Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > We're trapped and well concealed

Part 25

by brittanyxbroken13 6 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-12-21 - Updated: 2007-12-21 - 770 words - Complete

Peter opened the container of Anti-depressants, popped the required dosage, and swallowed them dry. They hurt that way. It was midnight. He needed the pain to keep him from slipping back to sleep. Not that he didn't carry the emotional pain around with him every second. But the physical pain. He couldn't imagine what it must have felt like for Anna. The doctors said she KNEW she was pregnant at the time she died. She had only known for 2 days. She never got a chance to tell him. The pain she must have felt for herself, the baby, for him, when she knew she was dying, he knew he would never be able to match it, but he could sure as hell try. He also knew that if he slept, all he would hear was her crying, all he would see was her face contorted in pain.

His friends and therapist told him that he needed to focus on the good times, but as hard as he tried, he couldn't escape the images of the last time he held Anna. If he closed his eyes for even a second it would all come back to him. He sighed and shook his head. Hemmingway walked into the bathroom, looking at Pete, and whined. Pete absent-mindedly scratched Hemmy behind his ears while he thought about what he was supposed to do today. Therapist meeting, go see Mom, get presription for sleeping pills refilled before doctors get suspicious and realize I don't take them. This was routine for the end of the month. But Pete knew that today, he was breaking the routine. He showered and dressed, making sure to wear all balck and put on Anna's favourite necklace, the small, navy blue heart on a silver chain. He had worn it every day since the day she had died, which was 2 months ago. He wrote a note explaining what he wanted done with his belongings. Patrick was to take Hemmingway, hid mom got first pick of everything, and then he didn't care about the rest. He left his family half of his money, and the rest was to go to invisible children. He left cetain items to Joe and Andy as well. Then, fighting back tears, he hugged and kissed his dog. He slipped the bottles of pills into his pocket, grabbed his car keys, and headed for the door. Hemmingway knew there was something wrong and tried to block his path, but Pete just gently pushed him out of the way.

"I love you, buddy. Don't ever forget that." He choked out, past the lump in his throat. That damn lump. It hadn't left since Patrick had told him why Anna wasn't visitng him too. He got into his car and backed out of the driveway. He knew exactly where he was going. He turned onh the radio to try and calm his nerves, but quickly shut it off when he heard "Iris" by he Goo Goo Dolls float out of his speakers. He couldn't drive listening to that song, or he would start to sob and crash before he got to his destination. When he was about 15 mintues away from where he was going, he pulled out his cell phone and called his parent's house.



"Yes, Peter, what's wrong?"

"I love you mom. Tell Dad and Hilary and Andrew that I love them, too."

"Pete, what's-"

Pete hung up the phone when he started to cry. His phone started to ring, but he opened his window and threw it out. He watched it smash in his rear veiw mirror. Seeing the skid marks on the road, he knew he was there. He pulled over onto the shoulder and shut off the car. He was at the crash site. This was where Anna had died. He walked to the exact spot where the bus had lain, which was marked by scorch marks on the pavement. He pulled out a piece of red side-walk chalk, Anna's favourite colour, and wrote:


Then, he grabbed the pill bottle, opened it, and swallowed the entire contents. He did the same with the sleeping pills. There was now the medication of 113 pills running through his body. Pete layed down beside what he had written and waited. Even if the pills took too long, no car would be able to see him until it was too late. This was his final resting place. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. This time,


*Thanks to everyone who read, commented, and reviewed my story! New one on the way soon!*
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