Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Crack Of Night, The Death Of Dawn

Chapter one

by xxACoalminexx 3 reviews

I must be imagining things...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-10-07 - Updated: 2007-10-07 - 269 words

Moonlight poured in through the window as I lay awake, waiting for my stranger. Tonight was much lighter than most others. Summer must be close.

When the grandfather clock in the corner of the room strikes twelve, I would officially be twenty-three. Maybe it was because I was born at midnight that I love the night so much. My friends joke that it’s because I’m half vampire. I laughed out loud, just thinking about their silly humor.


The clock started its countdown to my birthday. I counted along and did a small cheer when it struck for the twelfth time. I closed my eyes to let in the feeling of being another year older (and supposedly another year wiser). I opened my eyes when the door creaked open. My stranger walked in and approached the bed. I could finally see his face. He was rather good looking but his face was etched with a mix of worry and anger. I wondered if that was a constant.
He climbed into bed like he does each and every night, without even a simple “hello”. By his mannerisms, he was not feeling particularly upset. He assured me when he slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. The tips of our noses touched. Then he said his first words to me.

“Happy Birthday,”

As he said those words, of course, his mouth opened. I happened to catch a glimpse of his teeth. I screamed and shot up, not because he knew it was my birthday, but because his canine teeth were long. Too long. Almost like...fangs...
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