually found hysterical but being in the grumpy mood i was in i didn't find it funny at all.
"Man you look like shit. What happened?"
"Mikey had a rough nite last night. I guess he kept having nightmares.Gerards in the kitchen making some coffee if you want to see him. I don't recomend going near Mikey. He's really cranky because he barely got any sleep."
"Well, I think i can cheer him up." I heard Ray come into the room and, but i just continued to stare at the T.V. "Hey Mikes, i heard you had a rough night last night. He sat down next to me, but i still ignore him. "Oh come on, don't you wanna touch my hair?" He put his head near me and i just started whining and trying to get away.I was to tired and weak of course to have much of an affect, but he got the point and sat back up. He sighed and went into the kitchen. I heard them mumbling in the kitchen and then Bob came out and sat next to me. I guess he was gonna try and make me feel better now.i glanced at him sideways and i saw that he was just watching the T.V. and i felt more relaxed. I knew that Gerard would pop his head in every once in a while to make sure that i was ok, but he tried to make it not so obvious. If i caught him i would get very agitated and start throwing a fit. After about half an hour of Bob just sitting there i felt alot calmer and relaxed my enitre body. i started to feel my eyes close and i felt Bob pull me down into a laying position. I was so tired that i didn't even try to fight back and i just let the darkness consume me.
I was laying on my floor covered in vomit, my own pee and shit, and unbathed for more than a month. I havent eaten in more than a week and i was hungry. I couldn't do anything though because i was to weak to even make a sound. I heard her though, i heard her comming. i tried everything to move, just to get out of there before she came in. She was gonna do it again, she was gonna have her friends touch me again. I couldn't let it happen again. I wouldn't. I heard my door open and i saw her, she had a man this time, He was so tall and strong and i knew that no matter how hard i tried i wouldnt' be able to anything about it. Then she spoke. 'I hope you have fun, everyone else seems to.'
I woke up screaming and crying. I was all alone at this point. I guess Bob had gotten up after i had fallen asleep. i was wiggling so much i had fallen off the couch and landed on my arm. I heard a snap and an intense pain. I screamed and then all of a sudden Gerard was by my side.
"Mikey! What happened? Are you ok?" I continued to scream and when he tried to pick me up i scream even louder because he touched my arm. I think he figured it out because he screamed for Frank to get the car.I hadn't noticed that Ray and Bob were still there until he asked for thier help in getting me to the car. The whole way to the hospital i was screaming and crying. They had rushed us in once we did get therethough, partly because of the scene i was making and partly because they had figured out that something wasn't right with me considering i was a full grown man screaming and crying. It turned out that i had broken my arm so they put it in a cast and said to come back in 6 months to have it taken off. On the car ride home Gerard sat next to me and kept running his fingers trhough my hair and wispering soothing things to me. I eventually fell into a state of not sleep, but not quite awake, like i was awayre of everything that was being said, but i was also getting quite rested up.
"He's not allowed to sleep on the couch anymore unless someone is with him and i'm getting those bar things to for his bed to make sure he doesnt fall out of it."
"OK Gee. We'll do that tommorow, lets just finnish today and hope nothing else happens." I heard Frank say quietly.I woke up when we got back to the apartments and wasn't cranky at all. Ray and Bob had decided to stay with us for dinner. I was in a much better mood and I think that everyone noticed. Gerard brought me back into the living room, but sat me on the floor and gave me a bunch of toys to play with. He made sure that either Ray or Bob was in the room with me so that nothing happened again. It just so happened that Ray was sitting next to me and his hair was looking rather fluffy. I stuck my arm up but found it was to heavy because of my cast. So i put it back down and decided to try my other arm but i have less controll over that one ane smacked Ray instead.
"ow. that hurt." My eyes got really big and i started to tear up. "No it's ok Mikey, it's ok. I know you didn't mean it." Ray brought me into a big hug and rocked me back and forth. From there on the night went pretty smoothly, we ate dinner and instead of me going into my room to sleep Gerard made me sleep in between him and Frank to make sure i would be ok for the night.
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