Categories > Books > Harry Potter > An American Wizard in Hogwarts

Soul Reader

by Anonymus31 2 reviews

Harry and his two best friends are 5. There is something weird about his friend Matt, whose female cousin is very familiar.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,James,Lily,Sirius - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-11-12 - Updated: 2007-11-13 - 2013 words

Disclaimer: The offer stands, you know, the one about the nice men in white suits.

A/N: For those not from America, I am referring to American football every time I use the word 'football.' For those not familiar with the sport, American Football uses a brown, vaguely lemon shaped ball. For a better description looks it up on wikipedia.

Chapter 3: Soul Reader

July 4, 1985

Lily Potter glanced out the window at the children playing in the yard. There were three of them, throwing a football around. The first one she looked at was a wiry looking boy with unruly black hair, and the most shockingly green eyes she had ever seen, aside from those that looked back at her from the mirror every morning. She smiled thinking of all the comments both she and her son, Harry, had gotten about them whenever they went out. The most startling feature about the boy was a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt. It was the remnant of the ritual that had saved his life, a ritual that had at the time seemed to have gone right. Until the next morning that is. When Lily gave Harry his bath, something she had been too drained to do the previous night, the blood had seemed to cut the rune into his forehead. It was suggested that perhaps some of Voldemort's blood had gotten mixed in with the blood on his forehead when James shot him in the head. Whatever the cause, it could not be healed by magic, instead they had had to let it heal on it's own, leaving a scar.

The next child she looked at was named Matthew Robertson. He was slightly shorter, and slightly stouter, though not fat. He had medium length reddish blonde hair and his eyes, pale blue with a hint of green, seemed to look right through you, when he made eye contact at all. He was her son's best friend and they had been nearly inseparable since they had first met almost 5 years ago. This fall was going to be difficult for the two of them, as Matt would be starting Kindergarten and Harry had to wait another year, as he was born after July 1. She would be glad when Matt had his first incident with accidental magic. Lily, James, and Sirius had been dodging questions about magic for over 2 years now. Even though Matt was never around when they used it, he still seemed to know about it.

The last child was a girl, rather tall for her age. Hermione was the oldest of the three, and had bushy brown hair down to the middle of her back. Her brown eyes, like those of her cousin Matt, were highly observant. Her mother, Candace Granger, was Jenny Robertson's only surviving family member. Hermione's father, Clive, was from England, and both parents were dentists. Lily had first met them the day after Harry was born; they had been the ones taking care of Matt while Jenny was with the Potters. Though Hermione only came for between two and four weeks every summer and every other Christmas, she, Harry and Matt were inseparable when she was there. Candace had once admitted that she didn't think Hermione had any friends in Britain. Coincidentally Hermione was magical as well, and had already had her first incident with accidental magic.

Three years ago, while James and Lily were babysitting for the Robertsons and the Grangers (They were going to a fancy restaurant to celebrate Theon being promoted, and they couldn't take the kids with them), Dumbledore had paid a visit. Upon seeing the kids he asked to speak to Lily in the next room. He then explained to her that both Matt and Hermione were magical, and asked Lily if she would explain magic to them and their parents after they had both had their first incident of accidental magic.

Two months ago she had gotten an owl from Dumbledore saying that Hermione had performed accidental magic for the first time.


Shaking herself from her thoughts she looked back at her houseguests. "I'm sorry, what was that?" she asked sheepishly.

"I said when do think the boys will be back?" Replied Candace, referring to James, Sirius, Theon, and Clive

"Oh, knowing them, probably not until Sirius gets hungry,” replied Lily.

As she said that there was a scream and the screeching of tires from outside. Lily ran outside, followed closely by Jenny, Candace, and Cynthia Black, Sirius's wife. The sight that greeted them was a confusing one. The Robertsons station wagon was stopped in the middle of the blacktop road in front of the house, Harry was laying on his back on top of Matt, Hermione appeared to have fainted, and when Lily caught James's eye, he mouthed it's time. Theon and Clive, however, were doing their best impressions of fish out of water.

Lily took charge of the situation. "Boys, let's go inside," She said to Matt and Harry. "Candace, can you bring your daughter while the guys bring their purchases inside?"

"No Problem," came the reply.

Once everyone was inside, Theon found his voice. "What just happened? One minute I'm driving, then all of a sudden Harry is running out in front of the car after a football and before I can even slam on the brakes he's flying backwards, towards my son, knocking him over." He looked questioningly at the other people who were in the car as if seeking confirmation that he that was what he had indeed seen.

Lily, who had gone to retrieve her wand upon entering the house, entered the room and responded, "Magic. Both Matt and Hermione can use magic. Enervate." As she said this last bit a light shot out of her wand at Hermione who woke up immediately. The next few hours were spent explaining magic, and the exact circumstances that brought the Potters to the Robertsons and the Grangers. In fact, if Sirius and Harry hadn't gone out back to set off firecrackers and bottlerockets, they would have completely forgotten about the fireworks display. The Grangers and Robertsons agreed; the future was going to be very interesting indeed.


July 31, 1985

It was Harry's fifth birthday, and the Potters were eagerly anticipating the arrival of Albus Dumbledore. On the fifth, Lily got up early and sent off an owl informing Dumbledore of the previous day's conversation. Later that day she received a note stating that Dumbledore would be there on Harry's birthday, and that he would like to discuss something with the Robertsons.

The Robertsons were nervous. They had no idea what to expect. All they knew was that they would be meeting the headmaster of the school that the Potters had attended. They had an inkling of what he wanted from them, but they weren't sure. Despite their nervousness they showed up at the Potter's house at twelve o'clock sharp.

As they were ushered in, the Adult Robertsons noticed someone they had never met before, though they could have sworn they'd seen him somewhere before. He was a tall, thin elderly man. He wore half moon spectacles on a long crooked nose that looked as if it had been broken at least once, if not more times. His hair and beard extended all the way down to his waist. The overall effect was one of a kindly grandfather, though one with Alzheimer’s as he was wearing what, to the Robertsons, looked like a long blue bathrobe with silver stars sewn onto it.

"Ah, you must be the Robertsons,” said the man, standing to greet them. "I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Lily tells me she filled you in on the basics of your son's gift, did she not?"

"Yes, she did. I admit if I hadn't seen what happened on The Fourth myself, I wouldn't believe it," replied Theon, offering his hand, which Dumbledore took.

"I thought as much, which is why I told her to wait until your son had exhibited outward signs to tell you. Though he had already begun to show signs at the time," said the old wizard with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"Really? I never noticed him do anything strange before," stated Jenny.

"I said that was his first outward sign," Dumbledore answered. "Have you ever notice how his eyes seem to gaze right through to your very soul, leaving it laid bare for him to peruse as he wishes? That is a very rare ability. Related to more common ability known as Legilimency, the ability to read surface thoughts."

"Hang on, are you saying our son's a mind reader?" Interjected Theon, looking startled.

"No, not at all," stated Dumbledore "There are two reasons he is not a mind reader. The first is that this ability is not legilimency. The second is that neither legilimency nor this power is mind reading. Legilimency mainly picks up emotions, and is useful in detecting when someone lies to you.

"No," he continued, "Matt has a very rare gift. He can see someone's soul, allowing him to determine whether an individual is trustworthy or not, including whether or not said individual is lying. The reason he does not make eye contact very often is that it is, by all reports, a very uncomfortable sensation, to look at someone's soul, to see scars of emotional pain, to see the blackness that mars even the purest of souls.

"Another difference between legilimency and 'soul reading,' as it is sometimes called, is that soul reading cannot be learned, and never shows up in purebloods. All soul readers have been half-blood or less, and none have been leaders, as their inability to maintain eye contact limits their charisma. Because soul readers can see what evil does to the soul, they never go dark, though they usually end up in a grey area, where they do what is necessary to stop evil, without resorting to the tired old excuse of 'for the greater good.' In some accounts soul readers were able to read a Secret Keeper's soul and see the secret kept within," explained Dumbledore.

"Which brings me to why I am here. In the three years since I met young Matt, I have studied everything I could find on soul readers, and have already graced you with some of the fruits of that research. The rest is just names, dates, and facts that support some of these statements. I have not come here to tell you all about his ability, but I will later if you wish," He took a deep breath. "No, I came here to suggest that your son go to Hogwarts when he is old enough."

"Is that where Hermione's going?" Asked Matt, speaking for the first time since the conversation began.

"Yes, she will be attending Hogwarts," replied Dumbledore with a slight smile. "Coincidentally, she asked the same thing about you."

"In that case,” Matt looked at his parents, "I would like to go to Hogwarts when the time comes."

His parents looked at each other. At her husband’s almost imperceptible nod Jenny turned to Dumbledore and said, "Well, I guess we don't have any choice, since both his friends are going."

After hammering out the details, Dumbledore looked at Matt and said, "You should be getting your letter in about six years."

With that, he stood and left.


A/N: That seems like as good a place to stop as any. As I’m doing this without an outline I can’t make predictions to far beyond what I’ve written. If I do work any pairings into it, it will probably be Harry/Hermione and maybe a few others that I don’t want to reveal yet. The character of Matt was originally going to be just a highly observant muggle, sort of an idiot savant, but when I wrote the part about the eyes I found myself inspired. Please review. Constructive criticism is welcome, Flames are not.
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