Categories > Books > Harry Potter > An American Wizard in Hogwarts

Neighbors, a Baby, and the Second Amendment

by Anonymus31 2 reviews

Peter is still a rat... but a patient rat.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry,James,Lily,Voldemort - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2007-11-12 - Updated: 2007-11-13 - 1308 words

Disclaimer: If you’ve read the drivel that makes up the first chapter and you still think I’m J. K. Rowling, the offer still stands for the nice men in white suits. I own nothing, except the Robertsons.

Chapter 2 Neighbors, a Baby, and the Second Amendment

July 29, 1980

The house standing less than a fourth of a mile from U.S. Interstate Highway 55, looked like it was once a stone walled barn, at least from the outside. Sirius looked out the Window and muttered, “Ass end of nowhere,” causing Lily, who was standing nearby to smack him in the back of the head.

“What, I was just practicing my American!” exclaimed Sirius while rubbing the back of his head. They were waiting for James to get back from an errand that he would not explain to anyone else.

Meanwhile Sirius Peter and Lily were stowing the last few things away, in anticipation of the neighbors showing up. The neighbors were three generations of the same muggle family that lived near the end of the gravel road that bordered their property. Both Dumbledore and Moody has declared them trustworthy, and not knowing how long The Potters would be under Fidelius, decided that they should let these people in on the Secret.

At 11 a.m., James returned from his errand carrying a long, thin package. At the questioning glance the other three inhabitants had sent his way, he said, “I’ll explain later.”

At noon a group of five people knocked on the door. The group consisted of a frail looking old woman, a kindly looking middle-aged woman, a large, middle-aged man who looked formidable yet friendly, with a buzz cut, a plump woman in her early thirties with a kind face, and a tall, muscular man in his early thirties just beginning to get fat. All but the old woman had black hair. Lily opened the door smiling, “You must be the Robertsons. It’s nice to meet you.

The youngest Robertson woman smiled and responded, “It’s nice to meet you too Mrs...”

“Potter, Lily Potter. This is my husband, James, and his friends Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.” Each nodded as he was indicated.

“I’m Jennifer Robertson, this is my husband Theon, his parents Norman and Eleanor, and Norman’s mother Martha,” said they nodded and offered words of greeting as they were introduced.

They stayed and talked for a few hours, mainly about the area, before heading home, up the dead-end gravel road. As Sirius looked around at the surrounding farmland, he muttered, yet again, “Ass end of nowhere.”
July 30, 1980

While Sirius and Peter were out looking for there own place, James showed Lily what he bought while out the previous day.

“I cannot believe you brought one of those into our house!” exclaimed a surprised Lily, when James showed her the pump action 12-gauge shotgun he had purchased the previous day.

“I bought it for our protection. I have a bad feeling that we won’t be safe, even after all the precautions we’ve taken. I want a surprise for Voldemort if he shows up. This is to be our secret. I’ve charmed it so that only you or I can see it or the ammo.”

Lily looked like she was going to say something else, but stopped suddenly, with a pained look on her face. When she was finally able to say something, it was, “He’s coming, we have to get to the hospital, now.”

James scurried off to call the Jenny Robertson, who had graciously offered to take Lily to the hospital, as James did not have a driver’s license yet.

For the next 15 hours or so, Sirius, Peter, and Jenny sat in the waiting room while Lily was in labor. Finally, at 2 a.m. it was over, and Harry James Potter was born. It was decided that Sirius was to be the godfather, and Jenny was to be the godmother.

For the next year life was normal, or as normal as you can be when living in constant fear of being found by the most evil being ever to roam the face of the Earth. It was not meant to last.


October 31, 1981

This Halloween morning, James was worried. He had just received word from Dumbledore that Voldemort was abroad. As soon as he heard that bit of troubling news, he started carrying his shotgun, which he had taken to calling “The Second Amendment,” everywhere he went.

Lily, meanwhile, had been researching ancient, arcane rituals that might protect her son from the Killing Curse. After the better part of a year, she had found one, which would render a subject immune to all attacks for approximately five minutes, but it needed blood from both the one performing the ritual and from one who wishes harm. The blood of the caster was used to draw a rune somewhere on the subject’s body, and the blood of the one who wishes harm must be applied to at least one rune in a circle of runes drawn around the subject. It could only be used by a mother to protect an infant, and it would only work if caster loved the subject with a selfless love.

As the day passed the pair got nervous. They decided to take refuge in the baby’s room, huddled near the crib. James loaded the shotgun with buckshot. As the hours ticked by, they grew tenser, wondering how long they would be hiding there. Then suddenly there was an explosion downstairs. James took the safety of on the gun. Slowly, they could hear the footsteps of the intruder making it’s way up the steps, until finally, he entered the room. At that point Lily drew the rune on Harry’s forehead. James fired a wild shot into Voldemort’s foot, but the buckshot did not penetrate very far. He slowed, but so determined was he to kill the boy, he barely even felt the pain that ripped through his left leg. As he neared the crib he stepped on the runes, sealing the ritual. Two more steps and he could see Harry. Before James could get a bead on him for a second shot, he fired off a quick Killing Curse, which to his horror simply vanished after hitting a golden bubble surrounding the baby.

“I gotcha this time ya evil bastard,” shouted James as he fired round right between his eyes. As James let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding he could hear retching coming from behind him.

Thirty minutes later Sirius showed up, along with Dumbledore and several other members of the Order. Upon inspecting what remained of Voldemort, Dumbledore inquired, “What manner of curse did that much damage?”

At this James removed all the spells he’d placed on his shotgun, causing all except Lily to gasp. “I call it ‘The Second Amendment’,” said James.

Over the next few months, life went back to normal. James got a job with the American Auror Special Forces. Peter was caught and sentenced to life in Azkaban. Both Potters got in touch with their other neighbors, while remaining hidden from the press. And so the next 9-½ years passed, out in the “Ass end of nowhere.”


A/N: I can’t help but think that this one is nowhere near as good as the first, but I don’t think I could do any better with this part. I promise to try and make the next chapter better. The next chapter skips ahead to early 1991. Or at least it was going to when I wrote this one. Please review. Constructive Criticism is welcomed; flames are not.

I would appreciate a beta, someone that can spot plotholes, help me to clear things up that make no sense, etc.
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