Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Traveling Far From Our Lives

Old Fashioned

by rachh15 0 reviews

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-09-16 - Updated: 2007-09-16 - 817 words

[Delilah's POV]

As I was still struggling to escape the machine and Dr. Dismay, light shone into my eyes, and I strained to see. First thing I heard was gasps, and an unfamiliar voice called, "what is this place?" My eyes cleared and all I saw was Julius and this young girl, with red hair. I was really confused.

"Delilah?" Julius said shocked. "Are you okay?"

I glared at him, "Yes, Julius, Me, Nurse, and Dr. Dismay are all playing games. OF COURSE I AM NOT OKAY, BECAUSE YOU GOT LOST!" I shouted.

The girl laughed. "Wow you got some issues there. Why are you tied up?"

I ignored her. "Julius, uhm help please?"

Julius stood there looking helpless, but then he grabbed the girls hand and they headed towards me. Nurse jumped down and pressed a button on this machine. It started whirring and spinning really fast in circles. I closed my eyes, and I heard Julius shout to the Good Doctor, demanding what he was doing. The last words I heard was:

"Julius, what is happening?" Redhead said.

"I don't know Janelle." Julius replied quietly, still holding her hand.

Then everything went into a white blur.

[Julius's POV]

I stood in horror, watching Delilah disappear. I elbowed Dr. Dismay in the face demanding him to tell me what happened to her. He tried to struggle but Janelle came over and held his feet down.

"WHERE IS SHE!?!?" I yelled. That idiot had the nerve to laugh at me.

"She's gone spice, gone into the years." He laughed.

"Gone? Into the years? What are you talking about?"

He didn't say anything else, so I knocked him out, and turned to call Al.

Back at the academy, Janelle was taken in as a witness, and she was still shaken up about what she had seen. I pointlessly wandered around feeling bad that I had not tried to rescue her sooner. I was thinking about what Dr. Dismay said, 'she's gone spice, gone into the years.' That made no sense to me what so ever. Scarlett was currently analysing the machine, to see what it really was, since it wasn't a cloning machine. I was starting to believe the Good Doctor planned this. I glanced at my watch, and started running, because it had been hours, and Scarlett must have figured something out. I ran around the corner and smacked into Emmet. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my head.

"Are you okay?" Emmet asked.

"Yeah, sorry I was running. I was frantic about wondering what that machine did to Delilah." I replied, giving him a hand up.

"Ursula told me that red haired girl is your secret girlfriend. Then Delilah found out about you too and teamed up with Nurse and Dr. Dismay." Emmet said. I clenched my fists. It seemed everyone was making up stories about Janelle and I. I couldn't tell anyone that I had let Delilah down. I felt incompetent as it is. So I just smiled at Emmet and walked past him. I entered Scarlett's lab and sat down beside her.

"Any news?" I asked.

"Yes. Delilah was transported." Scarlett said.

"Transported where?"

"Back into time."

"Are you kidding? I thought time machine's were like impossible to build!" I said shocked.

"Well Dr. Dismay built one, and sent Delilah far away." Scarlett said, "he confessed that it was all a plan to get you lost, and to be in a room full of woman."

I raised my eyebrows, "so Janelle was working for him?"

"No. She had no idea. No one even knew Dr. Dismay was in the building."

"How can we get Delilah back?"

Scarlett hesitated.

"What?" I insisted.

"Well, the only way to get her back into our time, is for you to go back in time with her, and stand in the exact place the machine was before."

I laughed, "that will be easy, I know what the building looks like."

"She was sent back about a hundred years or so, and to a totally different spot on the earth." Scarlett said.

I was speechless.

"How do we find the spot then? GPS?" I asked.

"No, my child," Scarlett grimaced, "there wasn't GPS back then."

"You mean?"

"Yes. A map. I will give you the latitude and longitude and then you have to use a map."

"Well okay." I said.

"There's a catch." Scarlett said.


"Delilah will have probably moved since she was sent, so you will have to find her."

"Okay. I am ready."

"Take Janelle with you."

"Uhm, why?"

"Because, if she was working for Dr. Dismay, she will know how to get back."

As if on cue, Al walked in with Janelle. She looked pale and smiled when she saw me. I waved slightly. Scarlett hooked us up to the machine, and she pressed a button. The room seemed to spin and everything went white.
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