Categories > Movies > Newsies > A Picture's Worth 1000...Heart Attacks?

Character Descriptions

by GreenberryHair 0 reviews

I don't own Newsies. Disney does. I don't own any character in the movie. Disney does. Sage owns Sage, Meghan, and half of Jayden. Ray owns Mikey. I own half of Jayden.

Category: Newsies - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Jack Kelly,Morris Delancey - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-09-27 - Updated: 2007-09-27 - 524 words

Morris Delancey: 37 year old furniture designer and maker and owner of Delancey Furniture on Delancey Street in Manhattan's Lower East Side. He is married to Meghan Delancey and has three children (Jessica (12), Daniel (9), and Grace (4)) with her and two (Jayden (18)and Logan (13)) with his first wife, Alex. Alex died on duty as a police officer for the Brooklyn Police Department. She was pregnant at the time she was shot, but the baby (Logan) pulled through and she didn't. Alex was 22 years old. Morris is very protective over all of his kids, but Jayden feels it the most because she has always been Daddy's Little Girl and his first child.

Meghan Delancey: 35 year old yoga and martial arts instructor. She married Morris Delancey when she was 23 and gave birth to Jessica a few months later. She was best friends with Alex and was hesitant at first about her feelings for Morris, but she is fine with it now, of course. She's always babysat Jayden and Logan when they were little so she's been there from day one. Never meant to take over the role as Jayden and Logan's mom, but she doesn't mind it if the kids want to call her their mom.

Jayden Delancey: 18 year old college student fresh out of high school. Has always been and will always be Daddy's Little Girl and wishes Morris would give her more freedom and not freak out at every little thing that goes wrong with her. She's not perfect, but Morris believes she is...well, as close as you can get at least. She has always had an on again/off again relationship with Michael "Mikey" Shamien throughout high school, despite Morris's protests about the kid.

Sage Kelly: 35 year old professional photographer and best friend of Morris Delancey. Sage is married to Jack Kelly and mother to Zoe Kelly (13). She is the responsible one for the photograph of Jayden that Morris freaks out about. She's been around Jayden since she was born and makes, according to Morris, the best Macaroni & Cheese ever.

Jack Kelly: 37 year old current events reporter for the New York Times. He is married to Sage Kelly and the father of Zoe Kelly (13). He has always had a love/hate relationship with Morris Delancey since they were little, but Morris still considers him a friend that he tolerates more than he actually likes and he is always there for him if need be.

Michael "Mikey" Shamien: 19 year old Marine and the on again/off again boyfriend of Jayden Delancey. Mikey isn't well liked by Morris, but is rather hated by Morris. Morris wishes that Jayden had never had to deal with Mikey, but can't deny his daughter anything and allows her to date him when she does. Morris is never happy about it, but deals with it as long as Mikey doesn't hurt Jayden in anyway. Mikey went straight into the Marines when he was 18 and had actually learned a hell of a lot of discipline while in the Marines. Morris refuses to see how much Mikey's changed and still insists he's not a great kid, regardless of what others around him says.
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