Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > For real..?

Chapter 8

by iluvgee 3 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-11-09 - Updated: 2007-11-09 - 934 words

[Sorry about the wait, i just didn't know what exactly to do next. I had an idea, and then half way through writing this it changed...might explain why i don't like this chapter.]

Chapter Eight

As she waited outside the park, Mya saw him walking towards her.

‘Right, it’s now or never’ she thought to herself.

“Erm hi...” Gerard stuttered.

“Hey…look I’m sorry if you regret meeting me, but I can’t change what’s happened” Mya said, as they started to walk.

“No, it’s not your fault…I don’t want you blaming yourself for what’s happened, and to be honest I don’t regret meeting you or what happened. Gerard said quickly in a rush.

It took Mya a while to reply, as she was checking she understood everything he said;

“Gerard I must have done something…” She said quietly.

“No Mya, you didn’t. It wasn’t anything to do with you in which I made this decision. It’s just I know, I am not the right guy for you, and if we carried it on I wouldn’t want to hurt you…” He said sadly.

“How can you say you’re not right for me…? I think your perfect in everyway…and I want to be with you…nobody else…”Mya said in a small voice, as it started to rain.

“I know I’m not…you say you want me, but it’s not the truth…seriously Mya you can do a lot better then me…I’m sorry!” He quickened his pace and started to walk off.

“Wait, Gerard please…” She shouted as she ran after him. “Don’t just leave me like that!” She started to cry.

He tried to walk even faster; “Mya…leave it, it’s never going to happen, it can’t!”

The rain started to pour down heavier “GERARD! Don’t do this to me! I fucking want you…I need you!” Mya screamed, grabbing at his arm.

He stopped dramatically and turned around “Why don’t you understand?! We are never going to be together!”

Mya looked hurt, “I can change, just give me sometime please!”

Gerard started to loose it “Are you that fucking stupid?! I can’t be with you, get over it! Fucking hell!”

Mya couldn’t believe what she was hearing, was it the same guy she was in love with, or who she thought she loved.

“Gerard…what have I done wrong…?” She said questioningly, still crying.

“For fuck sake, you didn’t do anything wrong, this is the last time I’m gonna say it, nothing can ever happen between us, okay?! He screamed starting to cry himself.

“I’m sorry!” She said upsettingly

Gerard pulled her close to him, and held her tight without releasing.

“Mya, I sorry…I don’t want you to hate me.”

“I don’t hate you! I love you…” She said as her voice drifted off into his top with her crying.

“I know you do…but it can’t be…I’m sorry.” He said taking her under some shelter.

“I will try and understand, if you explain to me…please Gerard, I need to know.” Mya said calming herself down slowly but sadly.

“I don’t think I can tell you...I don’t want you to hate me…”

Mya put a slight smile on for him “I won’t hate you, it’s impossible!”

“Okay then…I guess I owe it to you anyway…” He said unsure.

“Go on, take your time…” She smiled wiping her eyes.

“When I met you I thought it was great, I really liked the look of you, that’s why I asked you out with me. I loved it, it was all going perfect. I felt so right being with you…but the thing I never told you was that I’d just split up with my wife…I guess I just needed someone around me, that’s why I invited you for coffee. That’s when I realised; I think I have more potential with this girl, that’s when the meal happened and then that wonderful night. Whilst this was happening though, I’d had contact with my ex, we were discussing about when the divorce would be coming through and the selling of the house, that’s when I knew I wasn’t over her…I still love her…we re thought and we’re kinda back together…I’m real sorry.” Gerard said turning his head.

Mya just stared at him “What…I thought…I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME?!” She yelled at him.

“I do, but she’s my wife…we’ve been through a lot of things together, I guess I need her…I need her more then I actually thought I did…”

Mya’s eyes widened “I could be there for you! I need you Gerard, your just gonna do this too me?!” She maddened her voice.

“Mya I like you…but it wasn’t that much between us, compared to Irina…I’m meant to be with her…”

“What…? Seriously fuck this, fuck you, cunt!” Mya screamed as she slapped him.

Gerard didn’t know what to do, he was too shocked to say anything; he couldn’t believe she liked him this much. He went to speak but Mya wasn’t having any of it.

“Don’t bother…” She said gritted through her teeth.

Mya ran off crying, hoping she would wake up from this nightmare soon.

[meh it was shit, i know. r && r thou]
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