Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Jay and the Golden Fleece

Demons/ Har-What?

by twiinklestar 0 reviews

Girls are smarter then you think . ;)

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-11-02 - Updated: 2007-11-03 - 767 words

Chapter 22 :

Jay ran up to the deck with Zetes. The two went to the head of the boat to see a land full of luscious green plants and many colorful flowers. In the front there was a sandy beach.

“Do you know where we are?” Jay asked.

“Yes I do. We’re in Thrace.”

Thrace was an island that was also known as the ‘Tabletop Island’ or the place that they were looking for.

“Where is that?”

“They say a man named Phineus, who has been punished by the God’s, lives here. This man knows the path to the Golden Fleece.”

“Well everybody set out and find the man or else find something.” ordered Jay.

“Every man took a partner and set out to find something. Two men, Autolycus and Iolaus, searched through the bush till they came to a path. They followed the path to a building. It looked very old. The two men walked through the entrance. There was a table covered with delicious foods. There were apples as red as cherry tomatoes. There was almost every fruit in the world and there was a large cooked turkey and a ham. It was food fit for the God’s. A loud roaring was heard from Iolaus’ stomach. Both men’s eyes bulged out of their eye sockets. They both began to drool.

“Mmm… food” they mumbled sounding zombie-like.

Autolycus reached for an apple. He brought it close to his lips and then…


Two bird-like creatures with women heads –very ugly women heads- came flying down at full speed. They had their wings tucked tightly and their shark talons stretched out getting ready to claw them. Autolycus dropped the apple and the two men ran as quickly as their pudgy legs could carry them. Atalanta herself would be proud.


Jay, Archie and Atlanta were using the zyphos to cut down the trees when they heard yelling and screaming. Jay cut through the plants and bush whacked faster then he had ever before. He cut until there were no bushes left and he had a clear view of the ancient building as well as the two men running haphhazard down the path, arm’s flailing and tripping over their own two feet. A look of pure fright masked their faces.

Archie and Atlanta looked at them questioningly, one eyebrow raised whereas Jay looked completely stunned. Atlanta waved a hand in front of his face to lead him to consciousness.

“Jay? Earth to Jay.”

Jay blinked his eyes a couple of times to make sure if what he was seeing was real.

“Huh? I think I’ve gone madder. Please, somebody hit me.”

“Proud too buddy.” said Archie making a fist.

“No!” stopped Atlanta fencing Archie with her arm.

“Is it me or did two men just run down that path flailing their arms and tripped over their own two feet?”

“Oh, believe me, it was definitely just you.” Archie joked earning himself a flick in the ear from Atlanta who snarled at her boyfriend’s sarcasm. She rolled her eyes when he cringed and whined.

“No Jay, it wasn’t just you. Archie’s just being a dumb dork-“

“Dumb dork? I could get used to that.” Archie smirked. Atlanta punched him in the gut.

“Oh shut up Arch.”

Archie cringed again and held his stomach. He chocked for a minute or two.

“So I wasn’t just seeing things?”

“Nope.” Atlanta deadpanned.

“So does that mean we should go see what happened?”

“Probably- Let’s go Arch” Atlanta pulled Archie by the ear.

Jay shook his head and smiled. Then he followed after Atlanta who was currently in the lead. They went to find the men.

They found the two panicked men back at the boat talking to the rest of the ships people.

“Demons them was! Demons!” Autolycus spoke.

“What about demons?” asked Jay.

“Demons are in that temple. There’s a table of food that taunts you. It looks so good but right as you put the goodness to your lips, just close enough to taste its’ greatness, they come and bite your head off. They’re demons!” Iolaus exclaimed.

“What did they look like?” Atlanta questioned.

“They had feathers and talons but heads of women- ugly women.” Autolycus stated grimly.

“Well what kind of creature is a mix of a bird and an ugly woman and would kill people over food?” Archie thought out aloud.

Atlanta’s mind clicked.


Half of the men’s jaws dropped.

“A har- what?” gaped Archie.

“A harpy.” Atlanta stood proudly.

Brittany McMillan – 2007 – ©
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