Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Aftermath

Keep The Faith

by rachh15 1 review

:)Now I wouldnt want to ruin the ending now would I? LOL:P

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2007-12-22 - Updated: 2007-12-23 - 1229 words - Complete


Once in a lifetime
means there’s no second chance
so I believe than you and me
should grab it while we can
Make it last forever
and never give it back
It’s our turn, and I’m loving’ where we’re at
Because this moment’s really all we have

"So uhm, why are you following us?" Delilah asked them innocently.
Zoe looked at Delilah with a serious expression. Then turned to Nosey and whispered something in his ear. He nodded, and she turned back to Delilah.
"Well, because you are traveling with a criminal." She stated.
"Hes not a double agent!" Delilah persisted.
"How do you explain him knowing Tibor? And having to do him a favor?" Nosey asked.
"Why don't you let Julius explain?"
"Get him to pull over."
"Because you will arrest him." Delilah shouted hands in air. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I am so sick of everyone just thinking hes a villain. But hes been in the Academy longer than most of us. Hes a GOOD agent, and he deserves a chance. Dont you think?"
"Yeah." Nosey said, looking away. Zoe simply nodded.
"Pass me your watch."
"I gave Julius mine, so I could contact him."
Zoe passed it to her, and Delilah told Julius to pull over.
"Are you sure Dee?"
"Yeah, they are going to let you explain."
"ARGH. Cant you do it. It's a hard thing to repeat." Julius groaned.
"Julius, the GIB are going to question you over and OVER and OVER!"
Julius laughed, then sighed. He pulled the car over and stood outside it, arms crossed. His eyes held no emotion. Delilah could still see around that wall he had built around his mistakes, that he was insecure. It reminded her of herself when she was told her parents had dissappeared. It broke her heart to see him with such emotional strain, but it made her love him even more in ways she never thought were possible. Her heart had major butterflies. She wanted her Julius back. The Julius that never has an ego to drop. He was always secure and cocky. He always flirted with her, and made her feel flushed. She wanted this to end NOW!
"Julius isn't a double agent." She simply stated. She was still flushed by her sudden pang of extra attraction towards him.
"Sure seems like he is." Nosey smirked.
Delilah tried to remain calm. She really was sick of defending the truth.
"He isnt!" She persisted, "he was manipulated by Tibor into thinking he was really helping us all out."
"Did he tell you all this Delilah, while it was happening? Because you sure seemed shocked."
"No I didn't know." She said quietly.
"So he was hiding it. Doesnt that seem double agentish?"
Julius looked up at this. He gave Emmet a long look, and Emmet stared right back.

Everyday of our lives,
wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we’re young
and keep the faith
From right now,
gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand;

Julius then shifted his glance to Delilah. She looked back at him. She looked deep into his blue eyes. She felt a pang of sadness overcome my weaker emotions. As much as she wanted to believe things would return to normal, it was so much more than that. She 100% believed him, but she knew that other agents and the GIB would never forget.
Julius mistook her silence. He stared at her and saw her expressionless face. She was thinking the same thing as everyone else. He would always be the double agent. He turned around, and Delilah looked up stunned. Why was he leaving?
"Dont walk away." She told him coldly.
He glanced around with murder in his eyes. Emmet, Nosey and Zoe watched the couple fight, with interest.
"It's like those soap operas." Nosey whispered, and Zoe giggled.
"Why should I stay. I see you all look at me like Im a...villain." He spat.
Delilah backcoiled furiously. "How dare you! I came to you believing you were trapped and manipulated. I went against the rules for you. Even if you did things that LOOKED like betrayal, I NEVER believed you turned. I couldn't ever believe it." She felt tears well up, much to her dismay. She hated looking weak. She pushed on, angerly wiping away her hot tears. "I love you Julius, I always have. And I let my love lead me to the truth, and the truth is sure, you lied to me, but even when I was under investigation, you went after me too. If thats not love and trust then what is it?" She panted, feeling emotionally exhausted from these last couple weeks.
Nosey and Emmet whistled silently. They always knew Delilah went after the truth, they were starting to believe, even though Julius hadnt even told them what happened, that he was innocent. Zoe held her breath. She thought this was deeply romantic and she wanted it to end happily. She gave a longing look towards Nosey. She thought she liked Julius, but it was nothing compared to her heart beated hungerly for Nosey.

Oh, everyday.
They say that you should follow
and chase down what you dream,
but if you get lost and lose yourself
what does is really mean?
No matter where we’re going,
it starts from where we are.
There’s more to life when we listen to our hearts
and because of you, I’ve got the strength to start

Julius walked over to Delilah, and grabbed her hands, pulling her close. Delilah couldn't hold it anymore. She started sobbing all over him.
"I love you too Dee." He whispered gently, and he felt so emotionally pulled he felt tears too. He couldn't careless. He has Delilah and that was all that mattered. If he had to go to jail, it'd be okay.
"What if I go to jail?" He asked pulling her so he could gaze into her eyes. She grinned tearfully.
"Pfft. You could charm them. Besides got more blackmail from Tibor?" She grinned evilly.
Julius couldn't contain his cocky grin. "I do. But it's not very pretty."
"I could be a lawyer, or we could break you out. I still would like to break into the GIB again."
He reached down and pressed his mouth to her sweet one. She smiled, beneath the never ending kisses. She felt on air, and never happier in her life.
Emmet and the rest of them whistled. Nosey on impulse, grabbed Zoe's hand and smiled at her. Zoe beamed back and leaned on his shoulder. Delilah and Julius hopped in one car and the rest of them in the other.
No matter what happened, Delilah knew she would fight for Julius to be with her.
She looked at him, looking at him, and he stared back and she bit her lip, keeping a smile from pulling far across her face.
Yep. He was all she wanted, and she had all the time in the world.

They drove off into the distance, their love and friendship trailing close beside them.

Every day!
Live every day!
Love every day!
Live every day!
Love every day!

I hope you all enjoyed it. R&R
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