Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > A few things you need to know about Madison Palmer


by cococrazy 2 reviews


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-01-02 - Updated: 2008-01-02 - 565 words

'Brendon' Called his mom as he entered the house.'Come into the living room, your father and i wan't to have a word.'

Brendon cringed as he entered the living room, where his mom and dad were sat on the sofa, with serious expressions on their faces.
This can't be good.

'We've just recieved a call from your maths teacher, Mrs.Morrison' His mom said 'She tells us that you've recently started failing your math tests.'
'I know, i'm sorry-' Brendon began.
'And we think we know why this is' Said his dad 'You've been spending too much time with your 'band' '
'We think it's about time you really got your priorities straight' said his mom 'You need to focus on your education.'
'I know' Said Brendon 'your right- i'll try harder.'
'Yes you will. And your father and i both agree that you should quit your band to have more time to focus on your studies.'
'I can't quit the band!' Brendon wailed.
'Come now Brendon, do you really think this band of yours will get you anywhere?'
'Yes, i do' Said Brendon defiantly.
'Yes, 30 years old and still working at the smoothie hut' Scoffed his mom.
'I'm not quitting it! I'll be letting the whole band down.'
'You'll be doing them a favour too. You have far too much band practise, it's unncessary.'
'You've never even heard us play, if you did you might believe me when i say i really think our band has potential' Brendon argued.
His mom closed her eyes and pressed a hand to her forehead 'now i know you have all these dreams and fantasies about becoming a rockstar, like any boy your age, but you've got to enter the real world Brendon.'
'It's not just a fantasy! Look, mom, dad, i know your trying to help and i'm sorry i've been failing my tests but i can't just quite the band.
Besides , i've got it all sorted out now- i have a tutor.'
'Who?' His mom queried.
'Madison? Isn't that that girl , from that rich family down the road?'
'Stuck up snobs' His father grumbled.
'She's not a snob!' Shot Brendon 'She's nice and she's the smartest girl in school.'
'Madison Palmer...i've heard lot's of stories about her from the neighbours.' Said his mother. 'Apparantly she got herself pregnant at 14'
'She was never actually pregnant' said Brendon.
'Yes she was, but she just got an abortion afterwards.'
'That's not true!'
'I heard she became mentally disturbed, tried to kill herself and is now seeking physciatric help' His mother went on.
'It's all lies!' Angered Brendon 'Rumors, they're not true, so don't go saying that kind of stuff about her!'
'Don't tell me you like her Brendon. Or i might assume you'll be doing something else at your tutoring lessons with that vile girl.'
'And you know that's not the qaulities of a good mormon' Said his father.

'Would you two just shut up!' Brendon bellowed. 'Yes, i like her, and she's not just some slut OK? She doesn't even date for God's sake, so just shut up because you don't know what your talking about!.'

And with that he slammed the living room door shut and retreated to his bedroom.
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