Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > King and Queen


by irish_ping-pong 3 reviews

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Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2007-11-02 - Updated: 2007-11-03 - 869 words

The titans had been there for about an hour waiting for Theresa to wake up. Neil fell asleep, and so did Atlanta. Jay struggled to keep his eyes open, and he managed to.

“Oh my goodness. I feel like-”

“Theresa!” Jay shouted. The Neil woke up and rolled off the other bed onto the floor and Atlanta’s eyes snapped open.

“Yep, that’s me,” Theresa said, confused.

“You’re okay!” Jay exclaimed hugging her tightly.

“Ur…yah, are ‘you’ feeling okay? And why is my arm broken!?” Theresa asked angrily. “Who did this to me? Was it you? (points at Jay) Argh!” Theresa was getting ready to throw a punch at Jay, when he put his hand over her fist.

“Haha, no it was not me. It was a dog.”

“A dog? No seriously.”

“Yah Jay,” Archie said, “It was more like a bear.”

“No! It was a mongoose,” Herry said.

“Do you even know what that is?” Theresa asked irritably.

“No, I just knew you guys would stop.”

“Anyway, what happened?” Theresa asked again.

“You…sort of…fell…off a…cliff…” Jay stuttered.

“You guys are funny. I’d be in a way worse condition than this. I would be- my pants!” Theresa exclaimed when she saw her red – used to be blue – jeans. For a moment, it looked as though Theresa was gonna throw up. “Okay…so maybe I did fall…far down…really far…okay now I am really afraid of heights.”

“S’okay,” Archie said lightly punching his heart and putting his other hand on her shoulder. Theresa shook her head at Archie’s bizarre way of showing false sympathy.

“Can I go home?” Theresa asked.

“I don’t know, let’s ask,” Archie said and turned to Chiron who was somewhat far away, “Yo Chiron!” Chiron turned around with a confused look on his face. “I mean, excuse me Chiron.”


“Can Theresa go home?” Herry asked. Chiron walked over and examined Theresa’s legs, and broken arm.

“No,” he said coldly, “I’m sorry, but she’s in bad shape. She can go home tomorrow, after Persephone gets rid of the gash.”

“Is it gonna hurt?” Theresa asked rubbing her sore arm.

“Well…Persephone said it only lasts 5 seconds. But yes, it is painful.”

“Okay, well I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Theresa said quietly giving Atlanta a hug.

“Good night, Theresa,” Jay said, embracing her in a tight hug.

“Jay, might I have a word?” Chiron asked.

“Sure,” Jay answered.

“You may all come.” Chiron led them into the hallway. Theresa used her super sensitive hearing to eavesdrop.

“What is it?” Archie asked.

“It’s Theresa. This fall has really done something to her. Hera, Persephone and I cannot determine what it is. If she doesn’t get better, she may never be able to fight again, or use her magic again.”

‘WHAT!? Oh no!!’ Theresa thought to herself.

“No! That can’t be! We NEED her!” Jay cried.

‘What did he say? They ‘need’ me? No one’s ever said that about me…’ Theresa thought again.

“I know I’m sorry. We are doing all we can,” Chiron apologized bowing his head. Atlanta sighed and looked at Jay who seemed to be almost in tears.

“Can Persephone use magic to help Theresa?” Atlanta inquired, trying to give Jay some hope.

“She’s tried some spells, but we will keep trying.”

‘I sure hope this isn’t going to be too painful,’ Theresa muttered in her head.

“Thanks Chiron,” Odie mumbled looking at the ground.

“We can bring her home tomorrow right?” Herry asked.

“Yes, just be very careful with her, and make sure she doesn’t go anywhere alone. Also don’t let her do anything that requires a lot of strength for a while,” Chiron instructed.

“Yah, okay,” Jay mumbled.

“You best be off. Theresa needs her rest.”

“See-you,” Archie said putting his hand on Atlanta’s back and gently pushed her through a few feet ahead.

“Well, that’s depressing,” Theresa whispered to her. Chiron walked in and noticed Theresa wasn’t looking at him. She gathered her knees and pulled them close to her.

“You heard, didn’t you?” asked Chiron. Theresa nodded still not looking at him.

“I should’ve known. Persephone told me your hearing would improve the more you trained. But don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be fine. We will do anything to keep you alive.”

“Thanks, but that’s not it,” Theresa began, “It’s what they said, well more what Jay said.”

“Yes and what was that?”

“He said that…they needed me,” Theresa said, “No one’s ever said that to me.”

“Well everyone here needs you and we will not give up on you if you do not give up on yourself.”


“You should get some rest. Persephone’s going to help you to heal better tomorrow,” Chiron instructed.

“Okay,” Theresa replied. Chiron left the room and gently closed the door behind him.

“So excited,” Theresa mumbled.

Theresa had managed to fall into a deep sleep. She didn’t even flinch when the clock had rung at midnight. But she did wake up for something else.
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