Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Savior of the Damned

Magical Introductions

by crystalcrash 3 reviews

Thanks so much for the reviews. It means a lot to me to know I'm doing an okay job on this. You guys are awesome =) Enjoy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-01-16 - Updated: 2008-01-16 - 2120 words


Gerard and I walked outside where we found everyone sitting around the big wooden table. They obviously preferred being outside.

Ray, Bob and Aileen were whispering rapidly to one another, but stopped suddenly as they saw us exit the building and head over to them.

The table had eight seats total, four on each side. Ray and Bob were sitting on one side with Aileen sitting across from them. Gerard sat next to Aileen so I took the seat next to him. The three of them looked around nervously, afraid we had heard what they were talking about.

"Where's Kat?"Gerard asked them.

"Here I am, honey, don't send the search party just yet," said a voice coming out of the building and walking over to us.

Now that I wasn't stressed out, I could check out Kat properly. She had straight white-blond hair that was completely layered, almost reaching her hips. She had longs bangs towards one side of her pale face, partially covering her hazel eyes. There was no trace of makeup on her face except for the black eyeliner around her eyes and the mascara. She was about as tall as I was, or maybe an inch shorter. She wore tight black jeans with a blood red t-shirt that had a black laced tank-top over it. There were a few different length necklaces hanging from her neck and down her chest; all of them black but with different shapes and charms hanging from them. She was, in a word, hot.

I looked away as she walked over to the table and sat across the table in the empty seat in front of me.

"Frank, this is Kat," Gerard said.

"Yeah, we've met,"I muttered, not looking at her.

"Unfortunately."I finally looked back at her and saw she was smiling sarcastically at me.

Hot or not, she was still a bitch. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Gerard. "So... what are we going to do now that we're out here?"

"Well... I thought it would be a good idea for us to get to know each other better. Imean, you're going to form a part of the group now, so I think its best. And now that you finally believe, or kind of believe," he added as he saw me open my mouth to argue, "that magic exists, it would be nice for everyone to show their powers. Okay?" he asked, looking around at the four of them.

"What powers do you have?" Kat asked, glancing at me coldly.

"None that I know of."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "How old are you?"

"I'll be 17 on Tuesday."

"Halloween..."she stated, and looked at Gerard and the others as if wanting them to confirm something. Ray gave her a short nod, after which she turned back to me and started studying me as if I were some weird creature.

"Well... who wants to go first?" Gerard asked, deciding to break the tension that was accumulating. "Why don't you start, Kat," making it was more of a statement than a question.

With a sigh, she got up from her chair. She held out her hand, palm up, and in an instant, a figure made out of ice emerged from the center of her palm; it was a small cat in a sitting position.

I gaped at her as she took the figure with her other hand and placed it in front of me on the table, smiling contentedly.

"Where did it-? How did you-?" I stuttered, not even managing to utter a complete sentence.

"Ice, man. I can create ice with my hands. Watch." She pointed at one of the nearby torches hanging on the wall. Ice shot out of her hand, covering the fire of the torch so suddenly, that it became frozen inside the block of ice. It reminded me of the Stone of Life.

Kat sat back down in her chair, waiting for the next person to start. I was still amazed at the fact that the girl in front of me could produce ice out of nowhere.

"Do you ever run out of ice? I mean, is it like an everlasting thing, or what?" I asked Kat, as Ray got up from his chair.

"I can't produce ice when I'm really thirsty, like dehydrated. That's the only time it's ever failed me."

I nodded in amazement and looked at Gerard to share it with him. He was leaning back in his chair and smiling at me and my state of shock.

"I," Ray said, standing next to the part of the table where I was, pointing at the frozen kitty, "can animate things." With a shake of his finger, the cat made of ice that Kat had produced suddenly stood up, shook itself and took a few steps, then sat back down and began to lick its paw. "I bring inanimate objects to life," he clarified as I stared in wonder at the little kitty that was now chasing its own tail. "I can take life away from them again, if I want to," and just as he was raising his hand again to do so, I stopped him. "No, leave him like this." With one finger I stroked the cold kitty, causing it to arch its back and purr in pleasure.

I laughed as the kitty started play-fighting with my finger. "Wow... it's unbelievable."

"Aileen..."Gerard said, as a matter of saying it was her turn.

"Well, I can go into other peoples dreams and talk to them, take them places... I can manipulate dreams, is really what it is... It's actually a weak form of telepathy." She looked away from me, afraid to give herself away. The others still didn't know about the trip she took me on; except for Gerard, that is."And well, if that kitten were a real animal, I could talk to it and control it a bit too."

"Any animal?"I asked.

"It's worked on every animal I've tried so far, although some are harder to control than others; it depends on their personality."

"My turn," Bob stated eagerly, as he stood up from his chair. He walked to the other side of the building, as far as he could go in that direction. "Watch the kitty," he warned. I looked down at the table and realized the kitty had disappeared.

"It's gone..." I said. Looking back at Bob, I saw him standing in the same spot he was before in the corner, about 2 dozen feet away, with the cat in his hand. "How did you do that!" I was laughing now; it was all just too unreal.

Grinning, he said, "Super speed, man. I ran over there and back so fast you didn't even see me. You or anyone. Watch again." This time I decided to not let him catch me off guard. I stared at him, waiting for him to move, and then I heard a soft"meow" in front of me; the cat was back on the table again and I hadn't seen Bob move at all!

"Okay, that is totally awesome!"

Looking pleased with himself, he super sped over to us, appearing right next to me and giving me a scare.

"Shit! You just like, appeared next to me! That is a fucking awesome power!"

"I have another one. Actually, both of my powers are kind of opposites. The second one is stopping time, but when I run really fast, it feels like time is stopped to me, because it seems like nobody is moving. But with the time manipulation power, if I touch someone and stop time, it doesn't affect them. As long as we are touching, that is."

"Bob, that sounds so romantic..." Kat teased.

Blushing, Bob said, "Shut up, Kat." Holding his hand out to me, he said, "Here I'll show you."

I took his hand, and a few seconds afterwards, everything stopped. Everything. There was complete silence as I looked around. The flames of the torches were perfectly still, the ice kitty was frozen in mid-jump... even the people were frozen.

"Wow! You could actually do really wicked things with this power," I told him, giggling evilly. Bob nodded, also chuckling.

I looked at Gerard; he was frozen looking in Bob's direction. I looked into his green eyes that, even frozen, seemed to swirl. I tapped him slightly on the nose, giggling at the possibilities of such a cool power.

Laughing at my silliness, Bob said, "Okay, we'd better let time run again," and with a wave of his hand, everything unfroze.

I tried not to laugh or look at Gerard as he rubbed his nose with a strange look on his face.

Trying to get serious, I said, "So, Gerard, it's your turn. I know you can heal yourself, but..."

"Aside from the power sensing and the healing, I can generate force fields, but I can't control them yet... I realized I had that power just a week ago, and it sort of pops out when it wants to. When I learn how to control it, I could use it to defend and attack... it'll be nice."

I looked at him with wide eyes. "All of this is just, incredible! I... really, I never thought I'd ever see anything like this... it's! I love it," I breathed out.

Everyone smiled, pleased with my response.

"I wish I had powers too..."

Gerard patted me on the back. "You will. Just wait two days, if you can," he said with asmirk. "Although the powers are always hard to control and weak at first, but they get stronger with time and practice."

After a few moments of silence, I asked, "Hey, and what other powers does Mikey have? Or does he just have visions?"

"Ahh, so you've met Mr. Friendly. Isn't he charming? I really think he should take care of welcoming all the newcomers. I vote for him. I mean really, he'd do such a fucking fantastic job of keeping us all together and in harmony... it's makes me shudder with pleasure!" Kat said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah, we've met. I didn't actually see him for long though. What's his deal? Why is he always alone inside?"

"He needs to meditate," Aileen said quietly, avoiding Gerard's eyes. "He needs to concentrate continuously to be able to keep his visions under control."

"Bullshit..."Gerard muttered.

"It's not, Gerard, and you know it," Aileen said, barely above a whisper.

"Its bullshit and you know it! He's always in there alone because it's his fucking hiding place. He's too afraid to come out and face the real world... all he cares about are the god damned visions when he should care about the people he hurts with them."

I glanced over at him and saw that although his face was a perfect mask of hatred, his eyes were flooded with tears.

"Gerard, he's your brother!" Aileen blurted out, seeming offended.

With eyes full of pain, he responded, "Maybe someone should tell him that. What he's done... does it seem like something a man would do to his brother? Maybe he's forgotten what it means to be a family... however small it is." With that, he got up abruptly from his chair and walked inside the building, leaving the rest of us feeling awkward and helpless.

I got up from my chair and took long strides towards the door.

"Don't go after him, he just needs some time alone," Bob yelled after me.

"I think he needs just the opposite," I retorted, and entered the building. I walked to the room I knew was his and found him sitting on his bed, hunched over.

Hearing someone in his doorway, Gerard yelled, "Go the fuck away!"

"No, I'm not going anywhere." I walked over to his bed and sat next to him.

He glanced up at me, looking slightly embarrassed. "Frank, I..."

"You don't have to tell me anything, I just think you shouldn't be alone when you feel like shit, which you obviously do."

He glanced up at me through watery eyes and offered a smile. "Thanks, Frankie..." He leaned his head on my shoulder as I put an arm around him, feeling like that was my place in the world.

Everyone say with me now, "Awww." Very good.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think it's pretty cool, but hey, I wrote it. Let me know what you think.

Thanks again to all the people that left me reviews telling me that I'm doing a good job despite the lack of Frerardness. It helped me a lot. It helped me get this chapter out quickly, too =)

Thanks for reading! xoxo
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