Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We knife strokers.....

The Road Trip Begins

by famous_last_words01 0 reviews

Lexi and the guys set off on a great adventure.......

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-30 - Updated: 2007-12-30 - 1130 words

Argh! Sometimes I really hate my mom. Ok, so here’s the story…… My dad’s gone back to England for a bit to help my brother pack so I’m left at home, alone, with my darling mother. Fun. Unfortunately we seem to be fighting about every little thing because she seems to be finding so fucking much to complain about! My hairs too long, my clothes are ugly, I need to brush my teeth differently, my grades could be better. It drives me up the wall. So the guys and me are planning this camping trip right, and mom completely lost it! What does she think is going to happen? Some wild orgy or something, honestly you would think we were running away to Romania or something. Hey! There’s an idea…… No! Lexi, focus. So anyway, after hearing about Ray’s own camping adventure we immediately wanted to experience our own, perhaps minus the kerosene poisoning and the whole thing about throwing up behind the tents.

So as I was explaining this to dear mother of mine, she kept saying things like, ‘you’re too young’ and ‘you and five boys? I’m not too sure’ Geez! It’s like…..Super-Protective mom to the rescue, some lame children’s show or something! Sometimes I wish that I could just move out, but I love my dad too much. After complaining to the guys about this, and about a week’s worth of sulking, she finally agreed to let me go. Finally! An entire week without my mom! Nothing could be better right now, except a puppy or something. Maybe a Python. So anyway… right now I am packing my bag, preparing for a week out in the wilderness, well, not really the wilderness but you know what I mean.

I reached inside my drawer, pulling out several black T-shirts (the best kind) all of them bearing some sort of band reference. I grabbed a few pairs of jeans, an extra pair of converses, a pair of track pants and a few jumpers. I pulled out my walkman, some comic books, some real books and a few CD’s. Having finished my packing I then dragged my bag downstairs (it wasn’t that heavy, I just couldn’t be bothered picking it up.) and turned on the TV, waiting for Bob to come by in his dad’s van.

About ten minutes passed when I heard Bob beeping outside, I grabbed my bag and ran outside, slamming the door behind me. I slid into the back seat, next to Frank and Bob rolled the van up to Gerard and Mikey’s place, their dad came out to say hello as they both pelted outside, racing to be the first in the van. It must be a boy thing. Mikey, being the faster runner, slid in beside me and Gerard soon joined us. Their dad leant on the car to say a quick hello.

“Hi kids.” He said politely, flashing a smile.
“Hey Don,” said Bob. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, well you know same old, same old.”
Bob nodded knowingly. “Oh yeah, cool.”
“You guys have fun now.” Donald said, turning towards the house. When he reached the porch, he gave us a final wave and stepped inside.
“So,” said Bob, turning around to face us. “You ready?”
“Hell yeah!” I replied enthusiastically. The other three sharing my words of approval.
“Then without further ado, I introduce you to, our first road trip!” Bob grinned, turning back to the wheel, and we were off.

So, I was new to this whole road trip thing but I already knew it was gonna be great, we spent the first hour of driving laughing and making jokes, we then moved onto complaining about teachers. After that we began reflecting on what we wanted for Christmas and that sort of shit. Frank was talking about some guitar that he saw at the local music store. Ray wanted a video game, I can’t even remember what it was called. Gerard wanting a collection of comics, Mikey wanted the latest Iron Maiden album and Bob said he wanted a TV for his room. I didn’t know what I wanted. Maybe a new keyboard or something.

After about three hours on the road, Frank was fast asleep, which, naturally lead to us all attacking him with permanent texta’s and taking photos of him with his finger up his nose, the sort of thing you reveal to him at his 21st birthday. Not long after that, Mikey fell asleep but by that time we were all a bit sleepy, so we let him be. We pulled over and changed drivers, fearing that Bob would fall asleep at the wheel and kill us all. Gerard took over driving and Bob hopped in next to Mikey. I think I fell asleep soon after that because before I knew it, Ray was shaking my shoulder, gently waking me up. I stared around, squinting slightly at our camping area. It was nice and secluded, it didn’t feel like we were in Jersey at all, more like a cut off area in Wales or something. All I knew was that it was fucking freezing. I grabbed my parka and zipped it up, slowly stepping out of the car.

“So what do you think?” asked Mikey, sticking his hands into his pockets.
“I love it” I said.
“We better set up these tents I reckon.” Frank said, suddenly appearing by my side.
“Sounds good.” Said Gerard yawning. “So! Whose sharing with whom?”
“I’ll share with Gerard.” Said Mikey.
“Uh, I guess I’ll share with Bob, I can handle his snoring.” Said Ray.
“So I guess it’s you and me kid.” Frank said turning to me. I would just like to mention that I am OLDER than him. “But, don’t worry.” He said. “Our tent shall be, by far, superior to theirs, oh little padowan!” Oh great! A star wars reference and everything.

After about ten minutes, our tent was up, while the others were struggling. I guess that’s the upside of Frank going on a lot of camping trips with his dad. We chucked our sleeping bags in and set up our stuff. By the time me and Frank were climbing into our sleeping bags, the others were still struggling to get theirs up. We drifted to sleep to the sounds of the other guys swearing and throwing shit to the ground in frustration.

A/N:Hi guys!! well its finally here, i am SO SO SO sorry you had to wait for so long, i've just been so busy and i couldnt think of anything to write, so, ENJOY! AND PLEEEEEASE REVEIW!
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