Categories > Original > Humor > Five Minute Soap Dish

Week 45

by johmichaels 0 reviews

Gia and Steve are abandoned at the club by Nick and Kelly. Only trouble can come from this. Only 5 weeks to go!

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-11-03 - Updated: 2007-11-03 - 1151 words - Complete


Week 45

A week had past, and now Gia and Steve found themselves waiting outside a nightclub.

“Well, I’m sick and tired of waiting for them,” Steve said, “Do you want to go in or call the whole thing off?”

“No. Kelly said she’d be here. So did Nick. Hell, they arranged it,” Gia explained, “In Nick’s words it was an attempt to get us to ‘Cheer the fuck up already’ otherwise he wouldn’t have even considered coming.”

“Well, we should do something quickly. I mean, it’s cold out here, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to rain soon,” Steve said, “I mean, it’s Melbourne in winter. Odds are it’ll happen within five minutes.”

At that moment both their mobiles rang, and they simultaneously checked the message they received.

“Nick is sorry to inform us that he just got a last minute work shift, and has decided being able to pay rent beats hanging out with us,” Steve read.

“Kelly regrets to inform us that she has a dinner date,” Gia read, “But that’s ridiculous. Kelly only left the Italian bloke a few weeks back-isn’t it a bit soon?”

“Oh, no, not too soon. For Kelly, if anything, it’s too slow,” Steve said, “So, go in, or not?”

“Well, it does seem kind of pointless for a “Cheer-up” nite to be attended only by the two people needing cheering up, doesn’t it?” Gia asked.

“Yeah. But still, we can have a good time. Just as friends, of course,” Steve said, “Oh, and just so you know, I didn’t organise this to happen.”

“Neither did I,” Gia said, then developed a wry grin, “You don’t suppose that…that Kelly and Nick were arranging for us to go to the club together.”

“No. Nick and Kelly don’t want us to hang out together, and-“ Steve interrupted himself as he read a new message on his phone, “Yep, Nick definitely doesn’t want anything to happen between us. He’s just told me to keep my hands of you, and that I’m a fucker.”

Gia looked over at the club, then up at the night sky, thinking over whether to go in or not.

“It would be a waste to come all this way, and not go in, just because two friends didn’t turn up, wouldn’t it?”

“Definitely. Totally agree,” Steve smiled, “Let’s head in, then.”

They bypassed the bouncer, and went inside, looking at then crowded, dimly lit dance floor. They felt as if they should want to go on it, but really couldn’t be bothered.

Steve tried to stay true to form, “Wanna dance?”

“No. Not tonight,” Gia answered.

“Wanna drink then?”

Gia smiled, “Now you’ve got me pegged.”

Steve guided her over to the bar, and ordered two drinks.

“You know what’s most annoying?” Gia asked, mainly to herself, leaning on the bar, “I can’t get around to hating him y’know?”

“Who? Mark?”

“Yeah. I mean, I’ve been treated badly by guys before, and usually I hated the guys afterwards. But this time, Mark has a huge problem that’s going to cause trouble no matter the relationship he goes into. He’s denying who he really is. So I end up pitying him, not hating him,” she explained, “And one of the best parts of a break up is the hating period, don’t you find?”

Steve cringed a little, “Well, there haven’t been that many relationships in my life where the break up leads to me actually caring, to be honest. Usually I just try and move on. Everyone takes one step to the right-”

“And suddenly you’ve found yourself a new partner?” Gia asked, “So, what’s taking you so long this time?”

“Dunno. I guess it helps that I actually want those kind of relationships-the kind I’ll actually remember in a month’s time, even if it fails. I mean, I’m twenty-four. I should be able to list more females who actually consider me a friend than Kelly.”

“And me-or am I on a probationary period or something?”

“No, I thought I was on the trial period,” Steve said, “Waiting to see how I can actually handle the friends bit before you decide to give me your stamp of approval?”

Gia smiled again, “You’ll do, Steve, you’ll do.”

“And you shouldn’t worry about Mark. I’ve been in worse relationships than that.”

Gia was surprised, “What? Do you have a habit of bringing up conversation topics we’ve stopped talking about?”

“No-I was just thinking that at least Mark was seeing men throughout your relationship.”

“And that’s a good thing?”

“It means you didn’t turn him gay. I know a few girls who became lesbians after I met them. God, that hurt.”

“Why? Feel like you turned them off men?”

“No, I just felt, if they had only turned sooner, I could have totally managed that three way.”

Gia laughed, “You are so shallow, Steve! But, at least you’re honest, now.”

“Maybe I’m just trying to make fun of a sad situation so I don’t have to deal with the emotional consequences,” Steve said, “Anyway, it’s good to see you smile.”

“Well, it’s good to smile again,” Gia agreed.

“Still don’t want to dance?” Steve asked.

“Ask again when I’ve finished this drink. And it’s cousin behind the bar,” Gia said.

“Go on, you don’t know who’s going to be out on the dance floor tonight. Could be the perfect guy-the one to take your mind well and truly off Mark.”

“Or could be the perfect girl waiting there for you. Why don’t you go check first, and if you see someone I’d like, I’ll follow you in.”

“No-I’m not leaving you to be abandoned here. I know what sort of guys prey on girls left all alone at the bar,” Steve said, smirking, “After all, I used to be one of them.”

Gia stared into her drink, “So we’ll just sit here, and hope the perfect person to take our minds well and truly off our dramas just drops around? Is that your plan?”

“I guess so. And if we’re lucky, no one will disturb us, we’ll feel loveless and alone, making us feel even worse than we started, and Nick and Kelly will feel guilty for abandoning us. Sound good to you?”

“Oh yes. Especially if we can make Nick and Kelly feel guilty even if we end up having a good time-we’ll just say we feel bad afterwards,” Gia had developed a particular evil grin at Steve’s suggestion.

“All right then. Bar man, another one of whatever the lady’s having.”
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