Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We knife strokers.....

she broke my glasses

by famous_last_words01 3 reviews

an unexpected surprise...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-11-21 - Updated: 2007-11-21 - 959 words

I sat on the edge of my bed, slowly turning the pages of the book I was reading, my music blaring. I heard a knock at my door and looked up. Another knock. I yelled over the music for whoever it was to come in. Enter Gerard, Frank, Mikey and Bob. Ray had gone camping for the weekend with his dad. I smiled briefly at them. They settled themselves down. Gerard on the chair in the corner of my room, Frankie at the head of my bed, Mikey sat on the floor near Gerard and Bob sat near my bookcase. They had all come round my place for a big study session. I had gone to all the trouble of bringing up heaps of extra mattresses, pillows, soda, chocolate, chips, all that kind of stuff. The boys set down their bags, heavily laden with books, each grabbed a soda and pulled a textbook out of their bags. Bob and me pulled out our heavy English textbooks we needed for an assignment. Gerard was flicking through his biology textbook ( we had a test coming up) and Frank and Mikey were reading their chemistry books.

We read our books for about an hour, occasionally making conversation, but, after a while we all got bored. The silence was then broken when Frank suddenly jumped at me, demanding a pillow fight. Soon we were all joining in, running around, hitting each other with the white, fluffy weapons. I screamed as the four guys ganged up on me, causing me to come crashing to the floor. Next thing I knew, our pillow fight had turned into a tickle fight. Bob had me pinned to the ground as the others tickled my feet. I screamed, laughed, cried, and laughed some more but they just wouldn’t get off. Luckily, after about fifteen minutes of this torture, Mom came in to see what all the screaming was about. The guys pretty much, leapt off of me, shifting uncomfortably under her disapproving gaze. As soon as Mom left the room we burst into a fit of laughter, my stomach muscles were really beginning to hurt now.

Two hours later, we were all joking and laughing and being chased by “Bob Cam” that is, Bob wielding a video camera. Frank seized control of Bob Cam and fixed it on Bob. Bob kept complaining and hitting it, trying to escape its never-ending gaze. After a while we grew tired of tormenting bob with the camera and settled down to watching ‘Psycho’ famous for its shower scene. There was nothing like an Alfred Hitchcock film to liven your appetite. We ended up finishing all the chocolate and half the chips, (which was an awful lot) when I realized we had run out of soda. I got up to get some more soda from downstairs, Mikey came to help.I was walking past the couch when, out of nowhere, someone jumped onto me, sending me and Mikey, up over the back of the couch and crashing to the ground. I lay there dazed for a second, then, slowly I sat up, looking around for whoever had attacked us. My mouth fell open when I saw Rita, my friend from England, standing there, a goofy grin on her face, laughing that incredible laugh of hers.

“Rita!” I cried leaping off the ground, running to her and pulling her into a bone crushing hug. “What the fuck are you doing here!”
“Surprise!” she said, grinning at me. I heard a groan coming from Mikey’s direction. I looked over to see him sitting on the ground looking slightly worse for wear.
“Oh, Mikey are you ok?” I asked.
“My glasses are broken.” And sure enough, his glasses had a long crack down the right side.
“Don’t worry, she broke mine too.” Said a voice in the corner, I looked over there and saw Bec, looking slightly misplaced holding up what I assumed to be the shattered remains of her glasses. “Apparently sitting still on a plane isn’t something she can do for long.” She said, the traces of a smile on her face. She never had liked those glasses.
“I’m sorry, but who are they?” Mikey said, indicating Rita, who was searching my bookcase for Disney movies no doubt and Bec who was sitting in the corner, staring at us, a bemused look on her face.
“Oh! Right, sorry Mikey, this is Bec and this is Rita.” Rita smiled.
“Hello there.” She said, leaning forward and smiling.
“Hi.” Said Bec, smiling kindly. As she had just finished talking, a commotion was heard from the stairway.
“……..soda...” Gerard said
“…..making out…..alone time…” said Frank.
“Trusty………Bob cam……….shock of their lives.” there was Bob.
The three of them then, jumped into the kitchen, bob pointing Bob Cam at the four of us. As soon as they realized there were two strangers, they froze, bob cam slowly being lowered.
“Gerard, Frank, Bob, this is Rita and Bec.” I said, fighting the urge to laugh at their shocked faces. The three of them each gave a small wave, blushing profusely. Rita and Bec smiled, both of them sharing the same look of ‘what the fuck just happened’ Gerard looked at Mikey, narrowing his eyes.

“Mikey what happened to your glasses?” he asked curiously.
“That is a funny story, but in short, I was attacked by Rita.”
“Uh huh,” Gerard replied, looking up at Rita, “You are now officially accepted into the group.” He turned to Bec. “what have you done to grant yourself a place?”
“I ate the last piece of cake at my dad’s party.”
“Good enough, welcome to the club.” I rolled my eyes. This was gonna be fun….
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