Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mad By Association

Chapter 16

by poser 3 reviews

Gerard loses It and it

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-10-03 - Updated: 2007-10-04 - 832 words


Number 16 :

Gerard's point of view ```

Oh my fucking head hurts, like a woman giving birth for the first time! Why can't I keep my scawny ass out of people's business? My mother is right I need to get friends of my own. I basically need to have a fresh new start. I was on the top of the world a couple days ago, but then Mikey had to screw me over. I was content, for once in my life, I was like YAY! Fuck depression! But nooo, Gerard doesn't deserve happiness. He's forever the greasy haired, suicidal, art freak.

"Shit," I banged my head on the desk top and now it hurt like drinking whisky with a sore throath. I need to get out of here. I look to my right and Bob is staring me down like a hawk, he wants to kick my ass. I guess he should live to my new rules of minding my own business. I lean over and grab his hand to catch a glimpse of the time on his watch. "It's now fucking 2!" I shout out, getting some disapproving looks thrown my way. Don't talk about the look Mikey gave me.

It reads, 'it's your fucking fault we're in here bitch'. Well it just read bitch, but I assumed the rest. If he knows what's good for him he wouldn't show up at home tonight. I'll mutilate his little ass. "I'm hungry," Frank grunted for the twelveth time. "We're all hungry, lard ass," Bob snickered and well now is my que to leave this place. I feel like everyone wants to shoot bullets to my head. Actually they already have.

"Are you going to get food?" Frank's hand latched on to mine when I passed by the front desk. "No, I'm gonna take a leak, if you want I could arrange a orange soda out of that," I said with much apathy, but geez I like Frank, it's Mikey I can't stand for the moment. I love my brother, but damn, 'go slit your troat!' Who says those things?

"Can you put some sugar in it?" was Frank's reply and I smiled for a second, for if I did any longer my face would hurt more. "Fine," I continued out the door, not even looking back. The hallways were silent, classes were going on still and no one was rebelious enough to skip. Then again I haven't reached outside as yet. I need a smoke.

Reaching in my back pocket I pulled out my cancer sticks and headed for the exit. "Gerard," I heard a female voice escape from behind. I turned around to see my woman walking towards me with a saddened expression. "Hey," I waited for her to walk up to me. "Aww, look at you," she stroked the side of my face, I guess I must look like a thing that comes out for Halloween. I figure she's sad because I look like shit.

"I know, Mikey and his band of mongrels again," those words came out of my mouth with ease. And I feel sick saying something like that, wasn't I the one who said I don't like being judged? Geez ! "Gerard we have to talk," okay I don't like the sound of this, she walked ahead and I met her in her classroom soon after.

She sat on the edge of her desk, and got up to close the door when I entered. "Have a seat," she pointed out to me and I couldn't be bothered. What the fuck it going on? She's going to leave me isn't she? I obeyed her orders and took a seat on one of the side benches. She sat beside me and that's when the end of the world began in my eyes.

"My husband and I are getting back together," excuse me...

Now that is a conversation I want to erase from my brain, but it comes flashing back in my mind, in bright green neon lights. It's pathetic! I found myself back in the detention room, smashing the remainder of my brain cells on the desk. "GEE, What the fuck!" Frank shouted out. It was just a fling! We were having fun! I don't think of you in that way! You're perfect just as you are!

Why the fuck would she say those things to me? "What's with the noise? Why is he using his head like a trambarine?" oh he's back, I raised my head and a new wound was formed, or old ones grew larger. With one swift movement a chair went flying to the front of the classroom. I really hope I get kicked out of this school for that.

Mood: Can psyco be considered as a mood?

Purpose: I used to think I was put on this world to save people's life, but I can't do that if I can't save myself.

(spanx much for reading and reviewing everyone... i appreciation from the bottom of my fart)
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