Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ok. Now I do believe in good karma

Ok. Now I do believe in good karma

by sing-your-song 2 reviews

you wouldn't think an My Chemical Romance concert could change your life....mine did. i suck at summeries. please read!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-11-18 - Updated: 2007-11-18 - 1135 words

Chapter 1:best position

I rolled over when I felt someone shaking me awake,
“Mum it’s the weekend I know it is…get out…. leave me alone!” I managed to mutter under my breath. My mum must have got the message and walked off, so I started to drift off again. As I was drifting off I felt somebody standing over me.
“AAAHHHH!!! What the fuck!” Someone had just poured freezing cold water all over me, I sat up straight away and saw a blur, as my eye-sight focused I saw not my mum but my best friend Amy standing over me with a mug in her hands, and a huge grin on her face. “Oh, yeah, ok, cool, but you will pay,” were the only words I could get out. Amy laughed and then grabbed my hands and pulled me out of bed.
“You might wanna hurry, we’re leaving in about 45 minutes.”
“Shit!” I completely forgot all about it…. today was the day of the My Chemical Romance concert. I grabbed my overnight bag and ran into my friend’s bathroom and began getting ready in super fast time.
My name is Ashleagh Williams, and I’m 17 years old, yes, my name IS spelt weird but that is because I’m half Irish, but I live in London. I have platinum blonde hair that runs all the way down my back except my fringe, which goes just over my eyes. I also have strange eyes that like to change color when they feel like it. It changes between gray, green, and sometimes cold blue. I guess I have quite a petit figure but I do have a shape, I’m not the tallest person in the world either.
I had a shower, hair sprayed my hair, done all my make-up, and got dressed in black skinny jeans, and a silver t-shirt with designs on it along with my filled in crossword converses. I was ready.
As I came out of the bathroom Amy was standing right outside grinning like a mad woman. Amy was a bit taller than me, she had the softest, rich brown hair which was short but she always tied it up in a high pony with strands falling our loosely, she was wearing skinny’s too and a black top with black converses.
“You ready” she asked me
“Yup, lets go!” I said jumping passed her and half skipping towards her door.
“WAIT!” She shouted, I turned around and by the look on her face, knew something was wrong, “have you got the tickets. No. Have you got your car keys? No. Have you got your money? No. Have you got your phone? No.” I glared at her as I marched passed into her bedroom with my head held high, I grabbed all that stuff and walked past her once more not saying a word, I guess I’m pretty forgetful when it comes to stuff like that, I’m not the smartest girl in the world, jeez I was lucky I had Amy, she was like the complete opposite of me, I think that’s why we get on so well.
2 minutes later we were both settled in my blue mini-cooper, which I loved above many things in my life. I switched the CD player on and put on My Chemical Romance, The Black Parade. When ‘The Sharpest Lives’ came on I got so into the song I took my hands off the steering wheel and started dancing (as much as could sitting down) but stopped after the look Amy gave me. Overall the journey was pretty uneventful, and I was getting really fidgety, which happens when I get really excited about something. After about an hour (should have been longer but I tend to drive like a mad woman) we arrived at the venue.
We weren’t the first people there but there were only about 15 people in front of us, in the queue
“Dude look, we are gonna be so near the front, HOW AWEOSME IS THIS!!” I was supposed to say this quietly but I guess it came out louder than I thought it would, and loads of people turned and gave me the weirdest look, so I just smiled until everyone had turned there attention onto something else. After a while this group of girls came behind us, and they looked like they had just stepped out of a horror movie, I mean when mcr dress eccentric at least they can pull it off, these girls just looked stupid. I just ignored them and carried on talking to Amy, but I couldn’t help hearing their little conversation.
“…. I mean what does she look like, this isn’t the Barbie doll competition, is she for real…”
“…. Look at them both, there the biggest posers I have actually ever seen, what are they doing here!” I turned around and smiled sweetly at them.
“Hi, I couldn’t help hearing your pathetic, little conversation and I just wanted to say, this is a My Chemical Romance concert, not a funeral procession.” The girls glared at me, and one of them said.
“You probably didn’t know this, as you probably don’t even like this band, but it might surprise you to know mcr dress like this when there on stage.
“Too right they do, at least they can pull it off…. you on the other hand, I mean I wasn’t even gonna say anything but since I have-”
“Ashleagh. Ash. Just drop it.” Amy was looking at me with a serious look on her face, she was right, I was too happy to let a group of wanabe mcr-ettes ruin my day. So I stuck out my tongue at them and turned around. It seemed like ages before the doors opened but as soon as they did girls started screaming and people were pushing and shoving each other to try and get in faster. As soon as me and Amy had shown our tickets to the security guy we ran into the building and followed the signs to the standing area, when we found our way there, we rushed to the stage and we were only like 3 rows from the front, this was impressive.
“Oh my god, 3 rows from the front, this is the best position I have ever got in a gig before.” I squealed letting my girly side (yes I have one) get the better of me. The only problem was this really tall girl right at the front and she was blocking a lot of my view from where she was standing. Oh well I was going to be jumping and moshing nearly all the time anyway.
I could tell this night was gonna be the best night of the year!
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