Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreams Of Being Stabbed


by Marie_TrustMe 0 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-11-15 - Updated: 2007-11-15 - 310 words

I had been happy when I had finally found a summer job. I had been excited, even. But that was before I knew what it meant I would be doing. It wasn’t until two days ago that they told be specifically /my job/.
I had applied to work at the local summer fair here in Belleville. I thought the worst I could do was land the job as the cleaner or something. Easy money. I’d rather wash toilets than do what I was about to, but it was too late. Even if I just ran off I wouldn’t be able to get another job, and I needed the money to be able to go to art school in New York in the fall.

Well, want to know what job I got? Clown. Yeah, you heard me; I was supposed to be a /freaking clown/! Let me get one thing straight; Gerard Way does not do /clown/. I draw, sing, play guitar (albeit poorly), listen to Iron Maiden and read comics. I’m not of a particularly cheery nature, nor am I colorful. Today - and for the next four weeks - I was supposed to be both. At the same time. In a costume. In front of people. And it’s not like I can just off and be Loner Clown in a corner somewhere, until the fair is over for the day. Oh no, I had to stand at a booth, with screaming kids running up to me and make them balloon-animals. Know what else Gerard Way doesn’t like, besides being a clown? Kids. Those four/five-year old devil-creatures who stomped and cried whenever they didn’t get exactly what they wanted.
This was gonna be the longest, hardest month of my life.
Worst experience of my life.

Art school had better be worth it.
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