Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mad By Association

Chapter 15

by poser 3 reviews

Bob's got a thing or two to not say

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2007-09-28 - Updated: 2007-09-29 - 866 words


Number 15: Super Bob... NOT!

Bob's point of view ```

"What is it with you kids and violence?" that question echoed in my ear as we waited for our... well I waited for my un-deserved punishment. Next time I'll know not to stick my fist into other people's business. God dammit Bob, you're stupid ! I can't believe I fell for the bait, AGAIN ! Twice in a month ! What's wrong with me? Next thing I'll be in a freaking cape, 'saving' people! Fuck NO ! "Why can't you solve you drama out of the school's premises huh?" eh? We all watched the vice principal quizzically.

The freaks, jocks and I were all gathered in a classroom, being lectured. Mrs.Mann, or whatever our principal's name is, is out of town. So this dude is trying to be head of assholes for the day. I couldn't tell you how long the dude wrestling moment of earlier lasted, all I know is that my back aches, for some jackass kicked me there. "Would you just punish us already!" Gerard whinned, his head bent over, due to the icepack digging into his eye socket. "Hey, don't give me rudeness, I know you're desperate to be all emotive, but you're not going home to slash your wrists this time," I can't believe he got that sentence out without a smirk or a chair to the head.

I could hear the silent grunt and curse words coming from Gerard's mouth, if only I had the guts to do the same. "Some of us, shouldn't even be here," Jake volunteered his opinion, note to self, slap him later. "Well that's left for me to decide, as for now, you guys aren't leaving this classroom until 5, have fun," I mentally bore a hole threw that fucker's head and he left us alone. I can't believe he left me here with these.... oh gosh ! "What the fuck! I have two more weeks of detention," Frank bawled out and our eyes followed him to the front of the classroom.

No one seemed to care, for we all ignored Frank's cries for attention, for we all were too fucking sorry for ourselves. Then someone had an outburst of their own. "Yeah Gerard what the fuck?" Mikey walked up to his brother's seat, towering him in the process. "Not now all right," Gerard raised his arm in protest, "I've had enough of your shit for the day." "My shit! You're the fucker who punched Jake for nothing," Mikey was all in Gerard's face with that one, shoving him haughtily.

"Hey Mike, leave him be," suprisingly Jake had no hard feelings towards Gee, but Gee replied to that comment with a disapproving glare. "No, he deserves it," he said calmly to Jake, then a word wind was shot at his brother yet again. "Why don't you live your own fucking life? Is mine so much better than yours that you have to fuck up things for me? Fuck you Gerard, go slit your throat I don't give a fuck about you anymore," those were the hostile slurs Mikey left us all shocked with.

He walked towards the door, Frank pleaded with him, "Mikey." "Same goes for you, stay out of my life," holy shit, what a fucked up thing to say to one of your best friends... well ex best friend since Mikey started wearing a super cool school colours. Jake was hot on Mikey's trail, sprinting towards the door worriedly. "Where the fuck are you going?" Gerard was out of lala land now. "What's your bother man? What have I ever done to you?" Jake stopped to answer.

"Stay away from my brother if you know what's good for you," what the heck is wrong with these kids? Really that teacher was right when he said, we shoud fight outside the school. "Are you jealous of our friendship or something?" that sounds like something a chick would say, then again Jake does like his hair. I start to ignore them, for if they fight, I'm not stepping in at all. Toro is lucky he got away from this shit, pays to be a smart ass student.

"Me envy him? Me envy you? Me envy getting off while slapping eachother's asses? Oh God you got me at Jock strap," Gee stood up, I couldn't help but to listen after hearing that. "What the fuck is your problem?" Jake walked closer to him and they both looked like long lost cousins with their matching black eyes and bruised faces. "What the fuck is wrong with the both of you? You sound like two banshees," little Frank shouted from the teacher's chair. "Does your mouth ever converse with your brain?" I said to him sorrowfilled.

He just shrugged. "I thought so," I focused my eyes on the doorway where an upset Mikey appeared. The vice principal was close behind, "this is not a fashion runway, sit down!" Everyone sat down, spaced out from eachother then there was Frank, who sat at the teacher's desk boldfaced. "What? I'm seated," he rolled his eyes when the teacher looked at him displeased.

Goal: To not be classed as a super hero

Goal #2: To become a hermit again
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