Categories > Original > Romance > True Love (Just Thinking)

Just Thinking (CHAPTER 3)

by rogue77 0 reviews

this is some of Harry's thoughts.

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-01-14 - Updated: 2006-01-14 - 128 words

While everyone had gone off to bed, Harry remained in the common room thinking.
In Harry's Mind
What could that dream have possibily meant? Why would I dream about Hermione? Who's this guy she saw today? Man, if Hermione kisses in real life like she kissed in my dream, I wouldn't mind dreaming about her more often. Whoa, what are you thinking? It's Hermione you idiot. Remember your friend, who happens to be really attractive. It's not that weird that I find Hermione attractive is it? She is, and smart, passionate. I love the way she studies. Snap out of it you fool. It's Hermione. I wonder if she finds me attractive. After Harry thought to himself for hours, he finally dozed off still in the common room.
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