Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mad By Association

Chapter 14

by poser 3 reviews

Mikey... oh dear Mikey

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2007-09-19 - Updated: 2007-09-20 - 764 words


Number 14 : The war has begun

Mikey's point of view ```

Sitting in the kitchen, staring at the enemy, well he made himself the enemy. My brother has become someone I don't know and someone I don't like to be around. And right now I can't stand him. For example, I'm sure he's going to respond to me in some sort of assholic manner. "Frank and Christa broke up, boohoo, what a big suprise," Gerard rolled his eyes to the news. It's good to see he's back to his ass like nature. "You know Frank really liked her right?" I added, lets see if he really cared about this teen gossip.

"It's hard to believe," he leaned back in his chair, arms behind his head, "she is another Melinda clone, dab some bleach blonde hair on her and she's 80% there." What is this dude talking about? "Would you not talk about my friends like that," I said actually indulging in Gerard's mind warp of a conversation. I'll freaking regret this. "She's a bitch, they all are, you know that," he spat out, I knew he had a problem with her but it goes deeper than a problem. "No Gee, you're the bitch," I stood up wacking his arms in the process, "you would never give them a chance."

He snapped upright instantly, walking up to me with rage. "What are you, in love with the home wrecker?" his facial features relaxed and he gave a slight grin. "Is your brain made of jello? Or is it naturally hollow?" I moved around him with my dirty dishes. Standing over the sink, I turned on the faucet, I felt him behind me. "Just answer the question?" he went on. "What the fuck is your problem Gerard?" I spat out, he's beginning to piss me off again. Sometimes I wish I could kick his ass.

But yeah, that's just a thought. "I'm just looking out for you bro," his hand was now on my shoulder, gently patting me, with all his fake brotherly love. I turned around, "well do me a favour and waste your time doing something else." "You know one day you'll realize that blood is thicker than water," I just stared at him blankly, too bad his blood is diluted with all those episodes he's had. "Fuck off loser," I walked pass him feeling both liberated and lost in one.

The next day at school went perfectly...wrong. Lunch was a blur, the rain wrecked our outdoor eating, so we had to assemble in the gym for lunch. I walked along with my lunch tray while scanning the room from the gym entrance. Everyone was scattered around, some sitting on the bleachers, some sitting on the gym floor, most too holy to set their asses on the floor so they ventured for chairs. And me, well I think it's time I pay a visit to some old friends of mine.

"Hey Mikester where you headed?" I nodded my head at Jake, who was sitting near the bottom of the bleachers, playing some sort of card game with the other guys. I pointed my head in the direction of Ray, Frank and believe it or not Bob Bryar further up the stairs. "Hold up, I've got something for yah," Jake ran up to me with his hands digging through his jacket, "20 20 vision at your disposal." He handed me a small case, I struggled to open it with my lunch in one hand.

"Wow," he got me contact lens. "Yeah, go try them out," he punched me on the arm as usual, but that didn't go over too well. I sort of stumbled backwards and a loud thump was heard when my lunch fell. "What the fuck did you push him for?" silence spread out through out the gym when Gerard stormed into our presence. Before Jake could answer he received a fist to the eye, sending him flying inbetween the wooden panels of the bleachers. I looked on at Gerard and I figured this was the perfect oppurtunity to fuck his face up.

With all the will and strength I pounded my fist into Gerard, until I could see red. I could feel the wetness on my hand and a force pulling me off him. "MIKEY STOP !!" I don't know if it was Frank or Ray, but I couldn't stop. But they stopped me, Bob stopped me, jamming me unto his chest, stiffling me to death. "This is war Gerard, you fuck with my friends, you get fucked," I spat out.

Life: Fucked... thanks to sibling rivalry
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