Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Heart Is the worst Kind Of Weapon

Chapter 6: This Conversation's Been Dead On Arrival

by dasiaRAWR 3 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-12-02 - Updated: 2007-12-03 - 1388 words

Renee arrived at my front door with loads of clothes. She was extra-excited to be doing this. I saw Nate look over at us. Renee giggled and dragged me up the steps and into my room.
She sat on my bed cross-legged and began to lay everything out, side-by-side. I examine the clothes. I wasnt too sure about this.
"Try on these jeans. They're cute" Renee says handing me a pair of ordinary looking pants. I slipped into them and checked myself out in the mirror.
"They look great on you." she says.
I scrunched up my face. "How am I supposed to skate in these?" I asked.
Renee laughed. "Your not gonna skateboard in these jeans, Dasia. And If you do, it'll be pretty uncomfortable."
I looking at myself for a few more moments, I began to get used to these. "Alright, I'll them tommorrow"
Renee cheered as she took out a pair of scissors."Let's give you some bangs." I freaked.
"Noooo wayyyyy!" i yell, "Only a professional will cut this hair"
She sighed. "Ok, Can we try some make-up or your just gonna bitch about that too?'
"Well, you did say baby steps, not toddler" I said.
"You think all I care about is looks. It just so happens that, it has a lot to do with self-esteem" she states.
"Whatever, you better keep that eyeshadow in that bag" i tell her.
She ignored me as she reached for her makeup bag. I let out a deep breath.
"Oh. Shut up, it's just a little mascara." she tells me.
That little bit of mascara took 10 minutes to apply. Renee got frustrated as I kept looking the opposite way or my eyes would water up. But the results were worth it!
I liked what i saw. I wasnt completely gone. and the changes werent extreme.
Renee smiled "You should totally wear mascara from now on. It makes your eyes POP" she gestures. I smiled. She was now applying a little bit of lip gloss.
"eww. I hate lipstick!"
"It's gloss and just a little. There. Look." she says as I look through her mirror. It wasnt a lot at all. But it made me noticeable.
"Renee, did you happen to pack any yellow shirts in there?" i asked her. She grinned wide as she began searching her bag.
In the morning I was ready for school, which was a miracle. I was never ready.I knew what renee went through trying to apply the mascara. It wasnt easy. I kept poking myself in the eye or the liquid would smear all over me. But eventually i got it right.
I rushed down the steps and stopped short when I saw my dad sleeping on the sofa. They must've fought again.
I heard Nate's door close and he began walking down the stairs. I wanted to get to the door befre he could comment how I look. But I was too late.
Nate stared at me for a moment and I could feel myself become more self-conscious.
"You look.....stupid" He says. I held back from responding. "whatever" I say as I slam the door in his face.
I felt a rush of excitement as I opened my locker in school. I couldnt wait to get my education! For people to see me. Renee stopped by and she was thrilled on how the outfit looked on me. the outfit was me. It wasnt too revealing or trying too hard to be something I wasnt.
"I'm soo proud!" she mocked-cried. I pushed her away playfully and closed my locker.She gave me an approving smile and I laughed. "what!?" she looked behind me.
Pete was there. "Dasia?"
I gave him a shy smile.He raised his eyebrow. ""he says, "You look more....umm....well not exactly....but close." He rambled on.
I laughed. "Wentz!" i yelled. "what you mean is I looked more like a girl but not like a complete barbie."
He grinned. "yeah, you could tell it's still your style." we stood there a moment grinning. Nate was staring at me from his locker and gave a vile smile.
First bell rang.
"I gotta go" I tell Pete. I hoped that Nate wouldnt tell pete I had a crush on him.
'Wait" Pete says grabbing my arm,"I came to tell you a good amount showed up last night?"
I stared at him wondering. "Showed up to what?" Pete looked a little insulted.
"Joe did invite you to our show." he says.
"But It was cancelled!" I shout. Nate didnt tell me on purpose. "I'm sorry. See, Nate trying this thing where he's a complete asshole to me."
Pete laughed a little. "So i guess He didnt tell you about the party Andy's throwing the week after next."
I nodded my head.
"Well, it's ok, I guess." pete grinned."I'll see you and Nate later then."
I couldnt stop smiling as i walked down the hallway. For the first time, i was happy someone liked the way I looked and most of all,i was happy for it to be noticed by PETE! I suddenly stopped smiling when I turned around. Melissa walked up to him. I prayed she wasnt trying to win back. My prayer werent answered as they flirted and then he grabbed her books, escorting her to class.
"See!" I jumped. It was Nate! "If you looked like that, then maybe you could think about getting with him. As of right now, you just look ridiculous"he says.
"I'm not thinking of getting with anyone." i tell him.
"Whatever, I can't believe I didnt catch on to your little crush before." he says..
"I dont have a crush on anyone!" i yell.
He sucked his teeth.. "Oh. Denial. by the way nice shirt. Too bad, no one cares."
he says as he continues to his next class.
I stared down at the yellow shirt renee lent me, bummed out.
I wasnt sad for long. It seemed people did notice me more.
I sat at lunch with confidence, walking past the asshole i have for a brother and Pete.
It wasnt long after, when some guy invited himself over.
"Hi" he said. There was something appealing about him.
"Hi" i smiled back.
"I'm matt" he tells me as he offers me his hand. Renee nudged me.
"oh. I'm Dasia" i reply as i shake it. He smiled flirtatiously.
"wait. Dasia-"
"Yeah. I"m Nathaniel's little sister." i say annoyed.
"No, I was just gonna say, I've seen you at the skate park a lot."
"oh. yeah.......i go there a lot!'i gushed.
He laughed.
"well, if you ever need someone to skate with.....or anythiing, just give me a call." he says handing me a paper. I folded it and put it in my pocket.
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind." i say without breakng eye contact.
he left with a grin on his face.Once he was out of earshot, Renee turned to me. "Dasia, he's cute"
"I knoww!" i say surprised. I smiled cheerfully as i looked around the cafeteria for Matt.
Instead, my smile faded away quickly. Pete was staring at me. As soon as I stared back, he looked away, suddenly interested in the conversation at his table. I looked down at my tray of food, catching him glance at me from the corner of his eye. I wondered what he was thinking and if he saw Matt approach me.
I looked a couple of tables down, where Nate was. Once I caught is eye, i smiled victoriously. I took out Matt's number on purpose and showed it in his direction. I hoped it killed him to know that some was interested in his tomboy sister.

My mom and dad havent talked for the past couple of days. I know the days are counting down until they've had enough of each other. But of course, Nate is oblivious to the whole thing. Instead, he says my behavior is what's driving them apart. I disagree. No matter how much of a bitch i may be, there has to be another reason why they're falling apart.I'm gonna brace myself. Because it's just a matter of time before the truth comes out.
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