Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Let Me Be The One Who Calls You Baby...

Chapter One: Choke Me

by XkissmeXkillmeX 0 reviews

There are those loves that are just not ment to be...those who choose not to read the signs early on, live in misery.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2007-10-26 - Updated: 2007-10-27 - 470 words

"Please...Baby, please don’t leave me...” I watched the heart monitor, hoping, praying. She had been like this for days, they wanted me to let her go, and of course every time I refused. She’s my wife, I’m not letting her go.
"Don't call me baby." A weak whisper, her eyes weren't open, but there was a faint, painful smirk playing on her lips. Tears slipped from my eyes almost immediately.
"'re up, how do you feel?" Stupid question but I didn't know what else to stay.
"Just peachy Frank." She was the same as always, even in the face of death. "Where's my sister?"
"With Gerard, they postponed the wedding till you get better." I mumbled.
"Sid must be angry, how long have I been out?" She asked.
"A month, but it doesn't're okay now." I was saying it more for my benefit.
"You mean I'm Okay for now." She gave an airy laugh.
"This is all my fault." I couldn't take it anymore, pretending that nothing was wrong.
"What do you mean?" She tried to look into my eyes but I wouldn't let her.
"You don't remember much do you?"
"Just that we got into a fight...I must have had another attack...I must've hit my head or something, or it was one of the really bad ones...@ She was trying to make up excuses.
"Your anxiety disorder didn't get bad enough for it to put you into a coma and you know it." I didn't want to tell the truth. I didn't have to. Her heart started failing again. I hit the button for the nurse and I was pushed away. I was pushed back into that wretched hall to wait and pray.
"What happened...They just told me Luka was up what the fuck did you do!?”Her sister was one to fear.
"Sid, I dunno we were just talking about what happened-" I started.
"You made her worse!" Sid pushed me up against the wall I pretty much let her do it, at some point I'd wished that she'd just get it over with. Hell, I deserved it. She pounded her fists into me until Gerard came and pulled her off of me. He didn't say anything to me, just carried a crying Sid back down the hall.
I still didn't tell probably would be better that she not know...I’m way ahead of myself.
I guess I should start at the beginning, even though this story starts at the end.
I focused, so I could listen to the faint sounds of her heart monitor, the whispers of various nurses and doctors. I could point out a million points that I could change one thing, and none of this would have ever happened to us.
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