Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Baby, Seasons Change But People Don't.

Best Friends; Ex-Friends Til' The End.

by XxIceCreamHeadachexX 3 reviews

Patrick shows up to rehearsal with Pete.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-09-28 - Updated: 2007-09-29 - 961 words - Complete

Chapter Four: Best Friends; Ex-Friends Til' The End.

"Best friends; Ex-friends till the end. Better off as lovers. And not the other way around."

I paced around my caliginous room that displayed no light. My switch had been flipped down as I soaked in the peaceful darkness that surrounded me. I suddenly began fearful of the lightless room and turned on my luminous lamp that rested on my milk-white dresser. As I switched on the lamp, the glow burst into my river-green eyes, making the eyelids crash down, to shield the fluorescence. I opened my eyes and tried to adjust them to the bright. I stroked them with my fists and blinked frequently. Slowly, I clapped my hand around my cheap cell phone and began tapping the numbers, as they formed to letters on the screen. "R U coming?" pranced across the tiny box in my phone. My finger dashed over send as I awaited Patrick's reply. Unfortunately, I didn't receive a message back, from him. I hesitantly placed the phone back to my messily made bed and plopped onto the keyboard bench. I dabbed the keynotes gently, forming a song of symphony sound.

Music seemed like my only escape. From the worries and sorrow. And all the heartache that the world holds. I can depart to this world where only my keyboard and the notes matter. I let Patrick enter this utopia of mine, but sadly, he had betrayed me and my heart for a punk-looking guy with too much eyeliner.

I sighed as the song ended and I heard a distant call for me. I tip-toed down the hall and crept down the carpeted stairs where my mother was holding the cream-colored front door open where two boys stood there in the bitter outside.

My mother stared blankly at Pete, as I did the same. "Come in." my mother piped up collecting her thoughts. Patrick and Pete lingered in shaking off their shivers and undressing their chilled jackets.

I glanced over at my bewildered mother who mouthed, "Who's he?" indicating Pete.

Pete must've noticed her unspoken question because he stuck out his clammy hand and greeted, "Hello, I'm Pete." I blinked twice and swallowed back his politeness. My mother took his hand and gave him a light shake before dropping it and smiling. Confusion still clung to her expression as Pete read it like a book.

"I'm your neighbor. Oh, by the way, thanks for the brownies." he said smiling cheekily. He was being so mannerly, I was a bit impressed and by the looks of it, Patrick was too.

"Well, would you boys like something to eat?" Mom asked, being a good hostess. Patrick shook his head as Pete replied with a "No, thank you." We all walked up to my room as I tried to conclude why Pete would be here. As soon as my bedroom door closed, flames went up.

"What is he doing here?" I asked sharply to Patrick who was playing with a loose string on his jacket.

"He wants to hear me sing..." Patrick answered, blushing.

"Why?" I questioned stabbing a glare in Pete's honey-hazel eyes.

"I don't know." he vaguely said plopping himself on my bed. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Patrick.

"One minute." I said to Pete as I shoved Patrick into the hall.

"Why the hell did you bring him?!" I exclaimed in a hushed tone. I really didn't want Pete to be hearing our conversation.

"I already told you." he answered leaning against my door.

"To hear you sing?! Why here? You know I don't like him, but you bring him in my house!" I yelled with my frustration steaming.

"Well, you wanted me to come to your stupid talent show rehearsal and I was with Pete, so I thought he could come." He answered calmly without caring I was angry.

"Well, apparently you didn't think at all!" I hollered as Patrick began to turn red.

"What the hell is your problem anyway?! Why do you hate him so much!?" he yelled back.

"Because, he's a jerk! And ever since you've been hanging out with him, you've been turning into a jerk too!" I shouted with tears streaming my face.

"Oh? So now I'm a jerk?" he went on without a care I was pretty hurt by us fighting.

"Yes! You've changed! You aren't nice anymore. You're always making fun of other people now! You wear the weirdest clothes! And you haven't been showing up to Talent Show Rehearsal!" I yelled as Patrick looked taken aback.

For a few seconds, he didn't have anything to say until he muttered, "Maybe I don't want to be in the Talent Show anymore.", looking at his dirty converse.

I sank back for a few moments trying to analyze what he just said. I was unsure of his words, but I was too angry to stop myself from continuing.

"What?" I hissed as Patrick shot his gaze back up at me.

"I said: maybe I didn't want to be in the Talent Show with you anymore!" he re-told storming down the stairs.

"Well maybe I don't want you to compete in the Talent Show with me anymore!" I screamed after him but all I heard was a few muffled grunts and a slam of a door.

Then, thick, hot tears clouded my emerald-green eyes as I made my way back to my room.
Great. I think I just lost my partner for the talent show and my best friend.


Special thanks to the amazing ClandestineUntited, the wonderful i_heart_cliches, and the fantastic mooniexmisfit for the fabulous reviews!

Yay! I got three reviews, so I'm happy. ^_^

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