Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We knife strokers.....

Wood, Caves and Coffee

by famous_last_words01 2 reviews

arguments about little things..........

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-01-02 - Updated: 2008-01-02 - 1108 words

The next morning, I woke up feeling nicely rested. My eyes flickered open, the light blinding me for a moment. I sat up slowly and looked over at Frank, still asleep, his mouth was wide open and a small puddle of drool had formed on the pillow. I smiled slightly, noticing the permanent texta had failed to come off over night. I looked around the tent. I was right in the corner with my sleeping bag, I vaguely remember having to move over because Frank and his own sleeping bag had somehow managed to take up almost the entire three man sized tent, a large feet for such a little boy. I slowly unzipped the tent flaps and made my way outside, pulling my shoes on and grabbing my big fluffy parka. I had slept in my jeans and one of my many Iron Maiden shirts. The cold air hit me almost immediately, much like a slap in the face.

I looked over at Gerard and Mikey’s tent and had to hold in my laughter, it looked it was trying to run away, most likely from Mikey’s feet. His feet were nasty first thing in the morning. I scanned the camping site for Bob and Ray’s tent, but I couldn’t see it, which caused a momentary panic. However, looking over at the van I could see that the two had obviously given up trying to pitch their tent, Ray was sleeping on the front seat and Bob, which was what I assumed the large pile of clothing, bedding and part of their tent to be, was sleeping on the back seat. I turned away from the van and looked at the empty fire place, hmmm, we needed wood for the fire. So off I went, looking for fire wood, and by the time I reached the camping site again, with an armful of logs, most of the guys were up, that is, all except Bob, who still hadn’t emerged from his cave.

“Morning.” Yawned Frank, waving at me lazily.
“Uh huh.” I said vaguely, staring over at Ray and Mikey. The pair seemed to be trying to light a campfire, without wood. No offense to them, but, god forbid they ever live alone. I’m not sure they could handle the stress of thinking of such things such as, fire needs wood. “Guys?” I asked. “I think you might be missing something” I motioned toward my pile of wood. “You see, fire needs something called wood, so it can light, therefore, getting hot and making breakfast.”
“Oh.” Said Ray. “Right.” He slapped Mikey on the forehead. “See I told you we were missing something!”
“Did not! I told you we needed something!”
“Nuh-uh! You’re the one who said fire only needed wood in children’s book and Boy Scout meetings!”
“I certainly did not! You said that!”
“And why would I say something like that?”
“How would I know? It’s just the sort of thing you say!” I noticed Frank snickering behind me, I turned around and murmured to him.
“What’s so funny?”
“I said the Boy Scout thing, look at them arguing, isn’t it so cute.” He said fondly
“Yeah,” I said sarcastically. “Adorable.”

Meanwhile, it seemed that Bob had now emerged from the deep and was now surveying the argument with amusement, standing beside Gerard who, was holding a cup of hot coffee. I wonder how he got that. He always seemed to have a cup of coffee in his hand, but how did he get one out here? There hadn’t been any sort of fire out here and it was steaming so it was definitely hot. Gerard and the amazingly elusive cup of coffee.

“But you, mister hairy person, were the one who was in charge of the fire anyway!”
“No-one was in charge of the fire!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Roared Bob.
“But he-”
“I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP! NOW!” alright! Go Bob. Ray opened his mouth as if he were about to speak, but shut it immediately, clearly valuing his life over his say. “Now Mikey, you pile the fucking wood in the fire place and Ray,” Ray seemed to cower a bit when Bob said his name. “You light the mother fucker.”
“You mean Mikey?”
“NO I DO NOT MEAN MIKEY!” he gave Ray a venomous look. “Light the fucking fire, alright?”
“Yes sir, I mean, yes Bob.”

Ray and Mikey immediately set to work, in silence. Bob turned to us, smiling evilly. I grinned at his at gave him a high five. I have to admit, Bob was scary when he was angry, even when he was faking it, as he had been just then. We sat down, talking and laughing, receiving cold stares from Ray and Mikey. When I questioned Gerard about the coffee he simply changed the subject, the traces of a smirk remaining on his face. I have to admit, even though I was having a blast, I wished that Rita and Bec could be here, they had gone back to England for a few weeks, before moving to New Jersey with their parents. I was so excited when they told me, the troublesome trio reunited, however, now with seven extra people, so I guess it was now the troublesome ten, still with T’s.

A few hours later, once the fire had been lit and we had all eaten breakfast, Gerard ushered me into his tent while the others had gone driving for food. I looked at him quizzically and followed him in. his tent was larger than the one I was sharing with Frank, it was also orange, so, no complaints from my end. I would rather not sleep in something that looked like a giant Jack-O-Lantern.

“Gerard is there a reason you have brought me into your pumpkin?”
“Pumpkin? Oh right, you mean the colour. Yes there is a reason.”
“Well what is it?”
“You wanted to know how I got my coffee?”
“Here it is.” He pulled out a box and pulled something out. Typical Gerard. It was a battery powered coffee machine. I shook my head. “What? I need my caffeine!”
“Uh-huh, I noticed that.”
“Don’t tell the others.”
“They’d laugh at me.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Well then they’d steal my coffee.” I laughed at that.
“Okay then, I promise I won’t tell them about your secret stash of coffee.”

A/N: had to throw in a coffee reference!!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy, and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE review!!! I’m getting lonely:(…………………………..
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