Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What I seem


by sum1skid 0 reviews

todays the day

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-28 - Updated: 2007-07-28 - 816 words

Well, this is it. Today is the day we go to court. I thought that we were gonna be done with this. I can't believe she is making me go either. I am absolutley terrified of judges, and of course my mother. She is quite possibly the worst human being alive. When it was just me living with her and my father, I would try to just stay in my room for days on end without eating or anything because I was afraid that she was going to do something to me again. I was so thrilled when she kicked me out and pretty much forced Gerard to take me in. Here we are though, sitting in a courtroom and I'm scared beyond belief. I'm trying not to cry, but it's really hard considering my 2 worst fears aren't even 10 feet away. I wasn't really paying attention much so I didn't hear what the judge had said before he started to come down towards me. That was it, I had lost it. I started to cry uncontrolably and then to make matters worst my mother had pushed Gerard out of the way to get to me. I tried to get away from her and I held my arms out to Gerard or Frank and when Gerard came over to me I simply leaned into his embrace and let him pick me up in his arms.
"It's ok Mikey, I'm here now. It's ok. Your Honor, can I please get someone to take him home? He is absolutley terrified. I'm willing to share custody with her if it means that he can leave, please." I held onto Gerard tighter and he just kept trying to soothe me. The judge had said it was fine if I left the court room, but I wasn't allowed to leave just yet. Ray and Bob had come or morale support and they took me out. I wasn't able to hear the rest of the hearing so I wouldn't know what happened until they came out. Ray was holding me and Bob was playing with my hair both trying to soothe me and get me to stop crying.
"She's a monster Ray. We can't let her win. We can't let her get nay kind of custody over Mikey. You remember what he was like when Gerard first took him in right?"
"Yeah. All jumpy, wouldn't look anybody in the eye. He was just skin and bones and I think it was like what? 5 baths before he looked and smelt clean?"
"Yeah." They both just looked at me after I had finally stoped crying. They both knew though that if either one tried to leave then I would just go off again. Bob kept running his hand through my hair and it was so relaxxing that I started to feel my eyes close. "It's ok Mikey, you go to sleep alright? It's been a rough day, just take a little nap and we'll wake you up when it's all over ok?" I closed my eyes and put my hed on Ray's shoulder. I was alseep within minutes. The next thing I knew i was being woken up by Ray who had a big smile on his face. I was still extremly tired so I just went back to sleep.
Gerard's POV
We had won again. Mikey was ours fully and my mother was ordered to never have any kind of contact with us ever again or she would be thrown in jail. I looked at Frank and kissed him before going out to share the new with Ray and Bob. When we got To Ray and Bob we told them that we had won. They were so excited and happy. I saw that Mikey had fallen asleep on Ray. He tried to wake Mikey up but he just fell back asleep.
"It's ok Ray I'll take him. Frank can you get his wheel chair please?"
"Sure babe." We were all so happy and excited that we went out to celebrate. We went to IHOP, Mikey's favorite resturant and made sure we had a somewhat private table. I woke Mikey up when we got there and he was happy to be going there.
"Hey Mikey guess what?" He just looked at me with his inquisitve eyes and waited to me to tel him. "We won the case! You don't ever have to worry about her again! We won!" He was so happy and excited that his arms start flying everywhere.
Mikey's POV
We won. I couldn't belive we had won. I was so happy. I would get to stay with my little family. I looked around at everyone at the table and smiled. Ray, Bob, Frank, and Gerard. They were all I needed and i finally had them and this time forever. She wasn't comming back ever and we could now live happily and free.
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