Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Best Friends, Ex Friends Til The End Better Off As Lovers

Chapter 18: More Decisions

by patricksgirl84 0 reviews

I suck at summaries

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-09-24 - Updated: 2007-09-24 - 2546 words - Complete


"No, I can't be." Destiny said. "I take it, that this wasn't planned?" "No." "There are options." "Oh no. I'm going to keep the baby." She put her hand to her stomach. "Okay. I would like to exam you and see how everything is going." Destiny got on the table and the doctor examined her. "Things are going good. I would say you are almost 3 months along. I want you to make an appointment with your Gynecologist though." "Okay. Thank you."Destiny got dressed and went to Tina and Pete's.

"Hey Destiny. How are things going?" Pete asked. "I've been better. Is Tina here?" "Yeah, let me get her." Pete went and got Tina and they both went to the living room where Destiny was. "Hey Destiny. How are you doing?" "Um, okay. I guess I can tell you both this." "What's wrong? Is it something with Andrew?" Pete asked. "Oh no. He's fine. He didn't want to go, but I'm sure he's fine now. I went to the doctor today because of not feeling well for awhile. Well, I'm pregnant." Tina looked at Destiny and then at Pete. "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to do what I should of done four years ago. I'm going to tell Patrick. Probably tomorrow." "When are you due?" Tina asked. "November 21st. When are you?" "November 30. Our children are going to be growing up together. This is going to be so exciting." Tina smiled.

Destiny spent a few hours with Pete and Destiny and then went home. It was so quiet. She went to the phone and called Patrick. "Hello." "Patrick, it's Destiny. How is Andrew?" "He's actually doing pretty good. How are you doing?" "Alright. I've been better. Um, I need to talk to you though." "Destiny, I'm not changing my mind." "I know. I need to tell you something." "Alright. How about I come over tomorrow at 11." "Okay. I'll see you then. Bye. Give Andrew a kiss for me." "I will. Bye."

Destiny walked to Andrew's room. She sat on the bed and there was a teddy bear. She held it and cried. "I miss my baby." She laid on his bed. She put her hand to her stomach. "At least I'll have you for 6 months before your daddy takes you away." Destiny fell asleep on Andrew's bed. The next morning she awoke to someone knocking on the door. "Oh crap." She jumped out of bed and went to the door. "Hi Patrick. Come in." "What the hell happened to you?" She patted her hair down. "You should know." She walked to the living room and he followed. "Well, what's going on?" "I found out something yesterday." "Okay, and what would that be?" "Uh, I'm pregnant."

"What do you want me to do?" "Patrick, the baby is yours. Why are you being so mean to me?" Patrick stood up. "I don't mean to be. I'm just so confused. Becca really doesn't want a family." Destiny walked to him. "Then why did you file for full custody?" "Because I thought it would make us a family. Plus, I want to be a full time dad, but I never wanted to hurt you." "Well, you did." "Destiny, is the baby really mine?" Destiny just looked at Patrick in a state of shock. She slapped him. "Get out. You are not the same person as you were Patrick. What happened to you? I want you to leave, now." Patrick went to the door. "Oh Patrick, don't think you are taking this child away from me." He left the apartment.

Patrick drove home. He couldn't believe he was going to be a father again. He needed to tell Becca, but he couldn't now. She was in a bitchy mood for some reason. He figured because he got custody of Andrew, but she was fine with it before. He walked in the front door. Andrew was in the living room playing with his Star Wars toys. "Hey buddy." "Hi daddy." Andrew didn't look up. "Are you alright?" "I miss mommy." "You'll see her soon. Where's Becca?" "I don't know. I haven't seen her for awhile." "Okay. I'm going to look for her."
Patrick went to the bedroom and Becca was laying on the bed. "Hey hun. What's wrong?" "I think we made a mistake." Becca said. Patrick laid down next to her. "What do you mean?" "I'm not mom material. I can't do this Patrick." "Yes, you can." He pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Becca, I need to tell you something. I hope you can forgive me. I don't want to lose you." "You could never lose me."

"Remember that day when Destiny and I told my mom about Andrew and she left and went to Pete's and I followed her?" "Yeah." "I slept with her. It shouldn't of happened. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me. There's nothing going on. It just happened once. I'm sorry what I did to you." Becca started to cry. "Patrick, why?" "There's something else. She's pregnant." Becca looked at Patrick. "Oh god. What else?" "There's nothing else. Say you forgive me." He took her face in his hands and kissed her. "I don't know. I want to go away for a little bit. I'll call my mom."
"I'm sorry. I know that doesn't make it better, but I truly am. Will you come back to me." "Yes, I just need some time by myself and to think. Please understand." "Alright. I just don't want to lose you." "You won't. I totally do understand that you won't stop loving her. I mean, you were friends and then lovers. But I do want you to realize that I'm going to be the one you marry, not Destiny." "Of course. I know that. I love you." "I love you, too. I'm going to call my mom now." "Alright." Patrick just laid there. He really didn't know if he loved Becca. Lately, she was acting a little weird around him. Well, more than a little.

Two days later Destiny was taking a week off from week. She was laying on the couch when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Mommy, can you come to daddy's?" She sat up. "What's wrong, honey?" "Daddy's sick and Becca left this morning." "Okay. I'll be there in a little bit." Destiny got up and put her shoes on and left to go to Patrick's. She knocked on the door. "Mommy. I missed you." She hugged Andrew. "I missed you too. Where's your daddy?" "In his room. He doesn't look good." "Okay, why don't you go and play and I'm going to check on daddy."
Destiny walked to Patrick's bedroom and knocked on the door. She heard him moan. She opened the door and Andrew was right he looked terrible. "Patrick, Patrick. It's Destiny." He just laid there. She sat down next to him. She put her hand to his forehead. He was burning up. "Patrick!" She said louder. He opened his eyes. "What are you doing here?" "Andrew called. He was worried about you. Where's Becca?" "She went to her mom's." "And left you here sick." "Yeah, I guess so." "What a bitch." Destiny said under her breath. "What?" "Nothing."

Destiny went to the bathroom and got a washcloth and ran it under some cold water. She walked back to Patrick, who had fallen asleep again. "Patty, wake up." He looked at her. "I'm so warm." "I know. Let's take your clothes off. She helped him sit up and took off his shirt and then his pajama bottoms. She covered him up with a sheet and put the wash cloth on his forehead. "When did you start to get sick?" Destiny asked him. "Yesterday afternoon. I started getting sick to my stomach and then last night I kept throwing up. I feel so awful." I'm going to spend the night. Do you think you can be alone for a hour so I can get some soup and 7 UP for you?" "Yeah. I'm not going anywhere." Destiny pushed his bangs from his eyes and left the room.

Destiny and Andrew left and went to the grocery store and then to her apartment and she got some clothes. They went back to Patrick's house and Andrew went to watch some TV while Destiny started some supper. Once she got it started she went to check on Patrick. She opened the door and he was still asleep. She took the washcloth and felt his forehead. "Patrick, I'm home." He opened his eyes. "I threw up again." He sounded like a little boy. "You need something in you. Just a few sips of the soup and 7 Up. Okay?" He nodded his head. "You still feel really warm and your really sweating. After you eat, I'm going to make a cool bath for you." She left and got Andrew's supper ready and then Patrick's. She walked back to his bedroom with the tray. "Here you go. It's not much, but it's something."

Patrick sat up in bed. "I'm going to get something to eat and then I'll get your bath ready." Destiny said. "Alright." She got up to go and Patrick grabbed her arm. "Thank you for coming. I don't know what I would do. You know you don't have to do this. Especially, after how I treated you." "I know. But I still care about you. I'll be back in a little bit." Destiny went to the kitchen and ate supper with Andrew. After they cleaned up she went and got a bath ready for Patrick. There was a bathroom in his room so she used that one so he wouldn't have to walk far.
She walked out of the bathroom. "It's ready." Patrick got out of bed. All he had on was his boxers. Destiny was blushing. "You've seen it all, Destiny." That made her blush worse. "Stop it. The water is cool. Just lay there for awhile and I'll get you some clean boxers. Do you want some pajama bottoms?" "Yeah. Aren't you going to bathe me?" "Very funny. If you need me I'll be in the living room with Andrew." "Okay." Patrick went into the bathroom and closed the door. She went to look for a pair of pajama bottoms and boxers. She found them in the dresser. On the bottom of the dresser was a picture of Patrick and Destiny when they were 16. She put the picture back and put his clothes on the bed.

She went out and played with Andrew. A few minutes later, Patrick came out. "Daddy, are you feeling better?" "A little. Thanks to your mom." He gave that smile that made Destiny weak. "Are you going to stay up for a little bit?" Andrew asked. "Yeah, do you want to watch Spongebob?" "Yeah." Patrick sat down and Destiny put in the DVD. Andrew sat next to Patrick. Destiny sat down. She looked over at the two boys. She wish she could go back in time. This is how it would of been. Her taking care of Patrick and raising their children with him. And most importantly, being able to love him.

After the DVD, Andrew got dressed for bed and came out and said goodnight. A few minutes later Patrick stood up. "Well, I think I'm going to go to bed. Oh my god!" "What, Patrick?" "How are you? I forgot all about the baby. You shouldn't of came here. What if you get sick?" He sat next to her and put his hand on her belly. "It'll be fine. I got sick a few times with Andrew." "I don't want you to get sick." "I'll be fine. I'm going to sleep out here." "No, you're not. I don't have a guest room. Andrew took that." Patrick smiled. "You'll sleep with me." "Yeah, remember last time I slept with you." "I'm too weak to even kiss you. Just come in when you are ready for bed." "Okay."
Destiny watched Patrick go to his bedroom. She turned on the TV and watch Buffy. After that she was getting bored and decided to walk through the house. She went inside of Patrick's office. She started to pick up papers off the floor and noticed a paper on the desk. Destiny sat down and picked it up.

'I love her and I can't get her out of my mind. But I love Becca too. Or I think I do. She's been acting weird lately. I wonder if she loves me. I'm so confused of what to do. I'm going to be a father again. I don't want to take the baby away from Destiny. I never wanted to hurt her. It was all Becca's fault. Why did I listen to her? I have so many questions running through my brain. Should I break up with Becca and get back together with Destiny? Will she have me? Should I just move on? Am I going to be a good father? I have some serious thinking to do. I still love, Destiny. I really do.'

Destiny put the paper down and started to cry. After a few minutes she pulled herself together and went to talk to Patrick. She sat on the bed. She brushed his cheek with her hand. It was now or never. "Patty, I need to talk to you." He opened his eyes. "What is it?" The phone rang. "I'll get it." Destiny said. "Hello?" It was Becca. "What the fuck are you doing there?" "I'm taking care of your fiancee'. Which you should be doing." Patrick grabbed the phone from Destiny. "Yeah, Andrew called her." Destiny left the bedroom and went to the living room.

"Destiny, are you all right?" She took one look at Patrick and started crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" He sat next to her and hugged her. "Now tell me what's wrong, besides Becca." "I read your letter or journal. Whatever it was. I know I shouldn't of. I'm sorry." Patrick just looked at her. "What the hell were you doing in my office?" "I'm sorry. I'm always messing up. You seem better now, I'll just go." She got up and grabbed her bag. She was by the door and felt Patrick's hand on her shoulder. "Stay. I shouldn't of gotten mad. Becca told me something. I don't know how to feel." "Is something wrong?" He looked down and ran his fingers through his hair. "She's pregnant too. It looks like I'm going to have two children around the same time. Just when I was about to tell her I couldn't be with her. Funny how life is." A tear slide down his cheek.

Destiny went into his arms. "I'm sorry, Patty." "Everything I wrote was true. I love you. I never stopped." "Same here. We'll get through this. Maybe not as what we wanted." "Damn, why did this have to happen." He let Destiny go and started throwing papers, picture frames, DVDs, everything he could get his hands on. "Patrick! Stop! Your going to wake Andrew." Patrick fell down on his knees. Destiny walked to him and sat behind Patrick and held him while he cried. "I want to really love you and now I can't. I'm sorry, Dest. I'm so sorry."
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